RJMEC Chairperson: DDR process requires a holistic, comprehensive approach to succeed
The South Sudanese ownership of the Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration (DDR) is crucial and requires a holistic and comprehensive approach if it is to succeed, the Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Monitoring and Evaluation Commission has said.
While speaking during the opening session of NTC-DDR coordination meeting on Thursday September 17, 2020, H.E. Maj. Gen. Charles Tai Gituai said;
“Without doubt, it is important that the DDR Commission catches up meaningfully because DDR process is a complex, lengthy, and costly undertaking. Consequently, it must be effectively managed, funded, and supported.”
“The meeting brought together the Transitional Security Mechanisms, representatives from the AU, UN, Civil Society among other stakeholders. The meeting was intended, among other things, to recognise and address the importance of DDR as a National RTGoNU responsibility, to review the current status of the Republic of South Sudan DDR process, to identify priorities, methods of improving coordination between all stakeholders, and to identify and address the challenges in implementation of the DDR process.
Gen. Gituai said responsibility (of ensuring that the DDR process succeeds) lies with the RTGoNU (Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity), noting that “a well-coordinated DDR process, of which the relevant levels of government are clearly committed to, is potentially able to attract international funding to support activities.”
“But for that to happen, clear signals must be sent that the DDR process is functioning as it should, and that most importantly, that it provides real opportunities for ex-combatants as they return peacefully to civilian life,” he said.