H.E. Dr. Wani Igga, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and Head of Economic Cluster 

Hon. Justice Ruben Madol Arol, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs 

Hon. Ngor Kolong Ngor, Chairperson Anti-Corruption Commission

Honourable Ministers present

Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

Good morning!

I am deeply honoured and privileged to speak on this occasion to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day in the Republic of South Sudan. I bring you greetings and sincere apologies from H.E Amb. Maj. Gen (rtd) Charles Tai Gituai, Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) who unfortunately could not attend this important event due to unavoidable circumstances.

I thank Hon. Ngor Kolong Ngor, Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption Commission for inviting RJMEC and for organizing this event. I also thank UNMISS for partnering with and supporting the Commission to make this event a success. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

There is no doubt that corruption, misuse and abuses of public resources is one of the major conflict drivers and indeed a huge impediment to economic development, social services delivery, peacebuilding and transformation in every society. That is why reforms geared at promoting accountability, prudent and transparent management of public finances and oil revenues are at the core of the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. 

Indeed, a whole chapter, Chapter 4 of the R-ARCSS is dedicated to resource, economic and financial management reforms including institutional reforms, legislative reforms, oil/petroleum management, land reforms, environmental protection, wealth sharing and revenue allocation, public expenditure, borrowing, public finance management and enterprises development funds. 

As you may all know by now, some good progress is being made in this regard. The Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity has initiated a number of reforms in Public Financial Management including operationalization of the treasury single account, creation of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Authority and review of several legislation including the Public Financial Management Act, National Audit Chambers  Act, Petroluem Act, Petroluem Revenue Management Act, and the Anti-Corruption Commissions Act. 

All these laws have now been reviewed by the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) which has drafted Amendment Bills and handed them over to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. These laws have been amended to align them with the Revitalized Peace Agreement and international best practices in order to ensure transparency and accountability. In the case of the Anti-Corruption Commission Bill, once enacted, the Commission will be reconstituted in accordance with the amended Act fully empowered to fight corruption and it will have all our support, consequently, South Sudan will have some of the most progressive and effective legal frameworks in the management of public finances and resources, including in the fight to combat corruption.  What will remain however will be their full implementation and for this to happen, we must all play a role. 

Therefore, the theme chosen for today’s celebration is particularly relevant for South Sudan, that is: “Your Role, Your Right. Say No to Corruption, Your No Count”.  We are all being called to action.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

As we mark this international day, dedicated to highlight the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders-including states, government officials, civil servants, law enforcement officers, media, private sector, civil society, academia, women, youth, and the public generally in tackling corruption, let it begin with us here. Let us all say no to corruption.

RJMEC would like to use this opportunity to appeal to the RTGoNU, in particular to the Honorable Justice Ruben Madol Arol, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to expeditiously present all the amendment bills already submitted to him, by the NCAC to the Council of Ministers and table the same before the reconstituted TNLA for enactment soonest possible. Further, we appeal to the Honorable Madam Speaker to forward the Constitution Bill to H.E. the President for assent. The enactment of these pending laws and the assent of the Constitution Bill will lay a firm foundation for transparency and accountability in the Republic of South Sudan and aid our collective efforts towards implementation of the Peace Agreement for a democratic process of governance that is able to combat corruption.

As I conclude, I appeal to our regional and international partners to support the efforts of the Government and people of South Sudan to curb this vice of corruption, by building capacitie of critical institutions, like the Anti-Corruption Commission and Audit Chambers and put in place the necessary systems to investigate and curb the multifaceted challenges of corruption, including by sharing best practices.”

I thank you all and wish you a successful event.



 Wednesday, 23 November 2021, Juba, South Sudan 

-       Your Excellency Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan

-       Your Excellency Dr Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and Chair of Governance Cluster; 

-       Your Excellency, Dr James Wani Igga, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and Chair of Economic Cluster; 

-       Your Excellency, Taban Deng Gai, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and Chair of Infrastructure Cluster;

-       Your Excellency, Hussein Abdel Bagi, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and Chair of Services Cluster;  

-       Your Excellency, Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and Chair of Youth and Gender Cluster; 

-       The Rt Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba, Rt Hon. Speaker of the Reconstituted TNLA, 

-       Your Excellency, Nicholas Haysom, SRSG and Head of UNMISS 

-       Honourable Ministers, 

-       Governors, Deputy Governors and Chief Administrators of the Administrative Areas 

-       Excellencies Ambassadors, 

-       Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning!

1.   It is my distinct honour to address this 6th High-Level Governors’ Forum, as the Interim Chairperson of the RJMEC this morning. When I had the privilege to address this Forum last year, I emphasized the core responsibility of the RTGoNU executives at national and state levels to ensure the full and timely implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). 

2.   This November, the implementation of the R-ARCSS is already in its fifth year since it came into force in 2018. Notwithstanding the challenges, progress has been witnessed over the past years, including resolution of the number of states and their boundaries, establishment of executive and legislative arms of government at national and state levels, legal and institutional reforms, adherence to the permanent ceasefire, unification of the Command Structure and graduation of the first batch of the unified forces, among others.   

3.   However, aware of the fact that there are critical outstanding tasks of the R-ARCSS within the limited timeframe left, RJMEC requested the Parties to the R-ARCSS to prepare a roadmap and strategy for the implementation of the outstanding tasks. 

4.   On 2nd August, the Parties reached consensus on the Roadmap to a Peaceful and Democratic end to the Transitional Period of the R-ARCSS. The Council of Ministers of the RTGoNU endorsed it on 4th August, RJMEC consented to it on 1st September and the RTNL ratified it on 16th November 2022 pursuant to article 8.4 of the R-ARCSS. The Roadmap, which now extends the Transitional Period by 24 months from February 2023 to February 2025, was developed and owned by the Parties to the R-ARCSS themselves. 

5.   It is encouraging that the theme of the 6th Governor’s Forum is themed ‘accelerating the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement in accordance with the Roadmap 2022. This Forum, which is such an influential policy platform, is a very timely way in which to collectively address this issue, and I would like to thank the Ministry of Presidential Affairs, with support from the UNDP, for all their work in putting this Forum together. In particular, enhancing collaboration between all the RTGoNU structures from the national to the State levels is critical, particularly for timely, effective and efficient implementation of the R-ARCSS.

6.   In line with the mandate of RJMEC, my statement this morning will focus on the status of implementation of the R-ARCSS to date chapter by chapter, highlight key pending tasks, recurring challenges, and conclude with recommendations.    

Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

7.   With regards to Chapter 1 on the RTGoNU, a number of tasks have been completed, key among these being:

a.   the number of states and their boundaries was resolved in February 2020 by returning to 10 states and three Administrative Areas, from the previous figure of 32 states;

b.   formation of government structures at the national and sub-national levels, including the executives and Transitional National Legislature and State Assemblies;

c.    incorporation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement into the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan (TCRSS) 2011, as amended;

d.   the passing of numerous pieces of legislation by the Transitional National Legislature, including the Constitutional Amendment Bills, the SSPDF Bill, the Wildlife Service Bill, the National Police Service Bill, the Political Parties Bill; and the Constitution-making Process Bill, and ratification of the Roadmap; and

e.    initiating judicial reforms through the establishment of the ad-hoc Judicial Reform Committee in July 2022.

8.   Some key tasks of Chapter 1 remain outstanding. They include the restructuring and reconstitution of the Institutions and Commissions at the national level, judicial reforms and tasks related to elections. A focus on elections is important because it is a central task of the Revitalised Peace Agreement, and the Roadmap itself is geared towards a peaceful and democratic end of the Transitional Period. In the opinion of RJMEC, careful attention to the following will greatly assist in accelerating the implementation of the Agreement, which is critical for this Forum:

a.            provision of an enabling environment for elections, including the opening and preserving of civic and political space for all, to build confidence and participation in the process;

b.            the process of making of the permanent constitution, the provisions of which will guide elections;

c.             completion of the phase 2 of the unification and redeployment of all the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF);

d.            the Political Parties Council needs to be reconstituted and operationalised;

e.             the National Elections Act, 2012 must be reviewed and amended so that it conforms to the R-ARCSS and reconstitution of a competent and impartial National Elections Commission (NEC) to conduct elections;

f.              implementation of programmes for relief, protection reconstruction, repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation and reintegration of refugees, IDPs and returnees;

g.            various critical election processes must begun early, such as voter registration, and publication of the voters register six months prior to elections; and

h.            the security forces must prepare for elections-related security tasks at least six months before the end of the Transitional Period.

9.   On the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements (TSA), the completed tasks include:

a.         establishment or reconstitution of key Chapter II Security Mechanisms;

b.         establishment of Cantonment Sites and Training Centres throughout the country, and graduation of the Necessary Unified Forces has begun, with only one more graduation event scheduled to take place before Phase I is completed;

c.          reconstitution of the DDR Commission as a critical component of the unification of forces; 

d.         the holding of the Permanent Ceasefire between the Parties to the R-ARCSS despite violations at the tactical level; and

e.         Agreement on the Unified Command structure of the united forces.

10. Considering the fact that Transitional Security Arrangements are the backbone of the Agreement, it is important to flag the outstanding tasks, which were supposed to have been accomplished by 30 September 2022 as provided for in the Roadmap. These tasks include:  redeployment of Phase 1 of the graduated NUF and commencement of its Phase 2; finalisation of the Strategic Defence and Security Review documents; provision of clear and predictable funding for DDR programmes; and development of a clear plan for the management of weapons from troops going to training centres.

11. However, the conditions of instability in parts of the country, such as in some areas of the Equatoriasand Greater Upper Nile are complicating the implementation of the Transitional Security Arrangements. Subnational or inter-communal violence continues to sap the energy from full implementation of Chapter 2, as do the activities of the holdout groups. In particular, the State Governors present here today have a very important role to play in addressing these incidents of instability and the conditions which give rise to them.

Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

12. Under Chapter 3 of the Revitalised Peace Agreement on humanitarian affairs, the opening of some humanitarian corridors which have facilitated free movement of goods, supplies, services, and people across borders, enabling some voluntary returns is a critical benchmark. According to reports from UNHCR, at least half a million South Sudanese refugees have spontaneously returned home since October 2018. 

13. Conversely, the current humanitarian context in the country presents a worrying picture. The magnitude and severity of humanitarian needs have continued to rise, due to the cumulative effects of prolonged community-based conflicts, widespread flooding, and high levels of food insecurity. Also, there are concerns regarding access and safety of humanitarian workers and their assets. This year alone, eight aid workers lost their lives.

14. Under this chapter 3 therefore, there are critical tasks awaiting to be implemented. They include the establishment of the Special Reconstruction Fund and the Board of the Special Reconstruction Fund (SRF), including preparation for the SRF programme and a detailed action plan for the reconstruction of conflict affected states and other areas. The requirement for the SRF of an initial funding of not less than USD 100 million per annum by 30th August 2022 in accordance to the Roadmap,has not been implemented. Without establishing the SRF, the South Sudan pledging conference cannot be convened. In addition, the R-ARCSS requires that the 2016, NGO Act should be reviewed to ensure that it is aligned with international best practices. But this law is yet to be reviewed and amended.

15. The tasks which are within the purview of the RTGoNU to be addressed include: the creation of an enabling environment for the delivery of humanitarian assistance; instituting programmes for relief protection, repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation of IDPs and returnees, and offer special consideration to the war-affected persons in the provision of public service delivery, including access to health and education; guaranteeing the rights of refugees to return in safety and dignity, and the rights of returnees and assist in the reunification of separated families; guaranteeing refugee and IDP citizenship and ensuring IDs and all documentation for spouses, property and land; and guaranteeing the rights of returnees and IDPs to return to their places of origin and/or live in areas of their choice in safety and dignity.

16. Chapter 4, on Resource, Economic and Financial Management. During the Agreement period so far, critical benchmarks have been reached in the following areas:

a.   establishment of a competent and effective mechanism that oversees revenue collection, budgeting, revenue allocation and expenditure; 

b.   review of all current employment in the oil sector;

c.    review, vetting and taking of corrective measures on all contracts awarded to oil service companies; 

d.   review and audit of the previous allocation and transfer of the 2% and 3% made to oil producing States and counties since 2011; 

e.    progress by the  Ministry of Petroleum in implementing reforms in the petroleum sector, including in the areas of employment and more transparent operations in the sale of oil.  

17. Overall, however, public financial reforms have been slow. The tasks in need of careful attention include: 

a.   completion of the audits designed to enhance the transparent management of the petroleum resources, such as the cost recovery audit and environment audit;

b.   completion of the audit of the Government’s Financial Statements, and completion of the review of banking laws; 

c.    review of the Fiscal and Financial Allocation Monitoring Commission;

d.   closing any Petroleum revenue accounts other than those approved by law, which was supposed to have been completed by 30th August 2022; and 

e.    review of the Petroleum Act 2012, the Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and the Audit Chamber Act 2011.

 Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

18. In terms of Transitional Justice, Chapter 5; as we know the Agreement provides for the establishment of three mechanisms, namely: Commission for Truth Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH); the Hybrid Court for South Sudan (HCSS) and the Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA).  

19. The following benchmarks have been achieved under the chapter:

a.   approval of a roadmap for the implementation of chapter 5;

b.   appointment of a ministerial task force to coordinate day to day implementation of Chapter 5;

c.    establishment of a consultations mechanisms i.e., the Technical Committee on CTRH establishment; 

d.   the launch and completion of the first phase of public consultations that will inform the legislation establishing the Commission for Truth Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH);

e.    study tours of The Gambia and later this month South Africa, to understand their transitional justice experiences, particularly around truth seeking and reconciliation processes;

f.     commencement of the drafting of the CTRH bill; and

g.    consultations commenced on good practices that will inform the Compensation and Reparation Authority legislative framework.

20. That said, none of the three mechanisms is established. Key outstanding tasks include: conducting public consultations with the other remaining stakeholders, such as  refugees, IDPs and the Diaspora for the establishment of CTRH;  establishment of CTRH by law, which was to be done by 30thOctober 2022 and operationalised by 30th November 2022; and initiation of legislation to establish the Hybrid Court for South Sudan and the Compensation and Reparation Authority.

21. Regarding Chapter 6, the constitution-making process was initiated by the RTGoNU in January 2021 with the adoption of a roadmap developed by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs (MoJCA). RJMEC convened a workshop for the Parties and Stakeholders who agreed on the details for conducting the constitution-making process in May 2021, and its resolutions informed the Constitution-making Process Bill 2022 drafted by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs and passed by the Transitional National Legislature last month, October.

22. Once the Bill becomes law, it will pave the way for the reconstitution of the National Constitutional Review Commission (NCRC), including the establishment of the Preparatory Sub-Committee for the convening of the National Constitutional Conference. The Agreement requires the Parties and other Stakeholders to submit the list of their nominees to the taskforce within 30 days after the coming into force of the Bill. Also, the Reconstituted NCRC is mandated to recruit the members of the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC). These bodies are critical in the making of the new constitution to guide the conduct of elections at the end of the Transitional Period.

Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

23. Throughout the period of implementation, various challenges have surfaced again and again. They include among others: the cumulative effects of prolonged subnational and inter-communal conflicts; capacity gaps; lack of funding; and the dire humanitarian situation contributed to by natural disasters such as floods.

24. Despite these challenges, and bearing in mind the slow pace of implementation, the Roadmap provides an opportunity to renew the impetus for building peace in South Sudan. There are immense tasks ahead, even with the extension, and time is of the essence.  The people of South Sudan deserve nothing less than total implementation of the Roadmap in letter and spirit in order to enjoy the peace dividends that it brings.

25. In conclusion, I would like to offer the following recommendations to the RTGoNU, which also comprise you, the Governors. Firstly, adhere to the Roadmap timelines and prioritise their implementation through the availing of predictable, timely and adequate funding for all tasks. Next, all outstanding bills to be passed expeditiously by the TNLA. Then, pay careful attention to implementing all the tasks necessary for the smooth conduct of credible elections at the end of the extended Transitional Period. Throughout all governance-related tasks and appointments, ensure women’s participation in governance and decision-making at the Agreement-mandated level of 35%. Also please consider the Youth and People Living with Disabilities as well.

26. Next, complete phase 1 graduation and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces, and commence with phase 2, which is overdue, and avail funding and political support to the DDR programmes, which is an essential component of the unification of forces. Also important is to undertake initiatives aimed at addressing inter-communal violence and the conditions which contribute to it. Finally, RJMEC recommends to fast track the establishment and operationalisation of the Transitional Justice mechanisms, and to ensure a people-led and people-driven constitution making process.

27. The end state of the Revitalised Peace Agreement is democratic transition through elections, and I have listed some of the key tasks to be implemented to help ensure their smooth conduct. State Governments have a strategic role to play in creating an enabling environment for the successful implementation of the R-ARCSS, including the conduct of elections. 

28. I implore you to work collegially and in close collaboration with the national government, other state governments, lower-level government structures within your states, local capacities, and infrastructures for peace to ensure conflict early warning and mitigation, prevention, response and management. Your efforts will guarantee social cohesion, community security, safe political and civic space, public consultations during the permanent constitution-making process as well as during the time for conducting elections.

29. Finally, as the heads of State Government, I urge you to continue providing leadership in your respective States, strive to put the interest of the country first and work with your counterparts, no matter their political affiliations or identities, within the spirit of collegiality to implement the Revitalized Agreement of the Resolution to the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan - R-ARCSS.

I Thank You.


Thursday, 17 November 2022, Juba, South Sudan 

Honourable Ministers, 


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Good morning. 

1. I welcome you all to the 24th meeting of the RJMEC. Since the last regular meeting of the Plenary, which was in July, we have seen a number of notable things. Key among them include: 

a. phase 1 of the graduation of forces has begun and continues in earnest with approximately 42,500 out of 53,000 graduated; 

b. the Constitution-making Process Bill, among others, was passed by the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislature and is awaiting assent of the President; 

c. implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) has entered its fifth year with sustained efforts towards peace, despite the many challenges; 

d. the Parties have all agreed on a 24-month extension of the Transitional Period with a clear Roadmap to a Peaceful and Democratic Elections at the end; 

e. the RJMEC pronounced itself on the Roadmap with clear recommendations on steps to be taken in order to ensure that critical tasks outlined in the Roadmap are implemented as scheduled. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

2. As you may all be aware, the Roadmap contains tasks which are already being implemented, and there are others which should have been completed by now. RJMEC has therefore been keenly monitoring the progress or lack thereof in the implementation of the Agreement since our last meeting, and I hope that you all received a copy of our most recent quarterly report covering this period. 

3. My statement this morning will therefore focus on the most recent developments in the implementation of the Roadmap since our last plenary, highlight progress made, challenges faced, upcoming tasks and deadlines for the RTGoNU and conclude with RJMEC efforts and recommendations. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen 

4. First, governance. In the recent period, we have seen the passing of numerous pieces of legislation by the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislature, including the SSPDF Bill, the Wildlife Service Bill, the National Police Service Bill, the Political Parties Bill, the Constitution-making Process Bill, and the ratification of the Roadmap. This is welcome progress. I urge that the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislature now shifts its focus to other outstanding pieces of legislation. 


5. Since its reconstitution in May 2022, the National Constitution Amendment Committee (NCAC) has made significant progress drafting amendment bills, four of which have already been submitted to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, and it has made progress in the review of the National Elections Act, 2012. The Chairperson of the NCAC will give us more details this morning. 

6. With respect to judicial reforms under Article 1.17 of the R-ARCSS, the Judicial Reform Committee (JRC) continues to work independently in sub-committees, as well as in plenary meetings. They have begun consultations with the judiciary, and other rule of law institutions on areas of judicial reforms. Some progress is therefore being made in this regard, albeit with many challenges, including lack of resources. 

7. The restructuring and reconstitution of the Institutions and Commissions at the national level, as per article 1.19, is pending. As this process gets underway, it is important to pay particular attention to the mandate and appointments to ensure their independence and accountability. Further, it is imperative that these Institutions and Commissions are staffed with personnel with the necessary merit and technical expertise, as well as having an appropriate gender balance. 

8. On the subject of elections, the Roadmap indicates that they are scheduled to take place in December 2024. For smooth and successful elections to take place, it is imperative that the following crucial tasks are fully implemented: 

  1. a. provision of an enabling environment for elections, including the opening and preserving of civic and political space for all, to build confidence and participation in the process; 
  2. b. the making of the permanent constitution upon whose provision elections will be conducted; 
  3. c. completion of the unification and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF); 
  4. d. reconstitution of the Political Parties Council and its immediate operationalisation; 
  5. e. amendment of the National Elections Act, 2012 to conform to the terms of the Peace Agreement and reconstitution of a competent and impartial National Elections Commission (NEC) to conduct elections; 
  6. f. implementation of programmes for relief, protection reconstruction, repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation and reintegration of refugees, IDPs and returnees; 
  7. g. Early preparations for election processes, including voter registration and thereafter publication of the voters register six months prior to elections; and 
  8. h. preparation by all security forces for elections-related security tasks at least six months before the end of the Transitional Period. 


Therefore, among the numerous other important tasks that the Roadmap details, I urge particular focus on these tasks outlined above. 

9. Next, security. Since the last ordinary Plenary, as I mentioned at the outset, graduation of the forces has begun in earnest. Despite all the challenges of resources and logistics, it is commendable that around 80% of Phase 1 of the Necessary Unified Forces have graduated. The Parties to the R-ARCSS and the RTGoNU leadership are to be commended for this, and we acknowledge all those friends and partners who provided support in this process. 

10. In line with the Roadmap deadlines, it is noted that redeployment of graduated NUFs was to have taken place by 30 September 2022. However, this is still pending, and I have been informed that they have instead been returned to their training centres, and have not received any salary. Furthermore, commencement of Phase 2 of forces currently in Cantonment Sites and barracks was to have begun by 30 September 2022. I look forward to receiving an update on these matters from the Joint Defence Board. 

11. It is also important to note that there are still some key issues regarding the Transitional Security Arrangements to be completed requiring particular focus, including; 


a. Finalisation of the Strategic Defence and Security Review documents; 

b. Provision of clear and predictable funding for the DDR Commission and its programmes; and 

c. A clear plan for the management of weapons from troops going to training centres. 

12. CTSAMVM continues to monitor and report violations of the Permanent Ceasefire, despite current operational challenges. I have written to the responsible Parties about the violation reports, including for example, Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Koch and Leer Counties of Unity State, and the torture and killing of three civilians in Kiri Boma of Kajo Keji County, Central Equatoria State. These reports were submitted to RJMEC by CTSAMVM, calling for action. RJMEC wrote to the responsible Parties, but until now, despite the seriousness of these violations, no response has been received on the action taken. I would therefore like to remind the Parties of their responsibility to respond to RJMEC in accordance to the Agreement. 

13. On the Rome peace process, some SSOMA groups were to have declared their forces to CTSAMVM, and integrated their monitors into its structures. This has not happened so far, and I would like to hear more on the Rome process from the RTGoNU. 

14. Regarding humanitarian affairs, flooding continues to compound the dire humanitarian situation. According to OCHA, over 1 million people are verified as affected by torrential rains and flooding in 36 counties across South Sudan. Overall, the magnitude and severity of humanitarian needs continues to rise, due to the cumulative effects of prolonged community-based conflicts, widespread flooding, and high levels of food insecurity. Also of concern is the safety and access of humanitarian workers and their assets. This year, it is sad to note that eight humanitarian workers have lost their lives in South Sudan. 

15. According to the Roadmap, the Special Reconstruction Fund programme and a detailed action plan for the reconstruction of conflict affected states and other areas was to have been established by 30 August 2022, and provided with initial funding of not less than USD 100 million per annum. This is important as it paves the way for convening the South Sudan pledging conference. In this regard, I would like to remind you of the 11 July Communique of the African Union Peace and Security Council, which strongly encourages the RTGoNU to “expedite the establishment of the Board for Special Reconstruction Fund (BSRF), so that the AU Commission, the UN and IGAD, working in collaboration with the Government, can expeditiously organize the South Sudan Pledging Conference.” Bearing this in mind, I urge the RTGoNU to expedite the establishment of the SRF without delay. 


16. On Chapter 4 on Resource, Economic and Financial Management, some progress has been registered in the management of petroleum resources, and reforms are ongoing. Furthermore, agricultural policies and strategies and programmes are being developed. Overall, however, public financial reforms have been slow. Audits designed to enhance the transparent management of the petroleum resources (such as the cost recovery audit and environment audit) are yet to be completed. However, the audit of the Government’s Financial Statements has commenced. Furthermore, the Roadmap highlights provisions related to the management of financial resources, due to be completed by 22 November 2022. This includes the review of the banking laws, appointment of the Auditor General, and review of the Fiscal and Financial Allocation Monitoring Commission. I look forward to receiving an update from on the activities of the Public Finance Management Oversight Committee from the Hon. Minister of Finance this morning. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

17. On Chapter 5, transitional justice, public consultations to help guide the legislation establishing the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH) are ongoing. The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs is reviewing an interim report based on the consultations thus far, and has begun drafting the CTRH bill. According to the Roadmap, however, the CTRH legislation was expected to have been promulgated by 30 October, and its activities to have commenced by the end of November. This indicates that the process is behind schedule. 

18. The Ministry of Justice is also undertaking consultations with partners on good practices that will inform the Compensation and Reparation Authority legislative framework that responds to the South Sudanese context. I urge the Ministry to complete these processes and initiate these legislations for public and Parliamentary discussion. In terms of the establishment of the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, I appeal to the RTGoNU and the African Union to expedite its establishment. 

19. Regarding the Permanent Constitution Making Process, the Constitution Making Process Bill 2022 was passed by the reconstituted Transitional National Legislature last month, and is now awaiting the President’s assent to become law. I appeal to H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, to assent to this bill to pave the way for the reconstitution of the National Constitutional Review Commission (NCRC), and establishment of the Preparatory Sub-Committee for the convening of National Constitutional Conference. Under the Bill, the Parties and other Stakeholders to the Agreement shall nominate and submit a list of their nominees to the taskforce within 30 days after the coming into force of the Bill. 

20. The Reconstituted NCRC will then recruit the members of the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC). I urge the Parties and stakeholders’ groups, who will be represented in the various constitution making bodies, to begin considering their nominees accordingly. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

21. Since the last Plenary, I have held a number of consultations with the leadership of the RTGoNU, including the First Vice President, and all the four Vice Presidents and Cluster Heads to discuss the status and prospects of implementation of the Roadmap. They expressed their commitment to the implementation of the Roadmap. I also consulted with H.E. Dr Workneh Gebeyehu, the Executive Secretary of IGAD, about the South Sudan peace process, and to explore additional ways in which IGAD can marshal support and enhance its visibility in the implementation of the Roadmap. 

22. Even though the implementation is still within the Agreement period, part of which is covered by the Roadmap, progress has been slow and there is need for urgency. According to our evaluation of the Roadmap, of those tasks meant to have been started or completed by November, only 50% have been implemented, or are ongoing. With that in mind, I would like to make the following recommendations to the RTGoNU: 

a. Prioritise implementation of the Roadmap tasks within the given timelines; 

b. Avail predictable, timely and adequate funding for all Roadmap tasks; 


  1. c. Expedite the enactment of all outstanding bills; 
  2. d. Complete phase 1 graduation and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces, and commence with phase 2, which is overdue; 
  3. e. Fund DDR programmes as an essential component of unification of forces; and 
  4. f. Fast track the establishment and operationalisation of the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing. 
  5. 23. In conclusion, with the adoption of the Roadmap, it is vital to stress the need for heightened urgency. The people of South Sudan, who are the primary beneficiaries of this Peace Agreement, have waited a long time to reap the benefits of peace. It is therefore of utmost importance to implement the Roadmap in letter and spirit. I would also like to reiterate the critical role of this Commission, and our collective responsibility to monitor and evaluate the Agreement implementation. 
  6. 24. It is my conviction that peaceful and democratic elections are possible at the end of the 24-month extension period, if we all change our approach and strategy. I would like to close with the following points. 
  7. a. First and foremost, the RTGoNU must demonstrate the urgency, the unity of purpose, the commitment, the extra effort and political will required to implement the tasks outlined in the Roadmap as scheduled; 
  1. b. Secondly, you as RJMEC members, individually and collectively, need to enhance your approaches in engaging the RTGoNU and the various Agreement institutions and mechanisms with a strong focus on facilitating progress; 
  2. c. Thirdly, it is incumbent on you, RJMEC members, to enhance your oversight approach through the RJMEC Working Committees, which includes RTGoNU representatives, to identify and flag key priority tasks that require the RTGoNU’s early attention and action; and 
  3. d. Finally, there is need for us to consolidate our efforts, speak with one voice, and bring all our collective pressure to bear and push for the timely implementation of the Roadmap, thereby creating the conditions for the conduct of free, fair and credible elections. 

I Thank You. 

Honourable Members, 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon!

1.   As Interim Chairperson of RJMEC, it is my responsibility to communicate the outcome of today’s Extraordinary plenary.

2.   You, the RJMEC members, have deliberated and pronounced yourselves on the Agreement on the Roadmap to a Peaceful and Democratic end to the Transitional Period of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.’ 

3.   Two questions were asked. The first:

“Do you as RJMEC members wish to make a decision on the extension of the Transitional Period today, or after three (03) months to give the RTGoNU time for consultations with the citizens before any extension? 

35 voted in favour of making the decision today, while 3 voted in favour of extending by three months. 4 members did not vote. 

On the second question:

“Do you as RJMEC Members Consent or Not Consent to the extension of the Transitional Period, effective 23rd February 2023 to 22nd February 2025?” 

4.   The result was as follows: 37 out of 42 members present today voted in favour, 4 did not vote while one was absent. 

5.   Article 8.4 of the R-ARCSS requires that at least two-thirds of the voting members consent to an amendment.  Therefore, according to the procedures set out in the Revitalised Agreement, the motion is CARRIED.

6.   The proposed amendment to Article 1.1.2, which extends the Transitional Period and term of RTGoNU until 22nd February 2025, now requires ratification by the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislature, according to the constitutional amendment procedures set out in the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan - TCRSS, 2011 (as amended).

7.   As a next step, I will be submitting our decision and the accompanying resolution to the RTGoNU to consider RJMEC’s position and recommendation in this regard. Amongst the key observations made are as follows: 

  • The new spirit of cooperation exhibited by the Parties in the agreement on the Roadmap, ending of SPLM/A-IO boycott of the Reconstituted TNLA, graduation of the first batch of the Necessary Unified Forces, as well as recent breakthroughs achieved in the meetings of the Presidency is welcomed. 

8.   I would like to encourage the Parties to continuously dialogue, work together to enhance the rebuilding of trust and confidence in the peace process, by taking concrete steps to address all the key impediments to progress in the implementation of the Agreement.

9.   We identified a number of tasks in the Roadmap, whose deadlines have already passed, and in this regard I wish to urge the RTGoNU to review and update the timelines in the Implementation Matrix contained in the Annex of the Roadmap for tasks whose timelines have already passed prior to its submission to the reconstituted TNLA.

10.        About the concerns expressed over the limited nature of the consultations conducted prior to the development of the Roadmap, I  urge the RTGoNU Parties to implement the Roadmap in an inclusive manner, including by continuously consulting with all relevant stakeholders, and civil society actors, during its implementation. 

11.        Finally, I urge the RTGoNU to demonstrate full and unwavering political will and commitment to implement all the priority tasks set out in the Roadmap, in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Revitalised Peace Agreement and to implement additional interim measures, including an economic recovery plan to improve the current business environment.

I Thank You.  


Honourable Members, 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning!

1.   I welcome you all to the 2nd Extraordinary meeting of the RJMEC. As you may recall, the 1stExtraordinary meeting of RJMEC was held about three and a half years ago, on 19th February 2019, during which the National Pre-Transitional Committee (NPTC) presented its detailed budget, roadmap, financing needs and status of the implementation of the Pre-Transitional activities, as well as financial and other challenges impeding implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS).

2.   Pursuant to Article 7.12 of the R-ARCSS, RJMEC is mandated to hold regular meetings, and to convene Extraordinary meetings as may be required. Accordingly, and as per rule 3.2 of the Rules of Procedure of RJMEC, I have convened today’s Extraordinary meeting for members to deliberate and pronounce themselves on the Agreement on the Roadmap to a Peaceful and Democratic end to the Transitional Period of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.’ Hereafter, the ‘Roadmap’.

3.   At this point, I would like to congratulate the Parties to the R-ARCSS and the RTGoNU leadership upon the significant milestone achieved two days ago with the graduation of the first batch of the National Unified Forces. As I said in my remarks at the ceremony, the graduation of the almost 22,000 unified forces was a remarkable achievement. There is now an urgent need to build on the momentum generated by completing graduation of Phase I in Greater Bahr el Ghazal and Greater Upper Nile, and proceed with Phase II of the unification of forces.   

Honorable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,

4.   In the 9 December 2021 RJMEC Plenary meeting, the RJMEC members through Resolution 2 acknowledged the growing concerns over the slow pace of implementation of the R-ARCSS, and recommended to the RTGoNU “to develop a clear roadmap and timeline for the implementation of the critical pending tasks in the remaining period of the Transitional Period.” The need for a roadmap and strategy was further endorsed in the 10 February 2022 RJMEC Plenary meeting, and Resolution number 6 records that the RTGoNU committed to develop and present a clear roadmap towards elections at the end of the Transitional Period in due course. In particular, tasks lagging behind included the unification of forces, the making of the permanent constitution and enactment of crucial bills to facilitate implementation of other provisions of the R-ARCSS which are prerequisites for the conduct of peaceful, credible and democratic elections at the end of the Transitional Period.  

5.   In response to the RJMEC’s request, the RTGoNU developed a roadmap, which was endorsed by its Council of Ministers on 5 August 2022. It was then submitted to RJMEC on 10 August 2022, along with the Council’s Resolutions, both of which have been shared with you all. 

6.   The Roadmap seeks to extend the Transitional Period and term of office of the RTGoNU for twenty-four months, which requires the amendment of Article 1.1.2 of the R-ARCSS. As you are aware, Article 8.4 of the R-ARCSS provides for the procedure for any amendment of the Revitalised Agreement. Specifically, it states that provisions of the R-ARCSS may be amended by the Parties with at least two-thirds of the members of the Council of Ministers of the RTGoNU, and at least two-thirds of the voting members of RJMEC consenting to the amendments, followed by ratification by the reconstituted TNLA in accordance with the procedure for Constitutional amendment under the TCRSS 2011 (as amended).

Honorable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,

7.   In my opinion as Chair of RJMEC, the criteria against which the Roadmap can be evaluated should include whether: 

a)   it contains the critical tasks that the RTGoNU will implement to secure lasting peace in South Sudan and for the conduct of a peaceful and democratic end of the extended Transitional Period;

b)   it is consistent with the R-ARCSS, which remains the supreme document; and

c)    the timelines are realistic and clearly benchmarked for the implementation of the critical pending tasks of the Agreement. 

8.   These criteria, and any other issues members may raise, should be the focus of our deliberations today. 

Honorable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,

9.   In conclusion, following RJMEC’s request, and having received the Roadmap from the RTGoNU, I invite all members to deliberate and pronounce themselves on the Roadmap, including the requirement for amending article 1.1.2 which would extend the Transitional Period for twenty-four months.  

10.        I wish you fruitful deliberations.

I Thank You.






·      H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan; 

·      H.E. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Chairperson of the Sovereignty Council of Sudan and Chair of IGAD;

·      H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda;

·      H.E. Dr Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan;

·      H.E. Hussein Abdelbagi Akol, Vice President and representative of South Sudan Opposition Alliance;

·      Excellencies Vice Presidents of the Republic of South Sudan;

·      Distinguished representatives of the Governments of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania. 

·      Hon. Tut Gatluak Manime, Chairperson of NTC,

·      Hon. Ministers, 

·      Excellencies Ambassadors

·      Distinguished Guests, 

·      Ladies and Gentlemen.

Good afternoon! Asalamu Aleykum!

1.   It gives me great pleasure to speak at this historic event in the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. Today’s graduation of the first batch of the Necessary Unified Forces, is an important milestone as envisaged under Chapter II of the Agreement. 

2.   As the Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission, the institution responsible for the overall oversight of the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, I do not take this occasion lightly, given the challenges which the Parties encountered in the unification of forces.  

3.   In this regard, I would like to congratulate H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E Dr. Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President and all the Four Vice Presidents, for making this leap forward. I also commend the National Transitional Committee, the Joint Defense Board (JDB), the Joint Transitional Security Committee and the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission for working collectively to achieve this milestone.

4.   I would also like to commend H.E. Lt. Gen. Abdel Fatteh al Burhan, Chairperson of the Sovereignty Council of Sudan and Chairperson of IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government and other IGAD Heads of State and Government, for their unwavering efforts and commitment to support the South Sudan peace process. 

Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

5.   This graduation ceremony today symbolizes national unity, the spirit of patriotism, loyalty to the constitution and to the country. The unified forces reflect the national character of the people of South Sudan. 

6.   I would like to congratulate the graduating unified forces for their endurance, commitment and determination to serve the country as members of the security forces. As professional, apolitical security forces, the spirit of comradeship, discipline, espirit de corps and loyalty that you have developed during your training should serve as your guiding values as you get redeployed to your respective units.  

7.   Let this spirit of unification of forces be one of the building blocks in promoting national unity, reconciliation and cohesion which should be emulated across the country. The unified forces will enable the realization of a united, secure, peaceful and prosperous South Sudan.

Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

8.   As I have always said, the unification of forces is the backbone of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Despite the challenges, this graduation is a testament and a clear indication of the determination by the Government of Republic of South Sudan to stay the course of peace. 

9.   However, despite this achievement, we have a long way to go to attain full unification of forces, including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ineligible candidates for the unification. We expect this momentum to be maintained and Phase II of unification to commence as quickly as possible.  

10.  I also take this opportunity to commend the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity for positively responding to the RJMEC’s request and prepared a Roadmap to a Peaceful and Democratic end to the Transitional Period of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. RJMEC has now scheduled an extraordinary meeting for this Thursday for the members to deliberate on the Roadmap.

11.  As I conclude, it is my sincere hope and expectation that this graduation will also provide a timely boost to the overall implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement going forward. Much remains to be done across all the chapters of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, especially in the Permanent Constitution-making process, legislative reforms and the necessary preparations for free, fair and credible elections at the end of the Transitional Period. 

12.  I appeal to you all to build on this momentum that the graduation provides.

I Thank You. 














Honourable Ministers, 


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning!

1. I welcome you all to the 23rd meeting of the RJMEC. At the outset, I would like to congratulate the Government and the People of the Republic of South Sudan, upon commemorating the 11th independence anniversary on 9th July 2022.

2. I also commend Pope Francis for sending his emissary, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, with a message of prayers and continuing hope for the realization of enduring peace, healing and reconciliation in the Republic of South Sudan.

3. These two events should make us reflect deeply on how far we have come and how far we have to go collectively to achieve South Sudanese aspirations of an independent, peaceful, prosperous and democratic state. 

4. This month also marks seven months to the end of the Transitional Period of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, and this is a critical moment in its implementation.

5.  By now, you should have all received our comprehensive evaluation report on the status of implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement from the beginning of the Transition Period to the end of June 2022. We also recently published our latest Quarterly report for the period March to June 2022.

6.  As you may have read in the matrices attached to the Evaluation report, by now, all critical tasks, including the constitution-making process should have been completed and preparation for the conduct of elections should have been in high gear. However, this is not the case. Critical tasks, including some pre-transitional tasks, like the unification of forces, are still pending.

7.   It is precisely because of the aforementioned reasons, that RJMEC had as early as December 2021 urged the RTGoNU to develop a clear roadmap with a strategy to implement the critical pending tasks of the Agreement. Then in our 21st Plenary held on 10 February 2022, I presented a chapter-by-chapter status of implementation report in which I again stressed the need for a clear strategy going forward. At that meeting, the RTGoNU representative expressed the commitment of the government, to develop a roadmap towards elections at the end of the Transitional Period. 

8.  Therefore, the news that a draft Roadmap was presented to the President on Friday 15thJuly 2022 is a welcome development. I understand that this draft will be discussed by the Presidency before being tabled to the Parties for consideration. Once adopted by the RTGoNU it will be presented to RJMEC. The RTGoNU representative will brief us more on the roadmap.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

9. I will now focus my statement on the developments in the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement since our last plenary, highlight some of the challenges, the ongoing RJMEC efforts, and will conclude with recommendations.

10.   Under Chapter 1, some progress was made towards Judicial and Legal reforms. On 20thMay 2022, IGAD officially submitted the list of nominees and appointees to the ad hocJudicial Reform Committee (JRC), a body mandated to study and recommend appropriate judicial reforms to the RTGoNU.

11.   Then, on 18th June 2022, Justice James Ogoola (Uganda) and Lady Justice Joyce Alouch (Kenya), the appointed Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the JRC respectively reported to Juba and commenced the Committee’s preparatory work. To that end, the JRC leadership paid courtesy calls on senior government officials and held a joint introductory meeting with the national members of the Committee. The JRC is expected to commence its work in mid-August for a duration of six months.

12.   The National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) has reviewed and submitted the Public Financial Management and Accountability Act 2011 (Amendment) Bill 2022 to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, and has made progress in the review of other bills. I commend the NCAC for its dedication to deliver on its mandate. The NCAC will provide us with a further update on the status of its work.

13.   The Transitional National Legislative Assembly has passed the Wildlife Services Amendment Bill 2022 and the Constitution Making Process Bill 2022. I welcome this development. With regard to the reservations raised by some parties on the TNLA handling of the Political Parties Amendment Bill, I welcome the decision by H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit to discuss the matter with the Presidency, and I appeal to all Parties to always strive to achieve consensus fully aware that, where this is not possible, the R-ARCSS provides for decision making by a two-thirds majority.

14.   On the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements, there has been a reduction in clashes between SSPDF allied elements and the SPLA-IO since the unification of Command. Despite the April agreement on a unified command structure, progress towards the graduation of the unified forces has stalled. Nonetheless, I am encouraged by the recent statement of H.E. the President, that the Presidency will soon meet and set a date for the graduation of the unified forces. With regard to the DDR process, I am informed that the Commission’s budget for repatriation of an estimated 2,000 ex-combatants, currently in training centres has been approved by the National Transition Committee, and I urge the Ministry of Finance to fast-track disbursement of these funds. 

15.   Recently, I wrote to the President as well as the Chairman of the JDB regarding the serious violations to the transitional security arrangements in Unity and Upper Nile states, as reported by CTSAMVM. I specifically requested that the perpetrators of these atrocities be held to account.

16.   I would like to commend the SSPDF leadership for the recently concluded Court Martial in Yei, Central Equatoria State that resulted in the trial and conviction of several soldiers for crimes committed against civilians such as murder, rape and looting, among others.  It is important that all perpetrators of violence are held accountable.

17.   Regarding the Sant ’Egidio-led mediation, some progress has been made. CTSAMVM recently completed an induction training in Rome, Italy, of national monitors representing the South Sudan Opposition Movement Alliance (SSOMA) of Gen. Paul Malong and Pagan Amum. They are now expected to be integrated within the CTSAMVM Monitoring and Verification Teams by mid-August. I would like to encourage the other group of SSOMA allied to the National Salvation Front (NAS) of Gen. Thomas Cirillo to join the dialogue in good faith towards finding a lasting solution.

 18.   On the humanitarian chapter, we welcome the opening of humanitarian corridors between Twic County, Warrap State and the Abyei Administrative Area. In addition, there has been the restoration of river transport between Sudan’s White Nile State and Upper Nile State.

19.   However, bureaucratic impediments and funding cuts are affecting the delivery of critical lifesaving services such as emergency food, nutrition and health service provision.   The imposition of taxes on humanitarian goods is also affecting the delivery of these services. I urge the RTGoNU to take steps to address the above concerns, including the availing of more resources to address the humanitarian situation.

20.   On the economic affairs chapter, we welcome the launching of the revised National Development strategy, which has been aligned with the Revitalised Agreement. The importance of this strategy among others, is to establish and strengthen institutions for transparent, accountable and inclusive governance; foster macroeconomic stability and build foundations for diversification of the economy. It is my hope that this will help address the peace, development and humanitarian nexus. 

21.   Further, I urge the RTGoNU to move forward with the legislation and provision of funding for the enterprise development funds, which will serve to provide the necessary boost to help establish women and youth businesses; thus, serving to empower a key segment of the South Sudanese population. 

22.   Under Chapter 5, the Technical Committee established to spearhead public consultations on the establishment of the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH), undertook public consultations in most parts of the country, with the exception of inaccessible areas where conflict is ongoing, such as Nimule. Their compiled report will assist the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to draft the CTRH legislation.

23.   It is concerning that there has been no progress towards the establishment of the other two transitional justice mechanisms i.e., the Hybrid Court for South Sudan and the Compensation and Reparations Authority. I therefore appeal to the RTGoNU to consider taking steps towards the establishment of these two critical Transitional Justice institutions.

24.   Under Chapter 6 on the making of the permanent constitution, there has been commendable progress with the recent passing of the Constitution Making Process Bill 2022, which now awaits assent by the President to become law. Once enacted, the important process of constitution-making will begin in earnest, with the reconstitution of the National Constitution Review Commission, establishment of the Constitution Drafting Committee, and the Preparatory Sub-Committee for the convening of the National Constitutional Conference. I urge the parties and designated stakeholder groups to initiate the process of identifying their nominees to these various mechanisms to ensure their timely establishment.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

25.   As you may already be aware, the US Government recently suspended its financial support to RJMEC and CTSAMVM, a move which will impact our operational capacity. We thank and appreciate the US government for its invaluable support to RJMEC and CTSAMVM over the years, and we will continue to engage with the US Government to reconsider its decision.

26.   Pursuant to our mandate as RJMEC, I undertook a series of regional and diplomatic engagements to brief the region and international community on the status of the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement and to solicit their support to the peace process. I attended the 37th Assembly of IGAD Heads of State and Government held in Nairobi, which discussed regional issues, including the peace process in South Sudan. I also briefed the AU Peace and Security Council; and separately met with the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, over the AU support to the peace process in South Sudan. 

27.   On 12th July 2022, I briefed a group of 13 Diplomats accredited to the Republic of South Sudan based in Addis Ababa on the ongoing peace process, and the mandates of RJMEC and CTSAMVM, including their centrality in the monitoring and oversight of the R-ARCSS. 

28.   Following these engagements, I can assure you, that the peace process in this country is on the minds and agenda of the regional and international community. They all appreciate the important contribution of RJMEC and CTSAMVM, and the need for the RTGoNU to come up with a roadmap that will ensure implementation of the remaining tasks; in order to facilitate peaceful, free, fair and credible elections at the end of the transition period.  

29.   In conclusion, I would like to make the following recommendations

a.   urge the RTGoNU to fast-track the process for the consideration and adoption of the agreed final roadmap.

b.   urge the RTGoNU to urgently set the date for the graduation and redeployment of the unified forces and the commencement of phase 2 and the DDR process.

c.   urge the RTGoNU to seriously address the increasing incidences of community-based violence across the country.

d.  urge the RTGoNU to urgently institute mechanisms for fast-tracking procedures for the import and customs clearance of relief materials and visa renewal processes for humanitarian workers to improve access to those in dire need.

e.   appeal to all partners and friends of South Sudan to continue supporting RJMEC and CTSAMVM and the full implementation of the R-ARCSS; and

f.    appeal to RTGoNU to allocate adequate funding for the implementation of the Agreement including to the nationals within the mechanisms, service deliverylivelihoods and constitution-making process in the 2022/23 budget.

30.   In conclusion, at this critical phase of the implementation of the peace agreement, I appeal to all of you as members of RJMEC to be cognizant of our collective mandate, as monitors and evaluators. Let us seize this unique opportunity and proactively engage with the RTGoNU, propose remedial measures to overcome the challenges to the peace process, and facilitate progress.

I wish you fruitful deliberations. I thank you.

Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council;

Commissioner of Peace and Security; 

Your Excellencies Permanent Representatives; 


Ladies and Gentlemen.

Your Excellency,

1.   It is my honour, as the Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) to address this Council today. 

2.   As the oversight body of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, we recently published a very detailed evaluation report on the status of the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement from September 2018 to date, a copy of which, will be shared with your excellencies electronically. 

3.   I will therefore only highlight the key issues for your attention and deliberations today.

4.   Overall, there has been commendable progress since the Revitalized Peace Agreement was signed, including the cessation of violence across the country amongst the signatories to the Agreement; continued holding of the permanent ceasefire; the establishment and reconstitution of all institutions/mechanisms of the Agreement; incorporation of the Revilatised Agreement into the Transitional Constitution, as amended; review and amendments of all security related laws, Political Parties Act, Audit Chambers and Public Finance Management and Accountability Bills, some of which have already been enacted by the reconstituted Parliament. Equally important is the unification of the command structure of the armed forces and the commencement of transitional justice and permanent constitution-making processes, amongst others.

5.   Under the Agreement, the Transitional Period should be marked with a democratic election. However, with barely seven months to the end of the Transitional Period (February 2023), a number of critical Agreement tasks remain unimplemented. Some of the key elections related tasks, which are still pending include:

a.     Reconstitution of the Political Parties Council;

b.     Amendment of the National Elections Act, 2012 and reconstitution of a competent and impartial National Elections Commission (NEC) to conduct elections;

c.      Addressing of the challenges of reconstruction, repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation and reintegration of IDPs and returnees;

d.     Unification of forces to prepare for elections;

e.      Completion of the permanent constitution-making to guide the conduct of elections; and 

f.        Preparation for the holding of free, fair and credible elections.

6.   Without these tasks implemented, it will be difficult to conduct a credible election.

Your Excellency,

2.   There are several recurring challenges facing the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, namely: 

a.         lack of sufficient resources (financial and material) needed for the implementation of the Agreement; 

b.         insufficient political will and commitment of some actors; 

c.         trust deficit amongst the Parties; 

d.         capacity gaps; and

e.         growing sub-national violence. 

3.   The aforementioned challenges and delays not only undermine confidence in the peace process and ferment defections, but have also caused growing anxiety and frustrations amongst the South Sudanese population and international partners supporting the peace process. 

4.   As a result, we are witnessing increasing sub-national violence in the countryside, as well as withdrawal of some key actors and partners to the peace process. Very recently, the US Government withdrew its support to RJMEC and CTSAMVM, key IGAD mandated oversight and verification institutions, whose functions and effectiveness, are indispensable to the implementation of the Peace Agreement. Without an effective oversight mechanism, we risk the collapse of the Agreement, and reversing the gains made under the Agreement thus far. 

Your Excellency,

5.     In conclusion, I recommend the following to this Council

a.      urge the RTGoNU to develop a clear roadmap and strategy to implement critical outstanding requirements of the Revitalised Peace Agreement towards elections;

b.         support the RTGoNU efforts in mobilising resources from the region, and the international community to support the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement and to convene the Pledging Conference for South Sudan as provided for under Chapter 3 of the Agreement;

c.         engage the leadership of the RTGoNU to bridge the trust deficit, build confidence and demonstrate political will and commitment;

d.         urge the RTGoNU to address sub-national violence by urgently graduating and redeploying the unified forces;

e.         appeal to the US Government to reconsider its decision to halt support to RJMEC and CTSAMVM;

f.            Further appeal to all partners and friends of South Sudan to support RJMEC and CTSAMVM and the full implementation of the R-ARCSS, and 

g.         Lastly, appeal to the AU Commission to consider supporting RJMEC and CTSAMVM to ensure the effective discharge of their mandate.

I Thank You. 



Honourable Ministers, 


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning.

1.  I welcome you all to the 23rd RJMEC meeting. This month is roughly eight months away from the end of the Transitional Period. Under article 7.6 of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), it is our mandate to monitor and oversee the implementation of the R-ARCSS, the mandate and tasks of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU), including the adherence of the Parties to the agreed timelines and the implementation schedule. It is therefore critical that, at this point in time, we focus our attention to the pending tasks in the Revitalized Peace Agreement and recommend appropriate corrective actions.  

2.  At the outset, I welcome the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) back to the plenary meeting. The NCAC resumed its mandate on 17 May 2022 for the next 8 months. I also welcome progress that has been made towards the imminent establishment of the ad hoc Judicial Reform Committee (JRC) which is set to commence work in mid-June 2022. In that regard, I commend IGAD and the international partners for their support to ensure that both NCAC and JRC are operational. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

3.  Since our last plenary, I had the opportunity to brief the Council of Ministers of the RTGoNU on 8 April 2022 on the status of implementation of the R-ARCSS. In my briefing, I highlighted the critical pending tasks of the Agreement, including the limited time left to the end of the Transitional Period. I also made seven recommendations, including an appeal to the Council to prepare a strategy with timelines for the implementation of critical outstanding tasks of the R-ARCSS. The Council adopted all my recommendations and it is our expectations that the RTGoNU will update us on the progress so far.

4.    In addition, RJMEC Secretariat oriented the members of the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly on the Revitalized Peace Agreement from 10 – 20 May 2022, and we expect them to now proactively fulfil their mandate to support the implementation of the Agreement.

5.  However, for the purpose of this meeting at this critical time in the Transitional Period, allow me to highlight the pending tasks of the Agreement, chapter by chapter. 

6.  Under Chapter I on Governance, the following tasks are yet to be implemented:

·      Judicial reforms, including review of the Judiciary Act, establishment of an ad hoc Judicial Reform Committee, reconstitution of the Judicial Service Commission and establishment of an independent, impartial and credible Constitutional Court; 

·      Completion of reviews of legislation, including the National Elections Act 2012 by the NCAC to conform to the provisions of the R-ARCSS;

·      Completion of the process of restructuring and reconstitution of Commissions and Institutions at the national level;

·      Enactment of the amended Security bills, and the Constitution Making Process Bill; and

·      Reconstitution of a competent and impartial National Elections Commission, the Political Parties Council and preparations for holding free, fair, and credible national elections. 

7.    Under Chapter 2 on the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements, the pending tasks include:

·       Completion of the unification of command structure at all levels of rank and file;

·      Graduation and redeployment of Phase I of the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF) and commencement of Phase II cantonment and training;

·      Operationalization and funding of the DDR programmes as a critical component of unification of forces and long-term security; 

·      Logistics support for cantonment sites and training centres; and

·      Complete demilitarization of civilian centres.  

8.    Regarding Chapter 3 on Humanitarian Assistance and Reconstruction, the tasks pending implementation include the following:

·      Creation by the RTGoNU of an enabling environment for voluntary and dignified return of IDPs and refugees;   

·      Creation of a conducive environment for the provision of humanitarian services to communities in need;

·      Provision of public service delivery, including access to health and education, protection and humanitarian services prioritising conflict affected communities;

·      Establishment of the Special Reconstruction Fund (SRF) and Board (SRFB), and the convening of the South Sudan donor pledging conference to support the reconstruction of infrastructure in the country;

·      Provision by the RTGoNU of funding of USD 100 million per annum during the Transitional Period;

·      Repatriation, resettlement, reintegration and rehabilitation of IDPs and refugees;

·      Review by the NCAC of the NGO Act 2016; and

·      Fast tracking procedures and institutions for the import and customs clearance of relief materials, and granting of and renewal of visas required by humanitarian workers.

9.    Turning to Chapter 4 on Resource, Economic and Financial Management, several tasks remain outstanding. They include the following: 

·      Reforms of key institutions such as the National Audit Chamber, and the Anti-Corruption Commission;

·      Implementation of the Public Financial Management reforms, including wealth-sharing and revenue allocation; economic management; public expenditure; and borrowing;

·      Finalisation by the RTGoNU of all the reviewed and drafted bills, including the Public Finance Management and Accountability Act 2011, the Bank of South Sudan Act 2011 and the Banking Act 2012;

·      Reviews of all national legislation in accordance with article 4.7.1. of the R-ARCSS, notably the Petroleum Revenue Management Act 2012, and Petroleum Act 2012;

·      Establishment of new institutions as provided for under article 4.6 of the R-ARCSS;

·      Expediting the implementation of outstanding tasks relating to land policy, registration and administration;

·      All tasks related to Enterprise Development Funds; and

·      Establishment of the Economic and Financial Management Authority (EFMA).

10.   Under Chapter 5 on Transitional Justice, the outstanding critical tasks are the establishment of the three Transitional Justice mechanisms, namely the Commission for Truth Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH), the Hybrid Court for South Sudan (HCSS) and the Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA).   

11.       The outstanding tasks under the Permanent Constitution-making process in Chapter 6 of the R-ARCSS are the enactment of the Constitution-Making Process Bill 2022, and the establishment of the relevant mechanisms to embark on the making of the new constitution to guide the conduct of elections at the end of the Transitional Period.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

12.   It is imperative to note that, there are cross-cutting challenges which have hampered the implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement. They include delayed Unification of Forces, funding, military defection, trust deficit, insufficient political will, capacity gaps, the cumulative effects of prolonged subnational conflicts, the COVID-19 pandemic, the dire humanitarian situation in the country caused by natural calamities such as floods. If progress is to be expedited, the aforementioned challenges should be urgently and collectively addressed.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

13.   The R-ARCSS lays the foundation for a united, peaceful and prosperous society based on justice, equality, respect for human rights and the rule of law. However, I would like to stress that continuous delays in the implementation of the Agreement have consequential effects, as witnessed in the recent incidents of military defections and the associated violent confrontations. 

14.   In addition, I want to express my serious concerns regarding continuous occupation of civilian centres by the SSPDF and SPLA-IO, recent denial of access to CTSAMVM, attacks by the SSPDF on the SPLA-IO forces in Upper Nile and Unity States; and most disturbingly, reports of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in Koch and Leer Counties in Unity State, including deaths of unspecified number of people, destruction of property and displacement of civilians. 

15.    There is also a growing public anxiety, frustration and despair on what happens when the Transitional Period lapses in February 2023 without the completion of all tasks of the Agreement.

16.   The critical focus at this time, therefore, should be to consolidate the peace dividends which have been achieved thus far by implementing the outstanding tasks of the R-ARCSS. Having outlined the tasks and the risks associated with inaction or delays, it is my expectation that the RTGoNU will update this meeting on its plan and strategy on the way forward. I also appeal to the members to suggest possible remedial measures in view of the aforementioned.

17.   I wish you fruitful deliberations. 




Honourable Ministers,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning.

1. I welcome you all to our monthly meeting. Despite the relatively short time left available in the Transitional Period, and RJMEC’s repeated appeals, I note no substantial progress in the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) since our last meeting. However, in all RJMEC’s engagements, both in South Sudan and regionally, we continue to call for the RTGoNU to demonstrate greater political will to increase the pace of implementation at this critical time.

2. In that regard, I have undertaken internal, regional and international consultations and briefings to encourage greater support for the implementation of the R-ARCSS since our last plenary. I held bilateral meetings with H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit and the other members of the RTGoNU Presidency, and several national ministers. I also met the President of the Republic of Djibouti, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Djibouti, the Executive Secretary of IGAD and the Chairpersonof the African Union Commission. Similarly, I briefed the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the United Nations

Security Council.

3. During my regional engagements, I appealed to the Regional Guarantors to consider holding an urgent meeting in Juba and engage with the RTGoNU leadership. The focus would be to assess the status of implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement, as guarantors, to provide the necessary impetus for implementation of the Agreement and to help overcome the challenges facing progress.

4. At this point I will provide status updates on the implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement since our last monthly meeting, outstanding tasks, challenges requiring remedial action, and conclude with recommendations.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

5. Since our last meeting in February, there has been minimal progress towards implementation of the provisions of the governance chapter of the R-ARCSS. Reportedly, two additional

State Legislative Assemblies have recently been sworn in. I encourage the States which are yet to operationalise their Legislative Assemblies to do so in order to enable them embark on

their functions.

6. I note recent press reports that the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) ratified the budget for the Financial Year 2021 / 2022. As a result, it is my expectation that

they will now give their full attention to the bills that are awaiting enactment – namely the six security bills, the Constitution-Making Bill, and the Political Parties Bill, all of which are essential to the ongoing implementation of the R-ARCSS.

7. On the reconvening of the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC), I welcome the recent signing of an agreement between the IGAD Office of the Special Envoy for South Sudan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to support the activities of the NCAC. I therefore urge the resumption of the NCAC’s work with the expectation that they will prioritise the review of the election laws and other relevant legislations specifically assigned to them.

8. On Chapter 2, the Permanent Ceasefire and the Transitional Security Arrangements, I am concerned by the reports of an increasing number of clashes taking place between SPLA-IO forces and defectors to the SSPDF in Upper Nile and Unity States, including in training centres. We have tasked CTSAMVM to further investigate these clashes. I would like to stress that each training centre is a symbol of the unity which is being forged through creating a unified force, and any threat to this is unacceptable. Such divisive activities complicate the unification process, lower morale and breed mistrust among troops. A unified force depends on cohesiveness for its ability to function as a professional force.

9. As per the Agreement, the Parties are responsible for the command and control of their forces and affiliates. As a result, Party commanders starting from the lowest level, are charged with the

responsibility to hold their troops accountable for any violations, as well as devising corrective and preventive measures where necessary. On 7 February 2022, after receiving violation reports

from the CTSAMVM Chairperson, I wrote letters to the SSPDF and the SPLA-IO Chiefs of Defence Forces, urging them to take action for the violations committed by their respective forces as highlighted in the CTSAMVM reports. I am awaiting responses from them on actions being taken in respect of my request for accountability.

10. In regard to the Transitional Security Arrangements and in particular, the screening, training and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces for Phase One, this matter, including the unified command and ratio of forces, is being dealt with at the IGAD level with RTGoNU. I continue to raise concerns that the DDR process still remains without the necessary support and funds from the RTGoNU. Proper attention to DDR could form part of the solution to the impasse on the force ratios and the excess of senior ranks.

11. With just one year left of the Transitional Period, it is very concerning to continue receiving reports of increased insecurity among some communities, including revenge attacks and criminality in various parts of the country. I would like to reiterate that this state of affairs is exacerbated by the delayed implementation of the Transitional Security Arrangements as set out in the R-ARCSS, growing military defections from one signatory party to another and poorly-resourced structures of governance and security at the State and local levels. I would like to remind all of us that, it is the responsibility of the RTGoNU, as per article 1.2.2 of the R-ARCSS, to restore permanent and sustainable peace, security, and stability in South Sudan.

12. The SPLM/A-IO earlier this week suspended their participation in R-ARCSS Security Mechanisms, and RJMEC meetings. RJMEC has taken note of all the concerns raised by the SPLM/A-IO. It is encouraging to note that SPLM/A-IO has reiterated its continuous commitment to the full implementation of the R-ARCSS and is willing to be available to discuss these issues with RJMEC. I would however like to stress that the Joint Defence Board is a key mechanism composed of the Chiefs of Defence Forces of the three Parties, responsible to their respective forces and as such, its role is imperative in addressing security-related issues. Therefore addressing the specific concerns that the SPLM/A-IO has raised, requires that these Security Mechanisms be fully composed of representatives from all the Parties, which means full participation of the SPLM/A-IO. In this regard, I urge that the SPLM/A-IO reverses the suspension of its participation in the security mechanisms in order to allow redress of the matters raised. I have also invited the concerned Parties to a meeting tomorrow 25 March 2022, to discuss these issues. I would like to emphasise that the full engagement of all the Parties and inclusive dialogue within the framework of the R-ARCSS is the only way of resolving disagreements

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

13. Regarding humanitarian assistance and reconstruction, the humanitarian situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate because of subnational conflicts, widespread flooding, deepening food insecurity, high food prices, and lack of access to basic services. I would like to underscore that violence at the subnational level also increases the number of displaced people, strains the already scarce humanitarian support, and further impacts negatively on humanitarian access. I appeal to the RTGoNU to address the roots causes of violence at the subnational level, provide humanitarian support and services, and ensure the protection of civilians.

14. Whereas voluntary returns continue to be reported, especially from Uganda, instability and flooding compound internal and cross border displacement of communities, notably in Eastern and Central Equatoria. At least 90,000 returnees are reportedly displaced within the country, unable to reach their homes. All returnees and IDPs should be enabled to go home in safety and dignity, as per article

15. On resource, economic and financial management, it is commendable that the RToGNU has operationalised the South Sudan Pension Fund (SSPF) that was launched in 2019 in accordance with the South Sudan Pension Fund Act 2012. I would like to encourage the RTGoNU to extend this social protection system to cover a wider cross-section of society, including the organised forces.

16. The reviewed Bank of South Sudan Act 2010 needs to be enacted in order to encourage greater accountability and transparency in the financial sector, and for the Bank of South Sudan to perform other functions conferred upon it by law. I appeal to the RTGoNU to forward this bill to the Transitional National Legislative Assembly for enactment to allow the Bank of South Sudan to implement them outstanding provisions in this chapter.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

17. Regarding transitional justice, I am informed that preparations are well advanced for the national consultations to help shape the legislation that establishes the Commission for Truth,

Reconciliation and Healing, and that the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs expects to begin them next week. I would like to underscore that involving the people of South Sudan in the development of transitional justice mechanisms is of great importance.

18. On the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, last week I had the opportunity to meet the African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson to discuss the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement, including the establishment of the Hybrid Court. My recommendation was for the AUC to engage the RTGoNU with a view to encouraging them to give full attention to transitional justice.

19. With regard to the Permanent Constitution-making process, let me again remind all of us that the ordinary citizens of the Republic of South Sudan stand to benefit greatly from a people-led and people owned permanent constitution-making process. The permanent constitution is essential to guide the way to elections. Furthermore, the Preamble of the Revitalized Peace Agreement is clear that the “Parties are determined to compensate the people of South Sudan by recommitting themselves to peace and constitutionalism.” I  therefore urge the Transitional National Legislature to enact the Constitution-Making Process Bill to kick start this important process without any further delay.

20. Now for a word on the RJMEC Working Committees. These are an important part of RJMEC’s monitoring and evaluation functions, and they work well when attended properly. However, the persistent absence of some members frustrates the work of these committees, and therefore it lowers their effectiveness at a time when the ongoing implementation of the R-ARCSS needs support from all sides. I would like to reiterate my previous calls for their members to make greater efforts to attend these very important meetings.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

21. I would like to conclude with the following recommendations:  a. urge the reconstituted Transitional National Legislature to expedite the enactment of the pending security, political parties

and constitution-making bills;

b. urge the operationalisation of all the remaining State Legislatures;

c. call upon the RTGoNU to urgently restore peace and security in the regions affected by conflict and violence;

d. urge the armed Signatory Parties to exercise full command and control of their forces, and to hold their troops accountable for any violations, as well as devising corrective and preventive measures where necessary;

e. urge the RTGoNU to complete the Transitional Security Arrangements, including resolving the issues of unified command and force ratios, and redeployment of unified forces, as well as implement DDR programmes as part of the unification process;

f. urge the RTGoNU to extend the South Sudan Pension Fund across a wider cross-section of society, including the organised forces; and g. urge the RTGoNU to ensure that the public consultations surrounding the establishment of the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing are comprehensive and meaningful and commence without further delay.

22. Lastly, I would like to remind the Parties that there is less than one year before the end of the Transitional Period, which should conclude with the holding of elections. Therefore, the roadmap and strategy to be developed by the RTGoNU should, among other things, set out the tasks most critical for the conduct of free, fair and credible elections, given the dwindling time left to implement the Peace Agreement. In doing so, I remind all Parties once again of their commitment, expressed in the Preamble of the Agreement, “to lay the foundation for a united, peaceful and prosperous society based on justice, equality, respect for human rights and the rule of law.”

I encourage all of you to participate in our debates this morning to the fullest at this critical time. I wish you fruitful deliberations.


I Thank You.



-       President of the UN Security Council,

-       Distinguished Members of the Council,

-       Excellencies,

-       Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mr. President

1.   I thank you for the opportunity to brief the Security Council of the United Nations for my first time as Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC). I would like to offer my congratulations to the United Arab Emirates for assuming the Presidency of the UN Security Council this month, March 2022, and I thank them for inviting RJMEC to brief the Council this morning. We wish them the best in their Presidency. 

2.   RJMEC is the official oversight body mandated to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), which was mediated by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). RJMEC oversees the mandate and tasks of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU), including the adherence by the Parties to the agreed timelines and implementation schedule.

3.   RJMEC is obligated under Article 7.9 of the R-ARCSS to submit quarterly status reports, followed by detailed briefings to this Council, and the following:

-       the Revitalised Unity Government Council of Ministers;

-       the Transitional National Legislative Assembly; 

-       the Chairperson of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government; 

-       the Chairperson of the IGAD Council of Ministers; 

-       the Chairperson of the African Union Commission; 

-       the Peace and Security Council of the African Union; and 

-       the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Since the Revitalised Peace Agreement was signed in September 2018, RJMEC has submitted 13 status of implementation reports. 

4.   Mr. President, although there has been some progress in the implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement, the end of the Transitional Period in February 2023 is fast approaching, and yet several critical tasks of the Agreement remain unimplemented.

5.   Therefore, my briefing to this august Council will focus on the key milestones achieved in the implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement to date, critical pending tasks, and requirements for the conduct of elections at the end of the Transitional Period as per the Agreement. I will also highlight recurring challenges and conclude with recommendations. 

Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

6.   As you may recall, in July 2016 armed conflict broke out in South Sudan within one year of signing of the 2015 Peace Agreement, and barely two months after the first coalition government was formed. By contrast, the 2018 Revitalised Peace Agreement has entered its fourth year and the Revitalised Unity Government marked its second anniversary last month, February 2022, an indication of comparative success. 

7.   Since its signing, the Revitalised Peace Agreement has contributed significantly to the following:

a)            cessation of violence across the country amongst the signatories to the Agreement and continued holding of the permanent ceasefire;

b)            the establishment and reconstitution of all Pre-Transitional institutions and implementation mechanisms of the Agreement;

c)             establishment of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity and state level government;

d)            reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature and the state assemblies;

e)            incorporation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement into the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan (TCRSS, 2011), as amended;

f)              the review and amendments of all security related laws by the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC), which have been submitted to the Revitalised Unity Government, awaiting enactment;

g)            cantonment and screening, selection and training of Phase 1 of the Necessary Unified Forces, with approximately 50,000 trainees awaiting graduation and redeployment;

h)            opening of humanitarian corridors which has facilitated gradual voluntary return of some refugees and IDPs;

i)              stabilisation of the exchange rate and progress in implementing some economic reforms by the Revitalised Unity Government; and

j)              development of a roadmap for implementing the requirements of Transitional Justice and the making of the Permanent Constitution.

8.   The above progress notwithstanding, some critical tasks of the Agreement remain pending. Most notably, they include the following:  

a.     establishment of the ad hoc Judicial Reform Committee mandated to study and recommend appropriate judicial reforms to the Revitalised Unity Government; 

b.     ratification of eight bills by the Transitional National Legislature (TNL), namely six security bills, the Constitution Making Bill, and the Political Parties Bill;

c.      reconstitution of the Political Parties Council, and amendment of the National Elections Act, 2012, and reconstitution of a competent and impartial National Elections Commission (NEC);

d.     the unification of forces and their redeployment; 

e.      implementing Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration programmes;

f.       addressing the challenges of reconstruction, repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation and reintegration of IDPs and returnees;

g.     establishment of the Special Reconstruction Fund (SRF) and Board and the convening of a South Sudan Pledging Conference to support its humanitarian and reconstruction efforts;

h.     reforming the Public Financial Management institutions, especially the National Audit Chamber and the Anti-Corruption Commission to enhance transparency and accountability;

i.       establishment of the three Transitional Justice mechanisms, namely the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing, the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, and the Compensation and Reparation Authority; and

j.       Completion of the permanent constitution making process to guide the conduct of elections.

9.   In RJMEC’s assessment, the tasks most critical for the conduct of free, fair and credible elections under the Revitalised Peace Agreement are the unification of forces and their redeployment, enactment of the permanent constitution, review of political parties and electoral related laws, and reconstitution of the Political Parties Council and the National Elections Commission. 

10.         I wish to underscore the importance of a people-led and people-owned Permanent Constitution, which will be the cornerstone of the state of South Sudan, preparing the way for a democratic transition through free, fair and credible elections. 

Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

11.  Overall, progress in implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement has generally been very slow from the beginning, and there are several recurring challenges facing it. The challenges include lack of sufficient resources (both financial and material) needed for the implementation of the Agreement; insufficient political will and commitment of some actors; trust deficit amongst the Parties; capacity gaps; subnational violence and activities of the holdout groups; military defections from one signatory party to another; flooding; and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

12.  Given the challenges facing implementation, the critical tasks pending, and the Agreement timeline nearing expiry, RJMEC has tasked the Revitalised Unity Government to review the status of the implementation of the Agreement and develop a clear roadmap and strategy within the framework of the Revitalised Peace Agreement on how to implement the outstanding critical tasks as the end of the Transitional Period approaches. The roadmap should be consensus-based, with verifiable benchmarks and timelines.

Mr President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

13.  I therefore conclude with the following recommendations to this Council

a)   actively engage the Revitalised Unity Government to ensure implementation of the critical outstanding tasks, especially the unification of forces and the permanent constitution making process, both tasks fundamental to the holding of free, fair and credible elections;

b)   encourage the Revitalised Unity Government to reconcile their inter-party differences and to work collegially in the best interests of South Sudan and its people;

c)    assist the Revitalised Unity Government’s efforts in mobilising resources from the international community to enhance implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement;

d)   support the Revitalised Unity Government to establish the Special Reconstruction Fund, and convene a South Sudan Pledging Conference to provide support to conflict-affected states and communities, as provided for in the Agreement; and

e)   continue supporting the full implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement and the conduct of free, fair and credible elections.

14.  Finally, Mr President, I would like to appeal to the Council to remain seized of the peace process in South Sudan, to encourage you to consider visiting the country again, and to continue supporting RJMEC in its mandate, including providing regular briefings to the Council on the status of the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. 


I Thank You.