Mr President,
Members of the Council,
- I would like to thank the President of the Security Council, H.E. Dr. Tekeda Alemu, for his kind invitation to brief the Security Council today.
- My briefing will build on the previous update that I provided to the Security Council last month on the implementation of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. I will therefore focus on a quick situation update, the forthcoming JMEC evaluation report and the IGAD Revitalisation Forum.
Mr President,
3. Last month, I reported incidents of heavy fighting between SPLA-IO and SPLA-IG in some areas of the country. The scale of the fighting has changed this month with reports from CTSAMM indicating that there have been relatively fewer fighting incidents between SPLA-IG and SPLA-IO (Machar).
- However, fighting was reported between SPLA-IO (Taban) and SPLA-IO (Machar) forces in Unity and Upper Nile States causing further displacement of civilians. SPLA-IO have denied access to a joint UNMISS and CTSAMM patrol along the Nile, so we are unable to provide a full picture at this time.
- The situation concerning control of Pagak in Upper Nile State remains tense as SPLA-IG and SPLA-IO (Machar) make claims and counter claims. CTSAMM has reported the displacement of 3,000 civilians into Ethiopia.
- CTSAMM also reports fighting in the Equatorias and armed robberies in some parts of Eastern Equatoria.
- Inter-communal tensions are reported in some areas of Greater Bhar El Ghazal and in the Maban area, where Vice President, Mr James Wani Igga, has been mediating between IDP communities.
- We in JMEC are acutely aware that, due mainly to the conflict, the humanitarian crisis persists, with six million people reported severely food insecure and continued inconsistent humanitarian access.
Mr President,
9. JMEC remains fully focused on its mandate to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Peace Agreement and committed to supporting IGAD in its aim to convene a High Level Revitalisation Forum.
- To that end, yesterday, JMEC held an evaluation workshop to review a comprehensive report on the status of implementation of the Peace Agreement. Once complete, this report will be presented to IGAD as part of our contribution to ensuring a successful revitalisation forum. Allow me to elaborate.
- In March of this year we took the deliberate step of enhancing our oversight role with the formation of six JMEC Working Committees in line with the six substantive Chapters of the Agreement. Their tasks are to continuously review and evaluate progress towards the implementation of the Peace Agreement and to support and recommend remedial actions to be undertaken.
- The Working Committees have held a combined total of 38 meetings to date, engaged bi-laterally with the TGoNU and other stakeholders, and invited briefings from key Agreement institutions and implementation mechanisms.
- In line with the terms of reference for the Revitalisation Forum, agreed by the IGAD Council of Ministers on 2nd July 2017, the JMEC Working Committees have conducted a full evaluation of the status of implementation of the Peace Agreement and prepared a report, which is under consideration. I expect the final report to be published by the end of next week.
- As I have said, once the report is finalised and adopted by JMEC, it will be presented to IGAD and is intended to form the starting point for discussion in the revitalisation process.
Mr President,
15. I shall not pre-empt the final report, but overall, JMEC maintains the view that despite initial reasonable progress in the formation of the various institutions and bodies, implementation of the Peace Agreement was disrupted in July 2016 and as we stand today little substantial progress has been made in the delivery or implementation of the key provisions.
- I have previously described implementation as being “modest, at best” and from the evaluation reports presented yesterday I have heard nothing to change my view.
- Fundamental to the whole report is the irrefutable fact that the permanent ceasefire has been and continues to be violated by all the Parties with impunity and as such security has deteriorated to a critical level.
- Of fundamental importance is the fracturing of the SPLA-IO into two factions, one under the First Vice President, General Taban Deng Gai, and the other under the former First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar, who is now in exile in South Africa.
- The expansion of the number of states, from 10 to 32, and in contravention of the Peace Agreement, has also fundamentally adversely affected the intended power sharing formula.
- Whilst some progress has been made, it is greatly disappointing that after two years, there are several transitional institutions and mechanisms which have not been established, including the Special Reconstruction Fund, the Economic and Financial Management Authority, the Compensation and Reparations Authority, and key transitional justice institutions.
- Most importantly, there has been no progress whatsoever in the Permanent Constitution-making process.
Mr President,
22. JMEC’s recommendations are:
- There must be an immediate ceasefire and an end to all forms of violence.
- There is a fundamental need for a demonstration of political will by the Parties to undertake their responsibility to implement the provisions of the Peace Agreement.
- All forms of obstruction to the delivery of humanitarian aid must be removed.
- The TGoNU must expedite and conclude the constitutional and legislative amendments and initiate without further delay the Permanent Constitution-making process.
- In preparation for the return of the displaced persons, a joint framework should be developed by the TGoNU in collaboration with humanitarian partners.
- The Security Council, in collaboration with IGAD, the African Union and international partners, should put in place mechanisms to enforce compliance.
Mr President,
- In the coming weeks IGAD will convene a High Level Revitalisation Forum and I wish to take this opportunity to reaffirm our complete commitment to this process.
- Together, with one voice, we can challenge those who believe in a military solution to the conflict. We urge the Government and all Parties to engage in this inclusive political process.
- The IGAD Revitalisation Forum is the best opportunity to restore peace and rebuild governance in South Sudan.
- The National Dialogue can play a complimentary role in delivering longer term reconciliation if implemented credibly and inclusively.
- Given conditions around the country, mass displacement, severe food insecurity and the total lack of institutional and constitutional infrastructure, it is clear that credible elections will not be feasible at the end of the current transitional period. The High Level Revitalisation Forum is, therefore, the best hope for re-igniting the political process.
Mr President,
28. We hope that the JMEC evaluation will enable the Parties, the region and all South Sudanese stakeholders to pursue the revitalisation process from an informed point of view, and encourage them to take concrete steps to revitalise the implementation of the Peace Agreement without further delay.
Thank you, Mr President.
Honorable Ministers,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen;
- I welcome you all this morning to this very important and timely JMEC Evaluation Review Workshop on the status of implementation of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.
- This is a moment of great significance within JMEC’s monitoring and evaluation mandate. For the last twenty two months since November 2015 we have together faithfully executed our mandate as an oversight body.
- We have had very frank, honest and sometimes emotive conversations in our nineteen Plenary meetings to date. Together we have urged the Parties to adhere to the Peace Agreement, including the agreed tasks, timelines and implementation schedules.
- On numerous occassions we confronted, without fear or favour, the violations that unfortunately have characterised the life-span of this Peace Agreement and equally, where there has been progress we have commended the Parties responsible.
- More importantly, we have stood by the people of South Sudan, highlighted their plight and provided a forum for all Agreement stakeholders to engage the Parties and appeal for the immediate restoration of peace.
- Pursuant to Chapter VII of the Peace Agreement, we have dutifully reported as JMEC to the TGoNU, IGAD, African Union and United Nations on the status of implementation of the Peace Agreement, pointing out any progress or lack thereof, and with very practical recommendations for their consideration.
- We have submitted special reports to the IGAD leadership on key incidents and specific issues that have impacted on the implementation of the Peace Agreement, and engaged proactively with the Parties, South Sudanese stakeholders, regional and International Partners and Friends of South Sudan.
- Regrettably, the citizens of this country are yet to enjoy the peace dividend that the implementation of the Peace Agreement was expected to deliver.
- The renewed conflict since July 2016 has not only impeded progress in the implementation of the Peace Agreement but also reversed many of the gains that had been initially made.
- Conflict escalated, Parties fractured, new groups emerged, and civilians continued to be displaced and endure threat of food insecurity amidst a dire economic situation.
- It is in this context, therefore, that IGAD following our recommendation decided to initiate a process for the revitalisation of the Peace Agreement.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen;
- As you are aware, early this year in March 2017 we took a deliberate step of enhancing our oversight role with the formation of six JMEC Working Committees. Their tasks are to continuously review and assess progress towards the implementation of the Peace Agreement, evaluate, support and recommend remedial actions to be undertaken.
- The Working Committees have held a combined total of 38 meetings to date, engaged bi-laterally with the TGoNU and other stakeholders, and invited briefings from key Agreement Institutions and Implementation mechanisms.
- The Committees have prepared their evaluation reports and today we shall together consider and reflect on their findings. These findings will form a basis for JMEC’s report to IGAD on the status of implementation of the Peace Agreement which is instrumental to the success of the revitalisation process.
- I hope that the Committees’ assessment shall enable the Parties, the region and all South Sudanese stakeholders to pursue the revitalisation process from an informed point of view, and encourage them to take concrete steps to revitalise the implementation of the Peace Agreement without further delays.
- I commend all the Chairpersons of the Working Committees, their members and observers for the dedication, commitment and diligence they have maintained in evaluating the progress, or lack thereof, in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. I also commend the TGoNU for its cooperation and participation in the Working Committee meetings. I urge the Committees to continue their good work.
- From the briefings I have received, I have full confidence in the approaches that were adopted, and now invite you all to listen to their presentations and constructively engage in the spirit of finding lasting solutions to the conflict in South Sudan.
I thank you.
Mr President,
Members of the Council,
- I would like to thank the President of the Security Council, H.E. Abdellatif Aboulatta, for his kind invitation to me to brief the Security Council today.
- Today here in Juba I chaired the monthly JMEC Plenary, so I come to you via video-link from the UNMISS base. On a matter of housekeeping before I begin, I would like to note that I shall issue the pending JMEC quarterly report by the end of this month, as mandated under Chapter Seven of the Peace Agreement. I trust it will reach you all in good time.
Mr President,
- You will recall that in my briefing to you last month, I described the “one voice” initiative and the process by which IGAD mandated the convening of a High Level Revitalisation Forum for the Peace Agreement in South Sudan.
- I was very grateful for the unanimous support of the members of the Security Council for this IGAD initiative. Your support and endorsement delivers a strong message to all South Sudanese leaders that the world is watching and has high expectations of a rapid and sustained improvement in the overall situation in South Sudan.
Mr President,
- Last week the second anniversary of the signing of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan passed relatively unnoticed.
- Our perception at the time of the signing of the Peace Agreement in August 2015 was that it had ended a tragic internal conflict that had threatened to tear Africa’s youngest nation apart and it was hoped that disagreements amongst the Parties over substantive issues had been resolved.
- The Peace Agreement brought JMEC into being and we believed that our task would be simply to oversee and guide its implementation by the TGoNU.
- By now the Peace Agreement should have achieved considerable progress towards improved security and governance in this country. From day one, however, we have had to persuade the Parties to implement each and every task.
- Disagreements between the key principals and the lack of any appetite for compromise, slowed progress to a standstill and led to a growing tension in Juba that ultimately resulted in the violence of July 2016 and its continuing repercussions. Two years on since the signing of the Peace Agreement there has been little meaningful progress in its implementation.
10. Since July 2016, we, as JMEC, have remained profoundly shocked by the rampant hostilities across the country and the rapid deterioration of the political, security, humanitarian and economic situation in South Sudan. As a result, we are now rightly absorbed in a process to restore and revitalise the prominence of the Peace Agreement.
Mr President,
- In the past month, the security situation in the former Upper Nile State has worsened due to the recent offensive operations by forces of the SPLA-IG against the SPLA-IO (Machar faction) in Matthiang and Pagak.
- In today’s Plenary, I condemned all the violence that has occurred in and around Pagak over the past month and urged that military operations cease immediately. I also urged all Parties involved to facilitate CTSAMM’s access to investigate and report on the situation in Pagak.
- In this month that we have marked World Humanitarian Day, tens of thousands of people in Upper Nile have been forced to flee their homes, and humanitarian aid workers had no choice but to relocate from the area and suspend delivery of support to those in need.
- This cycle of violence, displacement and deprivation of humanitarian support has been repeated around the country over the past year and has led to untold misery among those who seek only to live peacefully and provide for their families.
Mr President,
- Over the past week, there has been some unfortunate confusion and dispute over the deployment of advance elements of the Regional Protection Force. One impact of this dispute was the temporary grounding of all UN flights which had a direct impact on the operations of CTSAMM. This is deeply regretable and I urge TGoNU to resolve issues with UNMISS swiftly and facilitate the deployment of this force without further hindrance, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2304 (2016).
- To that end, I have further urged IGAD to convene the meeting between the TGoNU, UNMISS and the Chiefs of Defence Forces of the Troop Contributing Countries, as specified in the IGAD Communique of 12th June 2017. This meeting has not yet taken place and as a result, key issues affecting the practical deployment of this Force have not been addressed and serious challenges are arising.
Mr President,
17. The IGAD Council of Ministers met on 24th July 2017, for the first time in Juba. In their Communique that day, the Council of Ministers empowered the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan to coordinate the revitalization process, including all stakeholders and institutions charged with responsibility for the implementation of the Peace Agreement. The Council also urged all South Sudanese stakeholders to embrace the objectives of the High Level Revitalisation Forum and collaborate with the IGAD Special Envoy to achieve a positive outcome.
18. It is essential to stress a number of issues regarding this Revitalisation Forum in order to ensure full understanding:
i. The Revitalisation Forum is an IGAD initiative mandated by the Summit of Heads of State and Government and executed by the Council of Ministers through the office of the new IGAD Special Envoy. Our role, as JMEC, is to support IGAD in its efforts to convene this Forum.
- Whilst the Forum sets out with three objectives – 1) to reinstate the Permanent Ceasefire; 2) to reinstate full and inclusive implementation of the Peace Agreement; and 3) to develop revised and realistic timelines for implementation towards elections at the end of the transition period – the outcomes of the Forum are not pre-determined.
- It will be for the Parties and estranged groups to determine and commit to the outcomes of this Forum. After all, in the end, the responsibility for the implementation of the Peace Agreement lies squarely with these same Parties.
- This is a Forum through which to explore options that can restore the prominence of the peace process taking account of current realities. It is our hope that this revitalisation process will be pursued in the spirit of peace, inclusivity and compromise.
- In JMEC’s perspective, for the Revitalisation process to succeed, there is need for demonstrable political will by the Parties and estranged groups to be inclusive and to accommodate one another politically, rather than defeat each other militarily.
- We must all speak with “one voice” to the leaders of South Sudan and align our actions. There should be clear consequences for intransigent groups, spoilers and violations.
- The Parties must commit to adhere to any revised timelines and implementation schedules and there is need to determine and secure adequate funding for implementation of the revitalised Peace Agreement.
I thank you, Mr President.
Honourable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.
1. I welcome you all to our August plenary.
2. Last week the second anniversary of the signing of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan passed relatively unnoticed.
3. Our perception at the time of the signing of the Peace Agreement in August 2015 was that it had ended a tragic internal conflict that had threatened to tear Africa’s youngest nation apart and it was hoped that disagreements amongst the Parties over substantive issues had been resolved.
4. The Peace Agreement brought JMEC into being and we believed that our task would be simply to oversee and guide its implementation by the TGoNU, including the adherence by the Parties to agreed timelines.
5. By now the Peace Agreement should have achieved considerable progress towards improved security and governance in this country. From day one, however, we have had to persuade the Parties to implement each and every task in accordance with the Peace Agreement.
6. Disagreements between the key principals and the lack of any appetite for compromise, slowed progress to a standstill and led to a growing tension in Juba that ultimately resulted in the violence of July 2016 and its continuing repercussions. Two years on since the signing of the Peace Agreement there has been little meaningful progress in its implementation.
7. Since July 2016, we, as JMEC, have remained profoundly shocked by the rampant hostilities across the country and the rapid deterioration of the political, security, humanitarian and economic situation in South Sudan. As a result, we are now rightly absorbed in a process to restore and revitalise the prominence of the Peace Agreement. I shall return to this later.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
8. Since our last meeting in July, the security situation in the former Upper Nile State has worsened due to the recent offensive operations by forces of the SPLA-IG against the SPLA-IO (Machar) in Matthiang and Pagak.
9. I condemn all the violence that has occurred in and around Pagak over the past month and urge that military operations cease immediately. I also urge all Parties involved to facilitate CTSAMM’s access to investigate and report on the situation in Pagak.
10. In this month that we have marked World Humanitarian Day, tens of thousands of people in Upper Nile have been forced to flee their homes, and humanitarian aid workers had no choice but to relocate from the area and suspend delivery of support to those in need.
11.This cycle of violence, displacement and deprivation of humanitarian support has been repeated around the country over the past year and has led to untold misery among those who seek only to live peacefully and provide for their families.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
12. More generally, CTSAMM continues to receive reports that all Parties are carrying out serious breaches of the Permanent Ceasefire across the country and as a result the suffering of the South Sudanese people continues without remission.
13.In the majority of CTSAMM violation reports the same recommendation is made but ignored: that leaders must ensure adherence to the provisions of the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements.
14. Offensive military campaigns like those seen now in Pagak should not be taking place, especially after the recent unilateral declaration of a ceasefire by H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan. An immediate restoration of the Permanent Ceasefire is needed to ensure that recommendations are implemented and the violence ends.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
15. I commend the Transitional National Legislative Assembly for electing its representatives for the first time to the East African Legislative Assembly, an important organ of the East African Community. This is a significant development for the country towards regional integration.
16. The Strategic Defence and Security Review Board is making slow progress in stage one of their responsibilities, namely the presentation of a strategic security assessment, a security policy framework and a revised defence policy. We hope that the one million US dollars pledged by the TGoNU will be delivered promptly to assist its activities.
17. We note that the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission is reporting the possible assembly and cantonment of opposition troops in five areas of the country but verification through CTSAMM will still be required.
18. However, there has been no movement on the establishment of a second training cohort for the Joint Integrated Police since the graduation of the first group in June.
19. On a positive note, I welcome the opening of the Joint Operations Centre and the conclusion of the initial training of operational managers and staff, under direct support from the United States. The opening of the Joint Operations Centre is a welcome achievement under the Peace Agreement. I now urge the security sector to prioritize its ulitization and to finalize implementation of the agreed, and long overdue, Transitional Security Arrangements for Juba.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
20. On 22nd June the UN announced that the famine in South Sudan had eased. This is largely due to the financial and operational support provided by the international community towards the alleviation of this desperate humanitarian crisis. By mid-August 2017, the Humanitarian Response Plan had been almost two-thirds funded to the tune of 1 billion US dollars. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the international community for this resolute support. However, a funding gap of 600 million US dollars still remains.
21. The imminent threat of famine may have receded, but the number of people who are severely food insecure continues to rise. According to figures released by the UN, since our last meeting a further half a million more people are food insecure, many on the brink of famine.
22. Six million people - half of the entire population - are now severely food insecure, and the continuous displacement from the Equatoria region, the bread basket of South Sudan, might further increase future food insecurity as cultivation is disrupted.
23. The total number of displaced South Sudanese people is now four million, of which two million are internally displaced and two million are refugees in neighbouring countries. The UN continues to report the occurrence of gross human rights abuses, in the form of indiscriminate killings, rape, sexual violence against girls, boys, women and men, and the destruction of property.
24. Although famine has been averted for now, the overall humanitarian situation remains dire and there is no room for complacency. Humanitarian access is still frequently hampered and according to recent UN OCHA figures, the number of reported humanitarian access incidents rose from 89 in May to 136 in July 2017.
25. I am encouraged, however, that immediately following our last plenary, JMEC organised and hosted a joint Humanitarian Affairs Discussion Forum, with the participation of the TGoNU, humanitarian community and donors, to discuss steps in reducing the impediments to delivery of humanitarian assistance. I hope that the outcome of the Forum will contribute to improved humanitarian access in line with the provisions of Chapter III of the Peace Agreement.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
26. On the economy, I welcome the progress made by the TGoNU in reducing the severe level of economic instability experienced since 2016. High levels of borrowing from the Central Bank had contributed to increased inflation and exchange rate depreciation. This borrowing has now been substantially reduced. The pursuit of economic stability must continue to provide a framework for economic recovery.
27. Strengthening oil prices have helped government revenue evolve more favourably than had been anticipated, but revenue growth continues to be limited by low oil production, poor prospects for increasing oil production in the near future and low levels of non- oil revenue. In that regard I welcome the efforts of the TGoNU to increase revenue performance by pushing ahead with the establishment of a fully functional National Revenue Authority.
28. To further streamline spending and increase budget efficiency I would urge the TGoNU to continue with its plans to unwind the petrol subsidy and to pay down the arrears owed to public sector workers and suppliers of goods and services. Indeed it is critical to lay the foundation for sound budget management and economic growth, both of which are key components in the realization of the implementation of Chapter Four of the Peace Agreement.
29. I must again stress that an urgent resolution to the conflict in South Sudan is a necessary condition to strengthen and consolidate economic stability while beginning the huge task of creating conditions for broader economic growth and development. This will necessarily include increasing agricultural production, improving oil and other revenue sources, and encouraging growth in the rest of the private sector, particularly the service sector.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
30. I regret to note that the preparatory work by the multi-stakeholder committee on consultations on the Commission on Truth, Reconciliation and Healing has not progressed beyond that which I reported last month. This committee has not conducted further awareness raising missions as planned, partly due to the lack of resources.
31. On the establishment of the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, I am happy to report that the African Union Commission Office of the Legal Counsel and the TGoNU held preliminary consultations in Juba and Addis Ababa to discuss the draft legal instruments necessary to establish the Court. I am informed by the African Union Commission that an agreement on the legislative framework for the establishment of the Court could be complete by the end of October 2017.
32. I urge the African Union Commission and TGoNU to maintain the momentum achieved over the last few weeks and move to establish the Hybrid Court for South Sudan as soon as possible. As I have said before, accountability and justice are important building blocks for peace and reconciliation, and the Hybrid Court will constitute a cornerstone in building accountability and the rule of law for this Republic.
33. A new Permanent Constitution is a pre-requisite for the conduct of elections at the end of the Transitional Period. Even though we are out of time, and rightly in pursuit of revitalization and revision of timelines, the initiation of a Permanent Constitution–making process remains a priority. The new constitution will embody the aspirations of the people of South Sudan and establish a benchmark for democratisation and the rule of law.
34. It is a matter of regret, therefore, that even the process of incorporating the provisions of the Peace Agreement into the Transitional Constitution remains outstanding – it is now four months since the Constitutional Amendment Bill was handed over to the TGoNU by the National Constitutional Amendment Committee. I urge the TGoNU to finalise this process immediately and demonstrate its commitment to the Peace Agreement.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
35. The six JMEC Working Committees are all meeting on a regular basis and since the last plenary, collectively, they have met twelve times.
36. I should stress that the tasks of these Working Committees are not only to monitor and evaluate each chapter but also to provide advice and recommend remedial actions to be undertaken by the TGoNU and other bodies responsible for implementation of the Peace Agreement.
37. Currently all Working Committees are in the process of preparing and adopting an evaluation of the current status of the Peace Agreement, chapter by chapter, with clear recommendations ahead of the High Level Revitalisation Forum.
38. To this end, a JMEC Evaluation Workshop will result in a final evaluation report which I will forward to the Chairperson of IGAD as JMEC’s contribution to the IGAD High Level Revitalisation Forum.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
39. I will now return to the issue of the IGAD-led High Level Revitalisation Forum for the Peace Agreement.
40. We will all recall that the IGAD Council of Ministers met on 24th July 2017, for the first time in Juba. In their Communique that day, the Council of Ministers empowered the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan to coordinate the revitalization process including all stakeholders and institutions charged with the responsibility for the implementation of the Peace Agreement. The Council also urged all South Sudanese stakeholders to embrace the objectives of the High Level Revitalisation Forum and collaborate with the IGAD Special Envoy to achieve a positive outcome.
41. It is essential to stress a number of issues regarding this Revitalisation Forum in order to avoid any misunderstandings:
i. The Revitalisation Forum is an IGAD initiative mandated by the Summit of Heads of State and Government and executed by the Council of Ministers through the office of the new IGAD Special Envoy. Our role, as JMEC, is to support IGAD in its efforts to convene this Forum.
ii. Whilst the Forum sets out with three objectives – 1) to reinstate the Permanent Ceasefire; 2) to reinstate full and inclusive implementation of the Peace Agreement; and 3) to develop revised and realistic timelines for implementation towards elections at the end of the transition period – the outcomes of the Forum are not pre-determined.
iii. It will be for the Parties and estranged groups to determine and commit to the outcomes of this Forum. After all, in the end, the responsibility for the implementation of the Peace Agreement lies squarely with these same Parties.
iv. This is a Forum through which to explore options that can restore the prominence of the peace process taking account of current realities. It is our hope that this revitalisation process will be pursued in the spirit of peace, inclusivity and compromise.
42. In JMEC’s perspective, for the Revitalisation process to succeed and for effective implementation of the Peace Agreement to be achieved, there is need for demonstrable political will by the Parties and estranged groups to be inclusive and to accommodate one another politically, rather than defeat each other militarily.
43. We must all speak with “one voice” to the leaders of South Sudan and align our actions. There should be clear consequences for intransigent groups, spoilers and violations. The Parties must commit to adhere to any revised timelines and implementation schedules and there is need to determine and secure adequate funding for implementation of the revitalised Peace Agreement.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
44. Over the past week, there has been some unfortunate confusion and dispute over the deployment of advance elements of the Regional Protection Force. One impact of this dispute was the temporary grounding of all UN flights which had a direct impact on the operations of CTSAMM. This is deeply regretable and I urge TGoNU to resolve issues with UNMISS swiftly and facilitate the deployment of this force without further hindrance, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2304 (2016).
45. To that end, I further urge IGAD to urgently convene the meeting between the Chiefs of Defence Forces of the Troop Contributing Countries, the TGoNU, and UNMISS as specified in the IGAD Communique of 12th June 2017. This meeting has not yet taken place and as a result, key issues affecting the practical deployment of this force have not been addressed and serious challenges are arising.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
46. I conclude with the following recommendations for this Plenary:
a. We demand a total cessation of violence around the country and a commitment by all parties and groups to pursue a political path to reconciling their differences; we further urge all parties to the Peace Agreement to facilitate access to CTSAMM to conduct their work;
b. We welcome and commit to the revitalisation of the implementation of the Peace Agreement, and call upon all parties and estranged groups to seize this opportunity and make concrete proposals for consideration at the Forum;
c. In line with the Communique of the IGAD Summit of 12th June 2017, we urge IGAD to convene the meeting between the TGoNU, UNMISS and the Chiefs of Defence of the Troop Contributing Countries with regard to the deployment of the Regional Protection Force. We strongly recommend that this meeting be held in Juba.
d. We urge the TGoNU to immediately conclude the Constitutional Amendment process, and to initiate the Permanent Constitution-making Process;
e. ABOVE ALL we demand a sustained improvement of the conditions for delivery of humanitarian assistance; and finally,
f. We urge full cooperation of all Parties and groups to fulfil the mandate of the Revitalisation Forum and I call upon the EU and IGAD to urgently convene the JMEC Partners Forum to discuss and commit support for the revitalisation process.
47. I expect this Plenary to:
a. receive a briefing from the TGoNU on recent progress made in implementing the Peace Agreement;
b. receive an update from TGoNU and UNMISS on the current humanitarian situation, in particular on steps taken to facilitate unfettered humanitarian access;
c. receive summary reports on the status of the various Boards and Commissions of the Peace Agreement and the progress towards their objectives; and,
d. welcome the progress that is being made by the various JMEC Working Committees, and commend the Chairpersons and members for their commitment and contributions.
48. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank all our partners in the TGoNU, the other South Sudanese stakeholders, IGAD, AU, Troika, EU, China, the UN, UNMISS, and the International Partners
and Friends of South Sudan for their commitment and continued support to JMEC, and appeal for full support for the revitalisation process.
49. May God bless us all and continue to guide us in the relentless pursuit of peace.
I thank you.
Honourable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.
1. I welcome you all to our August plenary.
2. Last week the second anniversary of the signing of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan passed relatively unnoticed.
3. Our perception at the time of the signing of the Peace Agreement in August 2015 was that it had ended a tragic internal conflict that had threatened to tear Africa’s youngest nation apart and it was hoped that disagreements amongst the Parties over substantive issues had been resolved.
4. The Peace Agreement brought JMEC into being and we believed that our task would be simply to oversee and guide its implementation by the TGoNU, including the adherence by the Parties to agreed timelines.
5. By now the Peace Agreement should have achieved considerable progress towards improved security and governance in this country. From day one, however, we have had to persuade the Parties to implement each and every task in accordance with the Peace Agreement.
6. Disagreements between the key principals and the lack of any appetite for compromise, slowed progress to a standstill and led to a growing tension in Juba that ultimately resulted in the violence of July 2016 and its continuing repercussions. Two years on since the signing of the Peace Agreement there has been little meaningful progress in its implementation.
7. Since July 2016, we, as JMEC, have remained profoundly shocked by the rampant hostilities across the country and the rapid deterioration of the political, security, humanitarian and economic situation in South Sudan. As a result, we are now rightly absorbed in a process to restore and revitalise the prominence of the Peace Agreement. I shall return to this later.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
8. Since our last meeting in July, the security situation in the former Upper Nile State has worsened due to the recent offensive operations by forces of the SPLA-IG against the SPLA-IO (Machar) in Matthiang and Pagak.
9. I condemn all the violence that has occurred in and around Pagak over the past month and urge that military operations cease immediately. I also urge all Parties involved to facilitate CTSAMM’s access to investigate and report on the situation in Pagak.
10. In this month that we have marked World Humanitarian Day, tens of thousands of people in Upper Nile have been forced to flee their homes, and humanitarian aid workers had no choice but to relocate from the area and suspend delivery of support to those in need.
11. This cycle of violence, displacement and deprivation of humanitarian support has been repeated around the country over the past year and has led to untold misery among those who seek only to live peacefully and provide for their families.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
12. More generally, CTSAMM continues to receive reports that all Parties are carrying out serious breaches of the Permanent Ceasefire across the country and as a result the suffering of the South Sudanese people continues without remission.
13. In the majority of CTSAMM violation reports the same recommendation is made but ignored: that leaders must ensure adherence to the provisions of the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements.
14. Offensive military campaigns like those seen now in Pagak should not be taking place, especially after the recent unilateral declaration of a ceasefire by H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan. An immediate restoration of the Permanent Ceasefire is needed to ensure that recommendations are implemented and the violence ends.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
15. I commend the Transitional National Legislative Assembly for electing its representatives for the first time to the East African Legislative Assembly, an important organ of the East African Community. This is a significant development for the country towards regional integration.
16. The Strategic Defence and Security Review Board is making slow progress in stage one of their responsibilities, namely the presentation of a strategic security assessment, a security policy framework and a revised defence policy. We hope that the one million US dollars pledged by the TGoNU will be delivered promptly to assist its activities.
17. We note that the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission is reporting the possible assembly and cantonment of opposition troops in five areas of the country but verification through CTSAMM will still be required.
18. However, there has been no movement on the establishment of a second training cohort for the Joint Integrated Police since the graduation of the first group in June.
19. On a positive note, I welcome the opening of the Joint Operations Centre and the conclusion of the initial training of operational managers and staff, under direct support from the United States. The opening of the Joint Operations Centre is a welcome achievement under the Peace Agreement. I now urge the security sector to prioritize its ulitization and to finalize implementation of the agreed, and long overdue, Transitional Security Arrangements for Juba.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
20. On 22nd June the UN announced that the famine in South Sudan had eased. This is largely due to the financial and operational support provided by the international community towards the alleviation of this desperate humanitarian crisis. By mid-August 2017, the Humanitarian Response Plan had been almost two-thirds funded to the tune of 1 billion US dollars. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the international community for this resolute support. However, a funding gap of 600 million US dollars still remains.
21. The imminent threat of famine may have receded, but the number of people who are severely food insecure continues to rise. According to figures released by the UN, since our last meeting a further half a million more people are food insecure, many on the brink of famine.
22. Six million people – half of the entire population – are now severely food insecure, and the continuous displacement from the Equatoria region, the bread basket of South Sudan, might further increase future food insecurity as cultivation is disrupted.
23. The total number of displaced South Sudanese people is now four million, of which two million are internally displaced and two million are refugees in neighbouring countries. The UN continues to report the occurrence of gross human rights abuses, in the form of indiscriminate killings, rape, sexual violence against girls, boys, women and men, and the destruction of property.
24. Although famine has been averted for now, the overall humanitarian situation remains dire and there is no room for complacency. Humanitarian access is still frequently hampered and according to recent UN OCHA figures, the number of reported humanitarian access incidents rose from 89 in May to 136 in July 2017.
25. I am encouraged, however, that immediately following our last plenary, JMEC organised and hosted a joint Humanitarian Affairs Discussion Forum, with the participation of the TGoNU, humanitarian community and donors, to discuss steps in reducing the impediments to delivery of humanitarian assistance. I hope that the outcome of the Forum will contribute to improved humanitarian access in line with the provisions of Chapter III of the Peace Agreement.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
26. On the economy, I welcome the progress made by the TGoNU in reducing the severe level of economic instability experienced since 2016. High levels of borrowing from the Central Bank had contributed to increased inflation and exchange rate depreciation. This borrowing has now been substantially reduced. The pursuit of economic stability must continue to provide a framework for economic recovery.
27. Strengthening oil prices have helped government revenue evolve more favourably than had been anticipated, but revenue growth continues to be limited by low oil production, poor prospects for increasing oil production in the near future and low levels of non- oil revenue. In that regard I welcome the efforts of the TGoNU to increase revenue performance by pushing ahead with the establishment of a fully functional National Revenue Authority.
28. To further streamline spending and increase budget efficiency I would urge the TGoNU to continue with its plans to unwind the petrol subsidy and to pay down the arrears owed to public sector workers and suppliers of goods and services. Indeed, it is critical to lay the foundation for sound budget management and economic growth, both of which are key components in the realization of the implementation of Chapter Four of the Peace Agreement.
29. I must again stress that an urgent resolution to the conflict in South Sudan is a necessary condition to strengthen and consolidate economic stability while beginning the huge task of creating conditions for broader economic growth and development. This will necessarily include increasing agricultural production, improving oil and other revenue sources, and encouraging growth in the rest of the private sector, particularly the service sector.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
30. I regret to note that the preparatory work by the multi-stakeholder committee on consultations on the Commission on Truth, Reconciliation and Healing has not progressed beyond that which I reported last month. This committee has not conducted further awareness raising missions as planned, partly due to the lack of resources.
31. On the establishment of the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, I am happy to report that the African Union Commission Office of the Legal Counsel and the TGoNU held preliminary consultations in Juba and Addis Ababa to discuss the draft legal instruments necessary to establish the Court. I am informed by the African Union Commission that an agreement on the legislative framework for the establishment of the Court could be complete by the end of October 2017.
32. I urge the African Union Commission and TGoNU to maintain the momentum achieved over the last few weeks and move to establish the Hybrid Court for South Sudan as soon as possible. As I have said before, accountability and justice are important building blocks for peace and reconciliation, and the Hybrid Court will constitute a cornerstone in building accountability and the rule of law for this Republic.
33. A new Permanent Constitution is a pre-requisite for the conduct of elections at the end of the Transitional Period. Even though we are out of time, and rightly in pursuit of revitalization and revision of timelines, the initiation of a Permanent Constitution–making process remains a priority. The new constitution will embody the aspirations of the people of South Sudan and establish a benchmark for democratisation and the rule of law.
34. It is a matter of regret, therefore, that even the process of incorporating the provisions of the Peace Agreement into the Transitional Constitution remains outstanding – it is now four months since the Constitutional Amendment Bill was handed over to the TGoNU by the National Constitutional Amendment Committee. I urge the TGoNU to finalise this process immediately and demonstrate its commitment to the Peace Agreement.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
35. The six JMEC Working Committees are all meeting on a regular basis and since the last plenary, collectively, they have met twelve times.
36. I should stress that the tasks of these Working Committees are not only to monitor and evaluate each chapter but also to provide advice and recommend remedial actions to be undertaken by the TGoNU and other bodies responsible for implementation of the Peace Agreement.
37. Currently all Working Committees are in the process of preparing and adopting an evaluation of the current status of the Peace Agreement, chapter by chapter, with clear recommendations ahead of the High Level Revitalisation Forum.
38. To this end, a JMEC Evaluation Workshop will result in a final evaluation report which I will forward to the Chairperson of IGAD as JMEC’s contribution to the IGAD High Level Revitalisation Forum.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
39. I will now return to the issue of the IGAD-led High Level Revitalisation Forum for the Peace Agreement.
40. We will all recall that the IGAD Council of Ministers met on 24th July 2017, for the first time in Juba. In their Communique that day, the Council of Ministers empowered the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan to coordinate the revitalization process including all stakeholders and institutions charged with the responsibility for the implementation of the Peace Agreement. The Council also urged all South Sudanese stakeholders to embrace the objectives of the High Level Revitalisation Forum and collaborate with the IGAD Special Envoy to achieve a positive outcome.
41. It is essential to stress a number of issues regarding this Revitalisation Forum in order to avoid any misunderstandings:
a. The Revitalisation Forum is an IGAD initiative mandated by the Summit of Heads of State and Government and executed by the Council of Ministers through the office of the new IGAD Special Envoy. Our role, as JMEC, is to support IGAD in its efforts to convene this Forum.
b. Whilst the Forum sets out with three objectives – 1) to reinstate the Permanent Ceasefire; 2) to reinstate full and inclusive implementation of the Peace Agreement; and 3) to develop revised and realistic timelines for implementation towards elections at the end of the transition period – the outcomes of the Forum are not pre-determined.
c. It will be for the Parties and estranged groups to determine and commit to the outcomes of this Forum. After all, in the end, the responsibility for the implementation of the Peace Agreement lies squarely with these same Parties.
d. This is a Forum through which to explore options that can restore the prominence of the peace process taking account of current realities. It is our hope that this revitalisation process will be pursued in the spirit of peace, inclusivity and compromise.
42. In JMEC’s perspective, for the Revitalisation process to succeed and for effective implementation of the Peace Agreement to be achieved, there is need for demonstrable political will by the Parties and estranged groups to be inclusive and to accommodate one another politically, rather than defeat each other militarily.
43. We must all speak with “one voice” to the leaders of South Sudan and align our actions. There should be clear consequences for intransigent groups, spoilers and violations. The Parties must commit to adhere to any revised timelines and implementation schedules and there is need to determine and secure adequate funding for implementation of the revitalised Peace Agreement.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
44. Over the past week, there has been some unfortunate confusion and dispute over the deployment of advance elements of the Regional Protection Force. One impact of this dispute was the temporary grounding of all UN flights which had a direct impact on the operations of CTSAMM. This is deeply regretable and I urge TGoNU to resolve issues with UNMISS swiftly and facilitate the deployment of this force without further hindrance, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2304 (2016).
45. To that end, I further urge IGAD to urgently convene the meeting between the Chiefs of Defence Forces of the Troop Contributing Countries, the TGoNU, and UNMISS as specified in the IGAD Communique of 12th June 2017. This meeting has not yet taken place and as a result, key issues affecting the practical deployment of this force have not been addressed and serious challenges are arising.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
46. I conclude with the following recommendations for this Plenary:
a. We demand a total cessation of violence around the country and a commitment by all parties and groups to pursue a political path to reconciling their differences; we further urge all parties to the Peace Agreement to facilitate access to CTSAMM to conduct their work;
b. We welcome and commit to the revitalisation of the implementation of the Peace Agreement, and call upon all parties and estranged groups to seize this opportunity and make concrete proposals for consideration at the Forum;
c. In line with the Communique of the IGAD Summit of 12th June 2017, we urge IGAD to convene the meeting between the TGoNU, UNMISS and the Chiefs of Defence of the Troop Contributing Countries with regard to the deployment of the Regional Protection Force. We strongly recommend that this meeting be held in Juba.
d. We urge the TGoNU to immediately conclude the Constitutional Amendment process, and to initiate the Permanent Constitution-making Process;
e. ABOVE ALL we demand a sustained improvement of the conditions for delivery of humanitarian assistance; and finally,
f. We urge full cooperation of all Parties and groups to fulfil the mandate of the Revitalisation Forum and I call upon the EU and IGAD to urgently convene the JMEC Partners Forum to discuss and commit support for the revitalisation process.
47. I expect this Plenary to:
a. receive a briefing from the TGoNU on recent progress made in implementing the Peace Agreement;
b. receive an update from TGoNU and UNMISS on the current humanitarian situation, in particular on steps taken to facilitate unfettered humanitarian access;
c. receive summary reports on the status of the various Boards and Commissions of the Peace Agreement and the progress towards their objectives; and,
d. welcome the progress that is being made by the various JMEC Working Committees, and commend the Chairpersons and members for their commitment and contributions.
48. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank all our partners in the TGoNU, the other South Sudanese stakeholders, IGAD, AU, Troika, EU, China, the UN, UNMISS, and the International Partners and Friends of South Sudan for their commitment and continued support to JMEC, and appeal for full support for the revitalization process.
49. May God bless us all and continue to guide us in the relentless pursuit of peace.
I thank you.
Chairperson, Honourable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.
- Welcome to Juba and thank you for your kind invitation to me to brief you all again today.
- I would like to begin by commending IGAD for their leadership at this critical time and reiterating JMEC’s full support for the IGAD initiative to convene a High Level Revitalisation Forum of the Implementation of the Peace Agreement. Your meeting here today is an important step in the revitalization process and a display of collective commitment that will reassure the people of South Sudan of our determination to address their desire for peace and stability.
- The Peace Agreement can recover from the turmoil of the past twelve months, but to do so we must take stock of the current situation, review progress to date and identify the key challenges that restrain comprehensive implementation of the Agreement, especially the restoration of the ceasefire.
- I have talked about seizing this moment of opportunity and we firmly believe that a resolute and unified approach by IGAD, the African Union, the UN and the international community, and with reasonable and peaceful cooperation of the South Sudanese leaders, we can recover lost ground and restore hope to the people of South Sudan.
- At our last meeting earlier this month, I outlined our suggestion for a process that would aid the successful convening of the Forum. With the recent appointment of your Special Envoy, Ambassador Ismail Wais, and with the support of the IGAD Secretariat and JMEC, we are now in the process of implementing the activities outlined in the indicative matrix.
- Furthermore, alongside constant dialogue with the IGAD Special Envoy, I have completed a comprehensive first round of consultations with H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit, H.E. the First Vice President General Taban Deng Gai, the TGoNU, and JMEC representatives from the South Sudanese stakeholders, regional guarantors and the international community. Whilst there remains considerable detail to be resolved, there is agreement across the board of the importance of this Forum; your Forum, Honourable Ministers.
- I also take note of the various regional initiatives on South Sudan aimed at restoring peace and stability in the country. I reiterate the need to align all our actions and strategies to ensure that all initiatives compliment the implementation of the Peace Agreement.
Chairperson, Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- Our task and its objectives remain as we have discussed previously – “to convene a High-level Revitalization Forum of the Parties to the Agreement, including estranged groups, to discuss concrete measures to 1) restore the permanent ceasefire, 2) return to full implementation of the Peace Agreement and 3) develop a revised and realistic timeline and implementation schedule towards democratic elections at the end of the transition period”.
- Since March we have consistently posed three key questions that have coalesced our thinking – how do we stop the fighting, how do we stop people dying of starvation and how do we restore inclusivity to the implementation of the Agreement? In combination with our One Voice message, these thoughts have played their part in leading to this Forum.
- In my brief today, however, I would like to focus on the central questions that lie at the heart of the Forum’s mandate. But before I do that, there are some essential principles that bear reiteration and reinforcement.
- First is the principle of revitalisation itself. JMEC maintains that the Peace Agreement remains an important and viable means through which to deliver a sustainable peace. The Peace Agreement is extant and eminently worthy of revitalisation. However all Parties must be committed to this objective.
- Second, revitalisation of the Agreement will be exactly that – the reinvigoration, re-energising and re-engagement of the 2015 Peace Agreement. The Forum should examine progress made in implementing the Peace Agreement in the context of the current situation, determine impediments to further progress and seek concrete proposals to resolve those impediments.
- The revitalisation process should address the current political realities in South Sudan and this Forum must focus on current issues.
- Third is the principle of inclusivity. It is reasonable and fair to acknowledge that the turmoil of the last year has led to the disengagement of some Parties to the Agreement, and the emergence of groups whose interests are relevant to the implementation of the Peace Agreement.
- It is therefore equally fair and reasonable for the revitalisation process to seek ways in which key actors can be identified and engaged or re-engaged in the interest of successfully achieving our objectives, most particularly the restoration of the Permanent Ceasefire.
- Lastly, the principle of peace and compromise. Progress of any sort is only possible within a peaceful and secure environment. All South Sudanese leaders must renounce violence, lay down their weapons and come to the table willing to seek a political solution.
- Ultimately, the success of this process will require a willingness on the part of the Parties to the Agreement and all estranged and other groups to compromise and accommodate one another politically.
Chairperson, Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- I want to turn now to the questions I believe we must consider as we build towards the High Level Revitalisation Forum.
- What are the key relevant issues that the Forum must address?
- How do we ensure the Forum remains focused on its mandate?
- Who are the necessary participants whose attendance is critical to the
achievement of our goals?
- Where should the Forum be held?
- How do we ensure compliance with the Forum’s resolutions?
- I raise these questions as a means to focus our debate on relevant matters that directly affect a successful outcome of the Forum. There will be a wide range of opinion and it will be for IGAD to determine the best way forward.
- Itissimplynotpossibletooverstate,forexample,thefundamentalnecessity to restore the Permanent Ceasefire in our quest to stem the tide of refugees, enable unfettered delivery of aid to those in need within the country and contemplate returning IDPs and refugees to their homes. And that is before we touch on the provisions and requirements of the Peace Agreement.
- I commend the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management for the positive work it has done so far in the process of reviewing its five- year strategic plan and I hope the strategy will be properly aligned with Chapter Three of the Agreement. This is particularly important as key aspects of Chapter 3 still remain untouched.
- Furthermore, in order to address some of the current critical issues, JMEC hosted a Humanitarian Discussion Forum for all humanitarian actors, TGoNU and international partners. We hope that the outcome of this forum will help to improve the effective delivery of humanitarian relief to the vast number of people in need of help.
- TheurgentrestorationofthePermanentCeasefireisalsonecessaryforany meaningful progress to be made in pursuing economic stability and growth within the country. Implementation of Chapter Four of the Agreement has been severely constrained by the ongoing conflict combined with capacity and technical limitations.
- In the meantime the economic situation continues to deteriorate with high inflation levels, a grossly devalued currency and limited prospects for increasing non-oil revenues, which has negatively impacted budget execution.
- We have consistently recognized the progress that has been made under Chapter One, particularly with regard to the Transitional Government for National Unity (TGoNU) and the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA). However, inclusive representation and gender balance within the TGoNU and National Assembly has not yet been fully achieved and a huge number of other institutions described in Chapter One have yet to be reconstituted.
- Afteraslowstart,throughnofaultoftheirown,theNationalConstitutional Amendment Committee has made quick and efficient progress and has delivered a draft Amendment Bill to the Government for further processing. However, the critical process of incorporating the Agreement into the Transitional Constitution has stalled as the Amendment Bill has not yet been delivered by the TGoNU to the TNLA.
- ChapterFivemandatestheestablishmentoftransitionaljusticemechanisms that address accountability, reconciliation and healing as well as the provision of reparations for victims of violations. Progress in implementation of this chapter is negligible. A restoration of the permanent ceasefire is necessary to facilitate a conducive environment for healing and reconciliation to take place.
- The process of permanent constitution-making envisaged in Chapter Six was expected to have been completed within eighteen months of the signing of the Peace Agreement but has not even begun. This is a critical process for the sustainability of peace and democratization in the Republic of South Sudan.
- Finally, in Chapter Two, however, we are seeing a concerted effort within the Strategic Defence Security Review Board, Joint Military Ceasefire Commission, Joint Operations Centre and Joint Integrated Police to engage and make progress and this has been accompanied by a commitment of funding from the TGoNU. There is a long way to go but the Insitutions are active and cooperative.
Chairperson, Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- A moment of opportunity has arisen and, on behalf of the long suffering people of South Sudan, I urge us all to seize it. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and receiving your guidance on the best possible steps to make this Forum achieve its desired outcomes.
- To date the Peace Agreement has stalled and stuttered quite enough. It is time to insist that we restore the Agreement to centre stage and drive as one towards its comprehensive implementation.
- To conclude, I take this opportunity to thank the TGoNU, South Sudanese stakeholders, IGAD, AU, Troika, EU, China, the UN, UNMISS, and the International Partners and Friends of South Sudan for their commitment and continued support, and appeal for full support from everyone for this revitalisation process.
- May God bless us all and continue to guide us in the relentless pursuit of peace.
Mr President,
Members of the Council,
- I would like to thank the President of the Security Council, H.E. Liu Jieyi, for his kind invitation to me to brief the Security Council today.
- You will recall that in my last briefing to you in March, we were confronted by unprecedented hostilities targeting civilians, resulting in gross human rights abuses, violations of international humanitarian law, a dramatic increase of refugees and internally displaced persons and an appalling humanitarian crisis in the country.
- In that context, I posed the following questions – How do we stop the fighting? How do we stop people dying of starvation? And how do we ensure inclusivity of all parties, communities and stakeholders in the peace process? Peace, relief and inclusivity.
- Immediately after that briefing, my team devised and drafted the One Voice initiative – a twelve point message from us ALL to the South Sudanese leadership demanding the cessation of hostilities and the restoration of the permanent ceasefire. It remains as pertinent and relevant today as it was when it was written.
- With the blessing of the IGAD Chairperson, H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, I engaged in a comprehensive and constant round of consultations with all the critical stakeholders, specifically in line with our One Voice initiative and in the pursuit of peace.
- I have maintained regular and forthright dialogue with the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, and the First Vice President, General Taban Deng Gai, constantly reiterating our message of peace, humanitarian relief and political inclusivity.
- I have met and briefed the IGAD Heads of State and Government, the IGAD Council of Ministers, the AU Commission Chairperson, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, and the AU Peace and Security Council.
- I met with H.E. Omar al-Bashir, President of Sudan, H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda, and H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya, with the purpose of identifing a way out of the escalating violence and humanitarian crisis.
- I appealed to IGAD, the AU, the UN and our international partners to adopt “one voice” in our engagement with the leaders of South Sudan, and the need for the regional leaders to align their messages and actions to prevent the situation in South Sudan from further deterioration.
- The regional leaders expressed their grave concern with the recent escalation of violence, the ongoing violation of the permanent ceasefire and the worsening humanitarian situation in the country. They emphasised that the conflict in this country requires a political, and not a military solution and they demanded wider inclusivity of and dialogue amongst the belligerents.
Mr President,
- In South Africa I met with the Vice President of the Republic of South Africa, H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, in his capacity as South Africa’s Special Envoy to South Sudan, and then with Dr. Riek Machar, the former First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan.
- The message I conveyed to Dr. Riek Machar was to renounce violence, declare a unilateral ceasefire and participate in the National Dialogue. He declined to do so. However, he demanded a new political process by the region outside South Sudan.
- I have also taken the time to meet with some of the key South Sudanese stakeholders in opposition and currently out of the country. I met with Madam Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior, former detainees Pagan Amum, Kosti Manibe, Dr. Majak and Dr. Cirino Hiteng, and also with Dr. Lam Akol, Thomas Cirillo, James Oryema and others in order to listen to their grievances.
- My message to all of them was that those who are still fighting should stop immediately for the sake of their country that they say they love so much, and that all serious parties should pursue a political path to return to the Peace Process.
- In principle most welcomed my message. Like Dr Riek Machar, they demanded a negotiated ceasefire and expressed their willingness to participate in a credible political process outside South Sudan that might lead to their return to the implementation of the Peace Agreement. In this regard they underlined the importance of the deployment of the Regional Protection Force.
- I hoped that by engaging so determinedly in this way, we would drive a peaceful, open and transparent dialogue that is imperative if we are to achieve an inclusive political process and silence the guns.
Mr President,
- Accordingly, IGAD held an Extra-Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa on 12th June 2017 and, following my recommendation, they decided to convene a High-Level Revitalization Forum of the parties, including estranged groups, to discuss concrete measures to:
- restore the permanent ceasefire,
- return to full implementation of the Peace Agreement and
- develop a revised and realistic timeline and implementation schedule towards democratic elections at the end of the transition period;
Mr President,
- We should all welcome this timely decision of the IGAD leadership and seize the opportunity to end the senseless fighting, revitalise the implementation of the Peace Agreement and restore hope and aspiration for the people of South Sudan.
- The revitalisation of the implementation of the Peace Agreement is NOT a renegotiation. The Forum will explore options that can restore activity and prominence of the peace process. It is our hope that this revitalisation process will be pursued in the spirit of peace, inclusivity and compromise.
- I hope that all reasonable and positive proposals to restore and reinforce effective implementation of the Peace Agreement will be put forward, discussed and considered at the Forum. I encourage all Parties and estranged groups to seize this opportunity to put the country first, make compromises and accommodate one another for the sake of peace.
- Pursuant to this mandate, the IGAD Council of Ministers met on 02nd July 2017 and adopted guidelines and an indicative matrix for the convening of this High Level Revitalisation Forum within three months.
- This revitalization process is intended to ensure the broadest possible consultation with stakeholders, and to generate proposals that could make the Peace Agreement implementation more accommodative, viable and sustainable.
- Ultimately, the success of this process will require a willingness on the part of the Parties to the Peace Agreement and estranged groups to compromise and accommodate one another politically.
- A window of opportunity has arisen and we must all seize it. I believe that with a resolute and unified approach by IGAD, the African Union, the UN and the International Community, and with cooperation from the South Sudanese leaders, we can recover lost ground and restore hope to the people of South Sudan.
Thank you, Mr President.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- I thank you for the deliberations we have had today. I take note that we started a little bit late today, and therefore urge all members to endeavour to keep time in future meetings.
- Let me also thank Hon. Minister Martin Elia Lomuro, the TGoNUrepresentative, H.E David Shearer - the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG), and Chairpersons of the various boards and commissions who provided updates and briefings today.
- We take note of the TGoNU’s reported efforts to alleviate the humanitarian conditions in the country, their response to the AU Assembly pronouncement on South Sudan, and welcome the commitment of the AU to compliment the peace efforts in this country.
- We commend the TGoNU for its update on progress made in the National Dialogue initiative, and its stated commitment to the Agreement revitalisation process. We urge all Parties and estranged groups to seize this opportunity, engage honestly and return to implementation of the Peace Agreement.
5. We further commend the representative of the Women Bloc, madam
Amer Deng Yak for once again restating the importance of including the voices and interests of Women in all our mechanisms and processes. As a father of three girls, with one granddaughter, I align myself fully with women’s inclusion, engagement and participation, if we are to restore and sustain peace in this country.
Excellencies, Honorable Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen; 6. In summary, we have;
- i) Welcomed the IGAD Heads of State and Government decision to take steps to revitalise implementation of the Peace Agreement. In this regard, we congratulate H.E Ambassador Ismail Wais, the IGAD Special Envoy, welcome him to Juba today and pledge our full support to his mission to make this revitalisation process successful;
- ii) Reiterated our call to all Parties, armed and estranged groups to cease hostilities, take advantage of the Revitalisation process, and make concrete proposals to achieve its objectives;
- iii) received a briefing from the TGoNU and the UNMISS on the current humanitarian situation in the country, noted the steps being taken to address the crisis, the recurring challenges, gaps and note that more efforts is still needed to address this crisis;
- iv) received reports from the CTSAMM, NCAC, JMCC, SDSR Board and take note of the modest progress that have been made. We urge all Agreement boards and commissions to take stock of implementation, and to make concrete proposals for the revitalisation process;
- v) commended all the Chairpersons and members of the JMEC Working Committees and urged all Working Committees to prepare evaluation reports towards the revitalisation process; and
- vi) we commended the TGoNU for welcoming the decision of the IGAD Heads of State and Government to revitalise implementation of the Peace Agreement;
7. Finally, join me in wishing our Lord Bishop, Rev. Enock Tombe, a very Happy Birthday on this very important day of his life. May God give him a long life to continue with his important and tireless work for peace in South Sudan.
I thank you
- I welcome you all to our July plenary, the 18th such meeting since this body was established.
- Last Sunday, the 9th of July, South Sudan marked six years of independence. The birth of this nation in 2011 was a truly joyous moment for us all. This joy was well deserved, given the long and brutal struggle for independence endured by this country. It is unfortunate, however, that for the last four years, since 2013, there has been very little to celebrate as a result of the persistent senseless violence.
- Three weeks ago, on the 20th of June, we marked World Refugee Day. This is a particularly significant day for us here, given that South Sudan has now become the fifth highest global contributor of refugees.
- According to the UN OCHA Humanitarian Bulletin of 28 June 2017, at least 1.9 million South Sudanese are seeking refuge in neighbouring countries, another 1.9 milllion are internally displaced, and an estimated 6 million people are food insecure. The increase in displacement of civilians over the past year and the consequent humanitarian catastrophe is truly shocking.
- I dedicate my opening remarks today to the refugees, internally displaced persons and all conflict affected populations, and offer a message of hope and reassurance. As members of JMEC, individually and collectively, we understand your plight and reiterate our commitment to the restoration of peace and security in this country.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- A few days ago, CTSAMM have confirmed an outbreak of fighting in some places. I condemn this violence and I take this opportunity to again reiterate our demand to all armed groups in South Sudan, especially forces of the SPLA-IG and SPLA-IO, to immediately and permanently stop fighting and end all acts of abuse and violence against civilians.
- The security, humanitarian and economic situation in the country remains fragile and precarious. With the onset of the rainy season, aid delivery is further complicated. The conflict affected population and internally displaced persons continue to endure dire humanitarian conditions.
- I call upon the TGoNU to ensure a secure environment for humanitarian workers and to guarantee unhindered humanitarian access, including reconsideration of any prohibitive fees and levies that may obstruct operations of humanitarian agencies.
- I commend the international community for its continued support to alleviate this humanitarian crisis but further appeal for more support to meet the resource gap, which currently stands at 48.6 percent.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
10. I have been briefed by the Chairpersons of the JMEC Joint Working Committees and take note of the modest progress that has been made in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. I urge all members of the Working Committees to actively participate in their committees’ work. Your assessments and recommendations will be invaluable to the peace process going forward.
- In particular, I want to point out the good progress that has been made by the National Constitutional Amendment Committee towards the review and amendment of relevant legislation. I reiterate my call to the TGoNU to expedite the Constitutional Amendment process.
- I welcome the pledge of one million USD by the TGoNU to support Chapter Two mechanisms and commend the SDSR Board for its commitment to finalise the key policy frameworks by the end of August.
- I welcome the recent graduation of the first batch of the Joint Integrated Police, noting however that they graduated without the background vetting that is required by the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangments. It is important that the TGoNU adhere to agreed requirements for implementation of the various components of the Peace Agreement.
- Ontheeconomy,I welcome the efforts of the TGoNU to push forward with the institutional and public finance reforms. This remains critical in ensuring increased transparency and accountability in government finances. Good progress has been made towards the setting up of a Single Treasury Account and the closure of some petroleum revenue accounts.
- However, there is need to step up efforts in other areas such as review of legislation to improve the functionality of the Anti Corruption and the Land Commissions. The TGoNU should press ahead with the implementation of the Revenue Authority and measures aimed at increasing non-oil revenues.
- I also commend the TGoNU for embarking on the process of designing and implementing a 3 – 5 year National Development Strategy. The economic challenges, once peace is secured, are immense, not least the return and reintegration of IDPs and refugees.
- On the important work of promoting reconciliation and healing, I am informed that the Technical Consultative Committee for the establishment of the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing recently conducted a round of sensitisation and awareness missions in Bor, Torit, Yambio, Rumbek, Wau and Malakal. This is a welcome initiative, even though conditions necessary for successful consultations are far from optimal.
- Regarding the establishment of the Hybrid Court Court for South Sudan, I am informed that the Africa Union Commission Office of the Legal Counsel has now developed drafts of the key legal instruments. These instruments include the Statute, a Memorandum of Understanding and a Host Country Agreement. However, consultation between the Africa Union Commission and the TGoNU to finalise these instruments have not taken place.
- I recommend that the TGoNU meet with the Africa Union Commission to conclude these agreements without further delay. This will signal a commitment to hold perpetrators to account and demonstrate that impunity will no longer be tolerated.
- I am concerned that the Permanent Constitution-making Process is yet to commence. The Permanent Constitution is mandatory for organizing elections at the end of the Transitional Period. Even though we are clearly out of time at this stage, immediate steps can be taken to review and reconstitute the National Constitutional Review Commission to prepare to undertake this important task once the process begins. Again, this is one area where the delayed completion of the Constitutional Amendment process has a direct impact, and I call upon the TGoNU to expedite this process.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- InowturntotheimportantnewdevelopmentfromtheIGADHeadsofState and Government Summit of 12th June 2017.
- Since July 2016 when fighting broke out, violence has escalated, the opposition has fractured and new armed groups have emerged.
- Overthelastfewmonths,confronted by unprecedented hostilities targeting civilians, resulting in the increase of refugees and internally displaced persons and an appalling humanitarian crisis in the country, we posed the following questions – How do we stop the fighting? How do we stop people dying of starvation? And how do we ensure inclusivity of all parties, communities and stakeholders in the peace process?
- Becauseofthesesharedconcerns,Iconductedextensiveconsultationswith the parties, IGAD leaders, JMEC Partners, and key stakeholders, pointing out that the current situation is not conducive for the implementation of the Peace Agreement. I appealed to IGAD, AU and the UN to speak with one voice and demand cessation of hostilities and the restoration of the permanent ceasefire.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
25. Accordingly, IGAD held an Extra-Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa on 12th June 2017 and, following my recommendation, they decided to convene a High-Level Revitalization Forum of the parties, including estranged groups, to discuss concrete measures to:
- restore the permanent ceasefire,
- return to full implementation of the Peace Agreement and
- develop a revised and realistic timeline and implementation schedule towards democratic elections at the end of the transition period;
26. The IGAD leaders mandated the IGAD Council of Ministers to urgently convene and facilitate this Forum in collaboration with relevant stakeholders; and directed the Chairperson of JMEC, and the Executive Secretary of IGAD to provide the necessary secretariat and logistical arrangements.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- AsJMECweshouldallwelcomethistimelydecisionoftheIGADleadership and seize the opportunity to end the senseless fighting, revitalise the implementation of the Peace Agreement and restore hope and aspiration for the people of South Sudan.
- The revitalisation of the implementation of the Peace Agreement is NOT a renegotiation. We should explore options that can restore activity and prominence of the peace process. It is our hope that this revitalisation process will be pursued in the spirit of peace, inclusivity, sensitivity and compromise.
- I hope that all reasonable and positive proposals to restore and reinforce effective implementation of the Peace Agreement will be put forward, discussed and considered at the Forum. I encourage all Parties and estranged groups to sieze this opportunity to put the country first, make compromises and accommodate one another for the sake of peace.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- Pursuant to this mandate, the IGAD Council of Ministers met on 02nd July 2017 and adopted guidelines and an indicative matrix for the convening of this High Level Revitalisation Forum within three months. The process of convening will consist of three phases, namely: a pre-convening preparatory phase, a convening phase and finally an implementation phase.
- The pre-convening phase will include consultation with JMEC membersand key stakeholders, the identification of the appropriate participants and issues for the Forum. In this regard, the respective JMEC Joint Working Committees are required to prepare a status report on the implementation of the Peace Agreement. Other consultations will be with the JMEC Partners Forum.
- The Chief of Defence Forces of the Troop Contributing Countries, the TGoNU, and UNMISS have been called upon to meet and determine a definitive timeline for the full deployment of the Regional Protection Force.
- The IGAD Council of Ministers is working towards a convening date of the High Level Revitalization Forum on 22 September 2017.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
34. This three-stage revitalization process is intended to ensure the broadest possible consultation with stakeholders, and to generate proposals that could make the Peace Agreement implementation more accommodative, viable and sustainable.
- Ultimately, the success of this process will require a willingness on the part of the Parties to the Peace Agreement and estranged groups to compromise and accommodate one another politically.
- A window of opportunity has arisen and we must all seize it. I believe that with a resolute and unified approach by IGAD, the African Union, UN and the International Community, and with cooperation from the South Sudanese leaders, we can recover lost ground and restore hope to the people of South Sudan.
Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
37. I conclude with the following recommendations and expectations of this Plenary:
- We demand a total cessation of violence around the country and a commitment by all parties and groups to pursue a political path to reconciling their differences;
- We welcome and commit to the revitalisation of the implementation of the Peace Agreement, and call upon all parties and estranged groups to seize this opportunity and make concrete proposals for consideration at the Forum;
- We call for the immediate deployment of the Regional Protection Force to build confidence and encourage a return to inclusive implementation of the Peace Agreement;
- We urge the TGoNU to immediately conclude the Constitutional Amendement process, and to initiate the Permanent Constitution- making Process;
- ABOVE ALL we demand a sustained improvement of the conditions for delivery of humanitarian assistance; and finally,
- We urge full cooperation of all Parties and groups to fulfil the mandate of the Revitalisation Forum.
- IexpectthisPlenaryto:
- receive a briefing from the TGoNU on recent progress made in implementing the Peace Agreement;
- receive an update from TGoNU and UNMISS on the current humanitarian situation, in particular on steps taken to facilitate unfettered humanitarian access;
- receive summary reports on the status of the various boards and commissions of the Peace Agreement and the progress towards their objectives; and,
- welcome the progress that is being made by the various JMEC Working Committees, commend the Chairpersons and members for their commitment and contributions.
- Finally,I take this opportunity to thank all our partners in TGoNU,theother South Sudanese stakeholders, IGAD, AU, Troika, EU, China, the UN, UNMISS, and the International Partners and Friends of South Sudan for their commitment and continued support to JMEC, and appeal for full support for the revitalisation process.
- May God bless us all and continue to guide us in the relentless pursuit of peace.
Your Excellency, Hailemariam Desalegn, Chairperson of the IGAD and Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,
Your Excellency, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda,
Your Excellency, Omar Hassan al Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan,
Your Excellency, Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya,
Your Excellency, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia,
Your Excellency, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti,
Your Excellency, General Taban Deng Gai, First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan,
Your Excellency, Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission;
Your Excellency, David Shearer, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in the Republic of South Sudan;
Your Excellency, Mahboub M. Maalim, Executive Secretary of IGAD,
Your Excellencies, Special Envoys,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.
I welcome this very timely and important IGAD Extraordinary Summit on South Sudan. As you may recall, Your Excellencies, we are now into the 22nd month since the signing of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (ARCSS).
- After nearly eight months of delay, the Transitional Government of National Unity was formed on the 29th April 2016. This means that we are now fourteen months into the Transitional Period, and have barely sixteen months left to October 2018 – the end of the Transitional Period.
- Regrettably, the citizens of the Republic of South Sudan are yet to enjoy the peace that the implementation of the Peace Agreement was expected to deliver. In this regard, I have submitted a detailed quarterly report for the period February to April 2017, that summarizes JMEC’s assessment of the status of the implementation of the Peace Agreement. I will however recap our journey to this point, and highlight the issues that demand your attention and action.
Your Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen;
- The return of the designated First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny on 26th April 2016 and the subsequent formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) were key milestones in the implementation of the Agreement. Many of the Transitional Agreement Institutions and Implementation Mechanisms had also been established and operationalized to coordinate these efforts.
- Unfortunately, disagreements between H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President and his then First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny and the unwillingness by the Parties to make compromises overshadowed the first few months of the TGoNU.
- In July 2016, fighting broke out at the Presidential Palace in Juba (J1) between forces loyal to the President and those loyal to the former First Vice President.
- The July fighting and its aftermath, which was the worst incident of violation of the permanent ceasefire, reversed the progress that had been made in the implementation of the Agreement. It led to the flight from Juba of the then First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny with many of his followers and key opposition members from the TGoNU.
- The replacement of Dr. Machar by his former chief negotiator General Taban Deng Gai as First Vice President caused a split in the SPLM/A-IO into two factions. One faction led by General Taban Deng Gai, now cooperating with and participating in the TGoNU, and the other led by the Former First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny still fighting against the government.
Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen;
- Following the IGAD Communique of 5th August 2016, the reconstituted TGoNU continued with implementation of the Peace Agreement, in spite of concern over exclusion of estranged Parties. As JMEC we had hoped that the Parties would quickly resolve their differences and return to full implementation of the Peace Agreement. This has not materialized and now the Parties seem even further apart.
- Today, we are confronted by increased hostilities amongst these Parties, flagrant violations of the ceasefire, the emergence of new opposition and armed groups. The rapidly deteriorating political, security, humanitarian and economic situation in the country has caused unprecedented displacement, famine and growing civilian flight.
Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen;
- While I commend the very good working relationship between H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President and H.E. General Taban Deng Gai, the First Vice President and their determination to cooperate; real progress is still lacking, the pace of the implementation of the Peace Agreement has been too slow, and challenges abound.
- Admittedly, over the last several months, JMEC has witnessed some commendable progress in institution building and some reforms:
- Some Agreement Institutions and Transitional Security Arrangements (TSA) mechanisms have been reconstituted and others operationalized;
- The National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) has completed incorporation of provisions of the Peace Agreement into the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan and has embarked on the review of relevant legislation;
- The Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) has been formed and has commenced business;
- The TGoNU has established a High Level Humanitarian Oversight Committee to address impediments faced by humanitarian agencies in delivering assistance. It has also provided subsidies for essential food commodities;
- The TGoNU has also put in place some measures to stabilize the economy and address the fiscal challenges facing the country, including the establishment of a centralised treasury account in the Central Bank, expenditure out of which is determined by an inter-ministerial committee.
- There has been some progress towards cantonment planning, particularly for two sites near Juba. However, effective cantonment of forces requires a cessation of hostilities and restoration of the permanent ceasefire;
- The TGoNU has reported that some components of the Joint Integrated Police (JIP) have been trained and are ready for deployment in due course; and
- Six JMEC Working Committees have been established to work in close consultation with the three TGoNU clusters – Governance, Humanitarian and Service Delivery – to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the various chapters of the Peace Agreement.
Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen;
- It is regrettable that the progress I have mentioned, and good efforts of the TGoNU continue to be overshadowed, and in some cases reversed by the ongoing hostilities.
- The humanitarian condition in the country continues to be precarious, mainly due to the persistence of armed violence in various parts of the country.
- The impact of the war on the civilian population is deeply concerning. Notably, the economic situation continues to worsen as evidenced by rising prices and a sharply depreciated exchange rate. Food production has declined as population displacement persists, putting more pressure on an already fragile economy.
- According to the UN OCHA Humanitarian Bulletin Report of 28 May 2017, 3.7 million South Sudanese have been driven from their homes. Some live in Protection of Civilian sites (PoCs), others are internally displaced, and many more in refugee settlements in neighboring countries. According to the same report, a total of 5.5 million people are food insecure.
- In addition, there are continuing reports of human rights violations including killings, sexual violence, arbitrary arrests and detentions.
- Despite the recent improvements in access to humanitarian assistance, there are still reports of threats and detention of humanitarian aid workers.
- I therefore welcome the recent decision by the governments of the Republic of Sudan and of the Republic of Kenya to open more humanitarian corridors to deliver much-needed aid to the long-suffering people of South Sudan.
Your Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen;
- As the main guarantors to the Peace Agreement, Your Excellencies, IGAD should act collectively and decisively, speak with one voice and demand that the leaders of South Sudan end the violence, and pursue a political solution and return to full implementation of the Peace Agreement.
- I therefore expect the Summit to address the following pertinent issues:
- Decide on concrete steps to revitalize implementation of the Peace Agreement;
- Commit to concrete measures to enforce compliance with the ceasefire; and
- Decide on practical ways of addressing the dire humanitarian crisis in the country.
Your Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen;
- I recommend the following actions to the Summit:
- convene a High Level Revitalisation Forum for the Parties to the Peace Agreement, including estranged groups, to discuss the restoration of the permanent ceasefire, a return to inclusive implementation, a revised realistic timeline and implementation schedule towards democratic elections at the end of the Transitional Period;
- prior to this High Level Forum, invite other key opposition groups to participate without pre-conditions;
- demand a clear and realistic timeline for the deployment of the Regional Protection Force (RPF) to provide a neutral and secure enviroment for the implementation of the Peace Agreement;
- convene a joint meeting of the Chiefs of Defence Forces of the Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) and of the TGoNU, and the UN to discuss all outstanding issues and determine a definitive timeline for full deployment of the RPF;
- decide on specific actions to enforce compliance with the ceasefire to prevent impunity and derailing of the peace process;
- call on the international community to assist South Sudan in its efforts to revive the economy once the Parties return to the full implementation of the Peace Agreement;
- call on the international community to mobilize the requisite resources to address the dire humanitarian situation currently unfolding in South Sudan;
- call on the TGoNU and all groups to ensure unimpeded access to humanitarian agencies; and
- Above all, uphold the One Voice message and align your actions in your collective pursuit of helping the people of South Sudan achieve lasting peace.
I thank you.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
- We have had a good meeting and deliberations today. I want to thank you all for the important issues that were raised and discussed. I also thank the TGoNU, the Special Representative to the Secretary General (SRSG), and Chairpersons of the various boards and commissions who provided briefings today. I hope we shall receive reports from the JMCC and JIP in the next plenary.
- Let me also thank the Hon. Minister Martin Elia Lomuro for the update on the progress made in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. We have taken note of the steps being taken to resolve the representation of the Other Political Parties, the training of the JIP and establishment of its mechanisms, the steps being taken to address the humanitarian crisis, the initiation of economic & financial institutional reforms, and the update on the Technical Committee for the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing (CTRH).
- However, we continue to urge the TGoNU to do more, to address the humanitarian crisis and to expedite implementation of all aspects of the Peace Agreement.
- We also thank the UNMISS SRSG for his briefing on the humanitarian situation. It’s clear that the continuation of violence remains the biggest obstacle to our humanitarian efforts. We must therefore CONTINUE to urge the parties to restore and observe the permanent ceasefire, and for the TGoNU to continue its efforts to ensure unfettered delivery of humanitarian assistance.
- In this regard, I note the concerns raised by our members on the reported increment of fees to be levied on humanitarian agencies in this difficult time. I urge the TGoNU to take these concerns into account and to ensure that requisite fees do not serve to impede the delivery of much-needed humanitarian assistance to the affected people.
- We should also commend the Chairpersons of the Agreement Boards and Commissions for their reports:
- NCAC: we commend the NCAC for the progress made so far, and encourage them to continue with the second phase of their work as reported;
- CTSAMM: we commend CTSAMM for its report, and take note of all reported incidents of violations of the permanent ceasefire. As JMEC, we urge all parties to observe the ceasefire and take steps to prevent further violations.
- SDSR: we welcome the report of the SDSR and commend the board for the efforts to get this important work up to speed. We note with concern the funding challenges affecting the work of the SDSR, and I continue to urge our partners to support this critical work. I urge the TGoNU to support the work of these boards and commissions and provide funding.
Excellencies, Honourable Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen;
Our meeting today has achieved the following outcomes. We have;
- received a detailed briefing from the TGoNU on progress that have been made so far in implementing the Peace Agreement and urged it to do more and expedite the process;
- received a briefing from the UNMISS SRSG on the current humanitarian situation in the country, noted his recommendations on steps that needs to be taken to address this crisis;
- received reports from all the boards and commissions of the Peace Agreement and commend the modest progress they have made thus far;
- commended the Chairpersons and members of all the JMEC Working Committees in the efforts thus far. We also take note of the TGoNUs concerns on how to effectively complement their work. Our understanding is that the Working Committees should meet once a month unless absolutely necessary;
- welcomed the declaration of a unilateral ceasefire by the government, urged all groups to reciprocate and recommended that practicle steps should be taken to ensure that it is observed and verified by CTSAMM;
- Finally, we recieved a presentation from the Civil Society Organisations representative, and welcomed her recommendations to the TGoNU and all of us here.
I thank you