RJMEC Working Committees reconvene
The reconstituted Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) working committees have started their meetings this week.
The Committees are meant to enhance effective monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the R-ARCSS 2018 and the establishment of a quarterly RJMEC evaluation review workshops to keep track.
Working Committees formed in accordance with the Chapters of the R-ARCSS 2018 are Governance Committee (Chapter I), Security Committee (Chapter II) and Humanitarian Affairs Committee (Chapter III)
Others are Resource Economic and Financial Management Committee (Chapter IV), Transitional Justice Committee (Chapter V) and Constitutional Affairs Committee (Chapter VI)
The Committees are further meant to ensure timely evaluation of progress on the implementation of the R-ARCSS through an inclusive, transparent and participatory manner.
The Working Committees will be RJMEC’s core platforms to develop monitoring and evaluation indicators for each chapter, evaluate progress of implementation, assess capacity, identify gaps and recommend remedial steps towards effective implementation of the revitalised peace agreement.
A Working Committee shall hold monthly meetings and prepare status reports to the RJMEC Chairperson. A Working Committee may convene more than one meeting a month if circumstances so necessitate.
The RJMEC Working Committees are comprised of RJMEC members, RJMEC Advisors, and Technical officials from the relevant RTGoNU line Ministry and Ministerial Clusters.