Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Juba, South Sudan
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
1. It is my pleasure to deliver this statement to you this morning. We all meet once again after a long pause. This year has been challenging and unpredictable in many ways, but the one constant has been the commitment of all those present here to the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). I believe that our presence here today is testament to that, and that we have latelypassed the two-year anniversary since the Agreement was signed on 12 September 2018 is likewise an important milestone to note.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
2. I am also honoured for this opportunity to lead the RJMEC. I firmly believe that with your support and continued commitment and guidance, we can make our contribution to the implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement and to the building of sustainable peace in the Republic of South Sudan. I commend my predecessor H.E. Lt. General (rtd) Augostino S.K. Njoroge for his work in this regard, and I look forward to building on his efforts and continuing from where he left off. Since my arrival, I have been fortunate to meet with a wide range of personalities and institutions including the President, the Presidency, several Ministers of the RTGoNU, the diplomatic community, and numerous civil society organisations, all of whom have made me aware of the issues, in addition to my staff at the Secretariat.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
3. As I said in my briefing to the African Union Peace and Security Council two weeks ago, the path to sustainable peace is never easy, and the Parties to the Peace Agreement should be commended for staying the course of peace in the past two years since the signing of the Revitalised Agreement, challenges notwithstanding. I want to again congratulate H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, and the Parties to the Agreement for providing the environment in which progress in its implementation has been made so far. Equally, I would like to seize this opportunity to congratulate H.E. President Salva Kiir for successfully steering the Sudan peace process. This success bodes well for the continued implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement in South Sudan.
4. Furthermore, all the other Parties and stakeholders to the Peace Agreement should be commended for playing their crucial roles towards its implementation. More broadly, we applaud the people of South Sudan who have played their part in encouraging the Parties to reach this point, and it is for the benefit of the nation as a whole that all of us endeavour to achieve enduring peace in South Sudan.
5. In my statement today, I will highlight the key issues in the status of implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement since our last monthly meeting, including some recurring issues, and I will then conclude with my recommendations on the way forward. Considering that we have had such a long pause since the last meeting, I expect to hear detailed reports from each of the presenters this morning, particularly the RTGoNU.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
6. In terms of governance, some key issues stand out. As we know, the issue of the number of States and their boundaries was resolved on 15 February 2020, with a decision by H.E. President Salva Kiir, to revert the country to ten states. This welcome compromise paved the way for the formation of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) on 22 February and the establishment of the Council of Ministers on 17 March 2020. To date, nine out of the ten State governors have been appointed, but the position of the governor of the state of Upper Nile is still outstanding. There, an SPLM/A-IO nominee is to be appointed the Governor. However, their candidate was rejected by the President, and unfortunately, both sides have not changed their respective positions.
7. More broadly, a cross-party agreement on responsibility-sharing was reached on 10 August 2020, with particular regards to the allocation of state and local governmental positions to the various Parties to the R-ARCSS. Although I understand that some progress has been made with regards to sharing positions among the Parties, generally it seems that progress in completing this has been slow, and I am keen to hear about efforts to conclude this matter this morning.
8. Furthermore, the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) has still not been expanded and reconstituted as perArticle 1.14.2 of the Revitalised Peace Agreement, despite an appeal by the IGAD Heads of State and Government during their 36thExtraordinary meeting held on 14 July 2020 for this to be done by 26 July 2020. The Former Detainees (FD) are the only Party to have submitted their nominees to the NCAC. In line with the IGAD Heads of State and Government appeal, I urge that the Parliament be expanded and reconstituted without any further delay, and I am keen to hear any updates on this matter.
9. It is notable that the RTGoNU Cabinet of Ministers met on Friday 11 September for the first time since their swearing-in in March 2020 at a meeting chaired by H.E. President Salva Kiir. This is a welcome development. More and regular Cabinet meetings as part of the norms and usual practices of government will no doubt send positive signals to the people of South Sudan, and will build trust and confidence in and among the Parties to the R-ARCSS.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. In terms of security, there are three important points I would like to make. Firstly, the unification of forces and their reorganisation into the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF) is behind schedule. As you all know, this is a Pre-Transitional task which was carried forward into the Transitional Period. Although tens of thousands of troops reported to the cantonment sites and training centres, the conditions in which they exist are austere, with numerous reports of troops leaving them in search of food. That said, I have witnessed for myself on my recent visit to a training centre that morale was commendable, and there was evidence of the spirit of unification, comradeship, a sense of esprit de corps that should be capitalised upon, and should not be left to fade.
11. Also connected to the unification of forces are redeployment and graduation plans for the NUF, and preparations for disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) for ex-combatants. Unfortunately, these do not seem to have advanced in recent months, despite our continued urging for progress on the matter. Also pending is the Strategic Defence and Security Review Board’s (SDSRB) White Paper on defence policy, which when complete will help the overall security architecture in South Sudan. I look forward to hearing more from the National Transitional Committee on these matters shortly, and I hope that the NTC-DDR Commission coordination meeting recently facilitated by the RJMEC Secretariat will help in this matter.
12. The second point related to security is that community-based violence has become the main cause of insecurity in the states. In July, H.E. President Salva Kiir formed a High-Level Committee to address the issue of community-based violence in Jonglei State and Pibor Administrative Area, under the leadership of H.E. Dr James Wani Igga, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan. This is a valuable initiative, and it is important that further grassroots dialogue initiatives be developed country-wide at the local level to help identify the drivers of community-based conflicts to inform their resolution and transformation.
13. The third point on security relates to the activities of non-signatories to the Agreement. Since July 2020, there has been an increase in activities of National Salvation Front (NAS) lead by General Thomas Cirillo in Central Equatoria, consisting of direct attacks on SSPDF and SPLA-IO, road ambushes targeting civilian and military vehicles, and abduction and displacement of civilians. In late August, RJMEC issued a statement reminding all the signatories to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of December 2017, the Rome Declaration of January 2020 and the Rome Resolution of February 2020, that these documents affirm the signatories’ commitment to pursue dialogue and the protection of civilians. We continue to push for the diplomatic path along with IGAD and the Community of Sant’Egidio.I am aware that a meeting on this matter is due to take place in early October, and I urge all participants to prepare for a constructive engagement.
14. Wherever such subnational conflict takes place, including in states such as Central and Western Equatoria, Jonglei, Warrap, and Lakes, humanitarian access and safety are usually impaired. According to UNOCHA, over 19,000 people have been displaced in Central Equatoria alone recently. At present, this situation is exacerbated by country-wide flooding, with at least 625,000 people affected, according to the same source. The need for civilian protection and food security in such contexts only increases. I would like to appreciate the humanitarian assistance already given by the international community, and I would also like to appeal to all concerned, primarily the Government, to enhance their efforts in instituting programmes for relief, humanitarian assistance and reconstruction in South Sudan.
15. Recently, the SSPDF District Court Martial set up in Yei County, Central Equatoria, convicted 26 soldiers for offences against civilians and violations of the SSPDF military code of conduct. According to the CTSAMVM report of the 7 September 2020, seventeen of these were cases of rape or sexual assault. The soldiers found guilty of rape or sexual assault were sentenced to a period ranging from 6 to 14 years in prison and dismissal from the SSPDF. The action of the SSPDF District Court Martial is a commendable milestone for the fight against impunity for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and violations of human rights, and the message it sends is positive.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
16. Now for an update on the work of the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC). The Committee reviewed all the five security-related laws and submitted the bills to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs during the Pre-Transitional Period. In addition, the NCAC has drafted the Political Parties Bill 2020 and submitted it. Unfortunately, all these bills are still pending Cabinet endorsement and ratification by the Parliament. Similarly, the NCAC worked with the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to rectify the alterations detected in the Constitutional Amendment Bill No. 6, 2020. In this regard, it resubmitted the revised Constitutional Amendment Bill No. 8, 2020 to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs on 10 September for the same to be presented to Parliament for ratification in due course.
17. In terms of the economy. The overall implementation of the Resource, Economic and Financial Management provisions in Chapter 4 of the Revitalised Agreement has been slow. I note that the Ministry of Finance has commenced work on implementing Public Financial Management reforms, and has prioritised some activities intended to ensure the accountable and transparent management of resources. Accordingly, an accountable and transparent budget is central to achieving this. In this context, although I understand some progress has been made recently, it is of concern that the budget for the present fiscal year has not yet been passed, and I would be interested to hear any updates on this matter.
18. The RTGoNU is also required to expedite the review and implementation of the Petroleum Act 2012 and Petroleum Revenue Management Act 2012 as per article 4.7.1 and of the Peace Agreement. These laws mandate the closure of any petroleum revenue accounts other than those approved by the law, and the identification, checking and recording of all loans and contracts collateralised or guaranteed against oil. Furthermore, the required reforms of the oversight institutions have lagged, notably the Anti-Corruption Commission and National Audit Chamber. Also behind schedule is the establishment of the Economic and Financial Management Authority, which is a central institution to ensure the transparent and accountable management of South Sudan’s resources. I would be interested to hear of any relevant progress in these tasks I mentioned, which is due.
19. In terms of transitional justice. There are three main mechanisms provided for by the Revitalised Peace Agreement. These are, the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH), the Hybrid Court of South Sudan (HCSS), the Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA). I am pleased to note that the African Union has undertaken a number of interventions that contribute to the establishment of HCSS and we expect them to engage closely and cooperate with the RTGoNU to ensure a comprehensive and multifaceted process going forward. We also expect the RTGoNU to initiate necessary legislations for stakeholder engagement and establishment of these transitional justice mechanisms.
20. With regards to the Permanent Constitution-making process envisaged in Chapter 6 of the Agreement, the RJMEC has made significant progress in its preparation for the convening of the workshop of the Parties to agree on its modalities. This is in line Article 6.7 and 6.8 of the Agreement. The workshop which was initially scheduled for June 2020 has now been rescheduled for November 2020 due to the COVID-19 disruptions. The Max Planck Foundation has been identified to facilitate the workshop. Separately, a comparative study on post-conflict constitution-making processes was commissioned by the RJMEC Secretariat, and is now under dissemination to inform this process. I am informed that RJMEC Members have all been availed a copy of this important report and I hope that the Parties will soon embark on the crucial constitution-making process without any delay.
21. Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that RJMEC is reconstituting its thematic Working Committees with immediate effect. These Working Committees are RJMEC’s inclusive and participatory mechanism for monitoring and evaluating progress in the implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement as we move forward. We have received nominations for the membership and observer positions to the various Committees. The Secretariat has circulated the RJMEC Working Committees' Rules of Procedure and list of the members for you to confirm where your institutions/organisations or Parties belong. I would like to announce that the Chairperson of each Working Committee, with their agreement, is as follows:
i. Governance: Academia Representative;
ii. Security: South African Representative;
iii. Humanitarian Affairs: Sudan Representative;
iv. Economic Affairs: Troika Representative;
v. Transitional Justice: African Union Representative; and
vi. Constitutional Affairs: European Union Representative.
22. I call on the Parties the Agreement to nominate their members by 7 October, and each Working Committee should then hold its first meeting by 14 October. Should you require any clarification, kindly liaise with the RJMEC Chief of Staff before the inaugural meetings of the Working Committees. Each RJMEC thematic adviser will be in touch with you to determine the particulars of the first meeting.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
23. In view of the above, I would like to conclude with some recommendations:
a) Urge the Parties to urgently resolve the impasse in Upper Nile state and appoint a Governor;
b) Prevail on the Parties to immediately reconstitute the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) and the Council of States;
c) Urge the RTGoNU to expedite and complete the unification of forces, produce the plans for the redeployment of the NUF, conduct comprehensive DDR, and to finalise the SDSR Board’s White Paper on defence policy;
d) Prevail upon the non-signatory groups to join the peace process and adhere to the terms of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (2017) and the Rome Declaration and Resolution (2020);
e) Encourage the RTGoNU and State authorities to initiate dialogue at the grassroots level across the country to better understand the drivers of community-based conflict, thereby taking steps to improve humanitarian access and civilian protection;
f) Urge the implementation of the Resource, Economic and Financial Management provisions envisaged in Chapter 4, including the Economic and Financial Management Authority, the Anti-Corruption Commission and the National Audit Chamber;
g) Support efforts to fast track the establishment of the Hybrid Court of South Sudanand engagement with RTGoNU on complementary transitional justice mechanisms, particularly in light of their ability to deal with human rights violations, including women’s rights violations; and
h) Urge that the RTGoNU embark on all aspects of the crucial constitution-making process without any delay.
24. As we move in to the third year of implementation, it is worth taking a moment to appreciate the two years since the signing of the Revitalised Peace Agreement. Though not without challenges, progress has been made. Looking forward, we see that the timeline of Transitional Period is very busy and it is clear that much remains to be done in a short time. Therefore, the challenge to the RTGoNU is to ensure full implementation of the Agreement provisions and bring South Sudan further and faster down the road to enduring and sustainable peace.
Your Excellency Honourable Deng Dau Deng - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Sudan
Your Excellency Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu – IGAD Executive Secretary
Your Excellency Gamal Goraish – Representative of the Chairperson of IGAD Your Excellency Dr. Ismail Wais – IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan
Your Excellency Guang Cong – UNMISS DSRSG
Excellencies Ambassadors
Excellency Amb. Lt. Gen. Augostino S.K. Njoroge
Excellencies Representatives of the Parties
Stakeholders of the Peace Agreement
Maj. Gen. Teshome Gemechu Adere – CTSAMVM Chairperson Distinguished Guests
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
I would like to start by offering my thanks to H.E. the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit and the Government of South Sudan for the very warm welcome and reception I have so far received in this country. I also wish to take this very early opportunity to thank H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta for bestowing special trust and confidence in me by nominating me for this appointment. My gratitude and thanks also, to the IGAD Heads of State and Government for endorsing me as the Interim Chair of RJMEC.
I am honoured to be taking over from an accomplished General and diplomat and I would like to sincerely thank HE Amb Gen Njoroge for the detailed briefing and guidance that I received from him, as well as the RJMEC Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff, Senior Advisers, and all staff of RJMEC in their various capacities.
I am taking over the responsibilities of the Interim Chair at a time when significant milestones have been achieved in the South Sudan peace process over the last four years due to your concerted efforts and sacrifice. It is my conviction that we have the resilience and zeal to build on this achievement and reinvigorate the implementation of the Agreement. I would like to assure you that RJMEC will continue to undertake its mandate and mission in the spirit of conviviality and a collegial atmosphere and; in this regard, I would wish to plead with all of you to provide me with the same level of support that you have been providing my predecessor.
I am coming from a military background and during my career, I was privileged to have served in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) and Somalia (AMISOM). Both countries have undergone serious political and security challenges and share some similarities with South Sudan, since they are emerging from the devastating consequences of protracted conflict. It took IGAD mediation many years to achieve its first Somalia Transitional Charter. Comparatively, it took South Sudan a few years to agree on a Transitional Government of National Unity, which is a strong testament to the traditional dialogue and reconciliation spirit of the South Sudanese people, and particularly the contributions and sacrifices of women and the youth of South Sudan during these trying moments when South Sudan was undergoing these challenges.
History is replete with instances in which nations have drawn a curtain on a dark past of cyclical conflicts and civil strife despite formidable challenges; through a spirit of consensus, cooperation and collegiality. I believe that the framework of the Revitalised Agreement, provides a credible and fair basis and platform that lays the foundations of a sustainable peace to benefit the current and succeeding generations. The successful implementation of this agreement calls for our collective sacrifice and a consensus on the best options and approaches to make this nation peaceful and prosperous.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the very outset, I wish to recognize the outstanding contribution of the representatives of governments, international organizations, diplomatic community and the wider stakeholders who have been unwaveringly committed and continue to engage in the challenging undertaking of bringing about a genuinely inclusive and mutually negotiated political settlement to the crisis in South Sudan.
I also wish to pay special tribute to the representatives of governments and organizations whose support predates the current Agreement and whose critical contribution marked a turning point in the history of this country from the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005 which culminated in the independence of South Sudan and their subsequent support in 2015 and 2018 Agreements. Their immense contribution to the Revitalized Agreement and to RJMEC in particular, is indeed, remarkable.
I would like to point out the important roles played by our valued partners, the Troika, China, Japan, Canada, Sweden the EU, UNMSS, IGAD, AU and others. Recognizing that each of our organizations and institutions have unique expertise, instruments, and capacities, we therefore need to further integrate and harness our collective resources and potential, in order to leverage the situation in South Sudan.
As we may be aware, the peace process is undergoing a defining and testing phase, especially in light of the unprecedented COVID 19 pandemic medical emergency, the recent locust invasion, and the current raging floods which compel us to galvanize continued and sustained support.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wish to once again convey my gratitude to H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit for creating an enabling environment for the Peace Process and for the significant progress registered so far. The recent positive and encouraging developments such as the appointment of state level governors, the continued holding of the Permanent Ceasefire between the Parties to the Agreement and the continued welcome compromises being made, which greatly impacts public trust and confidence; are indeed welcome as a way forward. However, more is needed as so much is to be accomplished in the Transitional Period.
On my part as the new Chair, I will endeavour to focus on giving strategic direction to the monitoring and evaluation mechanism, in overseeing the implementation of the Agreement within the procedural guidelines and mandate of RJMEC.
I commit myself to closely work with all of you and seek your guidance and support. RJMEC is committed to reach out to all stakeholders without exception and especially the wider constituency of the people of South Sudan as we jointly seek to oversee a successful implementation of the Revitalised Agreement as stipulated.
To my predecessor and mentor, I thank you for a job well done! As you walked through the sands of South Sudanese Peace Process, you have left a permanent and an indelible mark. You have earned your place in the pages of the history of this Country. I wish you every success in your future endeavours. May God Bless You, May God bless South Sudan.
I Thank You.
Your Excellency Honourable Deng Dau Deng - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Sudan
- Your Excellency Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu – IGAD Executive Secretary
- Your Excellency Gamal Goraish – Representative of the Chairperson of IGAD
- Your Excellency, Dr Ismail Wais, IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan;
- Honourable Ministers;
- Your Excellencies, Representatives of the Parties and
stakeholders of the Revitalised Peace Agreement;
- Mr David Shearer, SRSG and Head of UNMISS;
- Representatives of the Diplomatic Community;
- Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good afternoon.
1. It is my pleasure to see so many of you at this occasion, and I feel honoured for this opportunity to address you for the last time as the Interim Chairperson of RJMEC. Throughout my entire period in RJMEC, I have been fully clear of the RJMEC’s mandate of monitoring, evaluating and overseeing the implementation of the Agreement (the R-ARCSS) as well as the mandate and tasks of the RTGoNU, including the adherence of the Parties to the agreed timelines and implementation schedule.
Looking back across the four years I have spent here with both the JMEC and RJMEC, I can see that South Sudan has come a long way since 2016 and the days of the High-Level Revitalisation Forum. The R-ARCSS, as many of you know, was signed in September 2018, and since that time, much work has been done, most recently culminating in the formation of the RTGoNU and the beginning of the Transitional Period. To have come this far is quite an achievement, and worthy of congratulations to the Parties and the people of South Sudan. The R-ARCSS is and will always remain a significant milestone in the history of South Sudan. I am glad to have been involved with such a consequential period of this country’s history.
However, consideration of a more detailed picture shows that much more could have been achieved by now. Throughout the period since signing the Agreement, I have had concerns about the pace of implementation. At times, it appeared to me like progress stalled. What is clear, is that the implementation pace must accelerate. The establishment of the RTGoNU should have been the factor to catalyse greater and faster progress.
The implementation matrix shows us what there is to be done and when, and the reactivated Working Committees give us the tool with which the RJMEC can monitor and assist the RTGoNU in the implementation of the Agreement. Now that it is almost six months n since the Presidency was sworn in, the RTGoNU should come up with a revised and practicable timeframe for implementation, and must nominate their representatives in the RJMEC Working Committees. We need that level of engagement from the RTGoNU.
This is a time to address general and specific challenges. Generally, going forward, we need to see evermore leadership, political will, confidence building, and a deeply held, cross-party belief in the reality of peace and prosperity in South Sudan. All Parties holding such a belief will make that outcome much closer.
Specifically, I’d like to highlight the issue of the unification of forces, a much-delayed task which should have been completed in the Pre-Transitional Period. By this time now, there should have been many troops who have completed their training and been redeployed as NUFs, but there are none presently ready for deployment. It is not acceptable to send troops for cantonment and training, yet not have the budget to complete the tasks. I hope that the RTGoNU will take this matter seriously, and provide the resources to NTC to finalise the redeployment of those in training.
Of specific note is the Constitution-making process. RJMEC was ready to proceed with this matter on time, including holding the workshop as set out in the Agreement. However, we await the RTGoNU to take necessary action on their part. I therefore urge the RTGoNU to be seized of this matter.
I am also concerned about community-based violence, and the strategy being employed to address it. Disarmament takes time, and may not be the solution in the short term. There is need for political will of the communities and those involved. Disputes should be resolved by dialogue and not violence, while restraint from all those fighting is needed. It is for the elders to control the youth: they must guide the young, and provide the wisdom needed. The civil population of the country should be farmers, tradespeople, engineers, doctors, lawyers, all building the future together. Bearing weapons should be the job of a soldier, not civilians.
On all the general and specific challenges: yes, COVID-19 is a major factor, but making progress is nevertheless possible. Don’t let COVID-19 be an excuse for everything undone. That said, I am glad about the recent progress made with responsibility sharing at State level. It is my hope that this will shortly lead to the reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
10. I must of course give thanks and extend my heartfelt appreciation to so many who have supported me in the four challenging years of RJMEC leadership. I am happy with what has been achieved so far, but I would have been even happier had the implementation of the R-ARCSS been more advanced than it is now.
11. Firstly, allow me to extend my gratitude to H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South Sudan. His guidance both before and after the signing of the Peace Agreement has been invaluable. My parting message to him must be that we must fast-track implementation, and proceed according to the implementation matrix, as we are behind in so many areas. The RTGoNU, especially the President and Presidency, should set and drive the pace of implementation of the Agreement.
12. Secondly, I wish convey my sincere thanks to IGAD and H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of the Republic of Kenya for the faith they showed in appointing me to the position of Deputy Chairperson of JMEC, and later by IGAD as Interim Chairperson of RJMEC.
13. Thirdly, I feel indebted indeed to the Parties to the Agreement and all the members of the RJMEC brothers and sisters and all the beautiful people of South Sudan, who made my work and my time here so rewarding.
14. Fourthly, I want to take the opportunity to thank the international donors who continued to finance the operations and logistics of RJMEC and request them to continue to do so.
15. Finally, I cannot finish without extending my thanks to my great team at the RJMEC Secretariat, under the able leadership of the Chief of Staff, Ambassador Berhanu Kebede. We often describe the RJMEC Secretariat team as a family, and it has been my pleasure to have been the head of the family for the last two years.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
16. As I sign off I want to wish my successor, Major General Charles Tai Gituai, every success in his role as the Deputy Chairperson and Interim Chairperson of RJMEC. He has a capable team behind him, who will do their all and continue fulfilling the RJMEC mandate. I therefore appeal to all of you, especially those of you listed in Article 7.2 of the Agreement, to give General Gituai all the support that he requires to be effective in delivering the mandate of RJMEC and ultimately achieve the elusive peace and security for the people of South Sudan.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
17. IthasbeenmyhonourtoservethepeopleofSouthSudan.Maythe Almighty God bring sustainable peace to His people. God bless you all.
I thank you.
31st July 2020 Juba, South Sudan
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of RJMEC.
My greetings to all of you. Due to the ongoing difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in holding meetings in person, this statement is delivered to you electronically. The pandemic notwithstanding, we at RJMEC continue to discharge our mandate of monitoring and evaluation of the Peace Agreement to the fullest.
My statement today will highlight the status of implementation since our last monthly meeting, and will include the critical Pre- Transitional tasks that remain outstanding. I will also report on developments in the implementation of the Transitional Period tasks. My statement will highlight some recurring issues, and I will then conclude with my recommendations on the way forward.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I mentioned in my last statement, the implementation of key tasks, particularly the restructuring and reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature and all the structures of the state and local governments, are behind schedule. I am concerned that other challenges, including mistrust between the Parties to the R-ARCSS, intercommunal violence, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the peace process, are compounding the delays.
That said, I note that the efforts of the Parties to resolve the deadlock in responsibility sharing that has resulted in H.E. President Salva Kiir appointing 9 out of 10 state governors thus far. While this seems to be a positive step towards the full establishment of government authority in the structures of the state and local governments, I must stress the need to quickly put in place the remaining Governor to the state of Upper Nile.
On the reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA), the IGAD Heads of State and Government during their 36th Extraordinary meeting held on 14th July 2020 appealed to H.E. President Salva Kiir to dissolve the current TNLA by 26th July 2020 to enable the Parties to reconstitute it seven days after the dissolution. However, this deadline has been missed. I would like to highlight also that the IGAD Assembly “appealed to the Parties to adhere to the requirement for 35% women representation in appointments of the pending offices including TNLA nominations.”
Furthermore, I am encouraged by the resolution of the Assembly of the IGAD Heads of State and Government that the Parties should settle the outstanding Pre-Transitional tasks on or before 13th August 2020, or the Chairperson of the IGAD Assembly would directly intervene and engage the Parties to assist them conclude the pending matters. I therefore encourage the Parties to expedite the resolution of all the governance and security related tasks which were carried forward to the Transitional Period.
In terms of security, the intercommunal violence in various parts of the country over the past few months continues to be of great concern. I hope that recent activities on the issue of responsibility sharing at the state level will help to address the power vacuum in which these intercommunal clashes take place; and I welcome the President’s formation of a High-Level Committee to address the issue of intercommunal violence in Jonglei State and Pibor Administrative Area, under the leadership of H.E. Vice President Dr. James Wani Igga. I wish the Committee every success as the situation in Jonglei appears to be particularly serious. Furthermore, I encourage such an initiative to be replicated in other areas suffering from intercommunal violence.
Since my last statement, fighting in the Equatorias between the SSPDF and NAS, as well as between SPLA-IO and NAS, has continued and resulted in a number of deaths and displacement of civilians. These actions are violations which undermine both the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed in Addis Ababa in December 2017, and the Rome Declaration of January 2020, and I join with the IGAD Assembly in reiterating the appeal to all the parties concerned to address these issues as a matter of urgency. CTSAMVM has made considerable efforts to verify and investigate these clashes, but it still faces challenges due to a lack of communication with and access to NAS field commanders. I therefore urge the RTGoNU to engage with SSOMA and the Community of Sant’Egidio to operationalise the Rome Declaration of January 2020.
9. On the unification of forces and their reorganisation into the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF), there has been little substantive improvement to the challenging and austere conditions existing in many training centres and most cantonment sites since I reported on this issue in June 2020, although I understand that the government has allocated some funds to the NTC to assist in this area, which is a welcome development. The important matters of deployment and graduation plans of the NUF, and preparations for DDR, do not seem to be any further advanced than at the time of my last statement. I therefore request the RTGoNU to be seized of these Pre- Transitional tasks.
10. Recently, CTSAMVM reported that 49 SSPDF soldiers were arrested in connection with alleged rape, looting, killing and destruction of property of civilians in Lasu, Yei, Central Equatoria and that the court martial judge advocates had arrived in Yei to start their trials. The application of the due process is very welcome. However, there is a continuing prevalence of SGBV, in particular rape. CTSAMVM also reported that there are 12 SGBV investigations underway involving cases in Juba, Yei area, Magwi and Leer. There is need for RTGoNU to be seized of this matter to prevent further escalations.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Now for a word on the humanitarian situation. The magnitude and severity of acute food insecurity is expected to increase as household food access becomes further constrained by high and rising food costs during the peak of the lean season in July and August 2020. Areas projected to be worst hit include Jonglei, Lakes, Warrap, and Upper Nile, where intercommunal conflict is persisting, and a forecast of above-average rainfall poses a high risk of flooding. It is important to note that intercommunal conflict also interferes with households’ ability to engage in productive livelihood activities. Furthermore, it is sad to note that two humanitarian workers lost their lives in Jonglei State during the month of July.
According to UNHCR reports, there has been a rise in the number of returnees. In June, a total of 11,383 South Sudanese refugees were verified to have returned from neighbouring countries, bringing to 24,137 the total number of refugees who have returned since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region in March 2020. The total number of spontaneous returns now stand at 193,101 since September 2018. I urge the RTGoNU to pay sufficient attention to Article of the R-ARCSS, mandating programmes for relief, protection, repatriation, resettlement, reintegration and rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees.
13. Now, the economic situation. Concerted efforts by OPEC+, a group comprising OPEC members and other oil producing countries, including South Sudan, have succeeded in reducing global daily output of oil by around 10 million barrels per day. This has lifted the oil price up from around USD 20 in April to around USD 40 – 45 in July. Nevertheless, this is still USD 20 below the pre-pandemic level.According tothe Undersecretary of the Ministry of Petroleum, South Sudan’s official oil production has dropped by around 20,000 barrels per day, while lockdowns to control the pandemic delay the transport of production equipment and materials. The combined effect of low prices, reduced production, and pressures to pay arrears is expected to lead to a large deterioration in government finances in this budget year.
14. I am encouraged to hear that, as required in Article of the R- ARCSS, the government has commenced work on reviewing the National Development strategy and aligning it to the R-ARCSS. Sector Working Groups have been reactivated, strengthening the planning process and contributing to improved coordination and alignment of donor support with national priorities.
15. Now for a word on transitional justice. As mentioned in my last statement, three mechanisms are to be formed in the Transitional Period, namely the Commission on Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH), the Hybrid Court for South Sudan (HCSS) and the Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA). The RTGoNU is expected now to initiate legislations towards their establishment, beginning with stakeholder discussions and engagement around the form and shape of these mechanisms. Further, the R-ARCSS requires the RTGoNU to engage and seek the assistance of the African Union, the United Nations and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in the design of these transitional justice mechanisms. It is my hope that RTGoNU will be seized of the above requirements.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
16. I wish to make my recommendations as follows:
a) I continue to urge for dialogue among the Agreement Parties on all unresolved issues, including agreeing on the allocation of the States leadership, establishment of the Transitional National Legislature, and a cross-party approach to addressing intercommunal violence;
b) I join with the IGAD Assembly in urging the government of South Sudan to provide the necessary funding and logistical support to expedite the implementation of the security arrangements plan including the graduation and redeployment of the unified forces; and the operationalisation of the DDR process;
c) I reiterate my appeal to the signatories of the Rome Declaration to pursue the Sant’Egidio peace process, including adherence to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of December 2017 and the Rome Declaration of January 2020;
d) I urge the RTGoNU to ensure safety and protection of civilians and humanitarian workers, as well as access for humanitarian workers;
e) I urge the Parties to the R-ARCSS to implement all measures to prevent SGBV and other violations, and ensure due process;
f) The RTGoNU to make clear its political vision for the implementation of the R-ARCSS in the Transitional Period, and the NTC likewise to make clear its plans; and
g) The RTGoNU, through the relevant ministries, to commence or further the discussions andstakeholderconsultationsnecessary for theestablishment of the transitional justice institutions mandated by Chapter 5.
17. In closing, I would like to say that this is my final statement to you, the members of RJMEC. I would like to thank the President, H.E. Salva Kiir, and his government, the Parties to the RARCSS, the regional and international guarantors, and the Other South Sudanese Stakeholders and Adherents. I thank all of you for your continued engagement both in our meetings and in the peace process in South Sudan. This is a truly worthwhile endeavour and I am sure my successor, Major General Charles Tai Gituai, will do everything in his power to help this country down the path to sustainable peace. I hope all of you will extend the same support to him as I myself have enjoyed. I would also like to thank IGAD and the Government of Kenya for the confidence they showed in me in appointing me to RJMEC. Finally, I would like to thank all of you the members of RJMEC and my own Secretariat for the tremendous cooperation and support during my time as the Deputy Chairperson and as Interim Chairperson. It has been an honour to serve. God bless you, the people of South Sudan. May the Almighty God bring sustainable peace to His people.
Thank you.
Your Excellency, Chairperson of the IGAD Heads of State and Government
- Excellencies, Members of the Summit
- Your Excellency, IGAD Executive Secretary
- Your Excellency, IGAD Special Envoy to South Sudan
- Honourable Ministers,
- Excellencies,
- Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my honour to present to the Summit the status of implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, including my overall observations and recommendations. This report builds on the briefing I made to the members of the 71st Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Council of Ministers held virtually on 23 April 2020.
My report today highlights the prevailing political, security, and humanitarian situation in the Republic of South Sudan as well as the status of the implementation of the R-ARCSS, and concludes with recommendations.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
My last statement to IGAD, which was to the 71st Extraordinary Session of the Council of Ministers in April, drew its attention to some governance issues that were holding up implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement. In particular, I reported that it is“regrettable that delays have persisted in the restructuring and reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States, and agreement between the Parties on theresponsibility sharing at the State and Local Government levels.”
Accordingly, the communique of the 71st Extraordinary Session of theCouncil of Ministers “noted with concern delays in the completion ofsome important pre-transitional tasks such as the reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA); and in this regard, urged the President of the Republic to dissolve the incumbent TNLA before 30th April 2020, and called upon the Parties to reconstitute the TNLA in accordance with the R-ARCSS within ten (10) days of the dissolution of the incumbent TNLA.”
Furthermore, the same communique “also expressed concern with theimpasse among the Parties in agreeing on responsibility-sharing at the State and Local Governments levels; and in light of this, called on the Parties to immediately resume discussions and consultations and reach on an agreement within fifteen (15) days of the issuance of thisCommunique.”
Your Excellencies, I can confirm that these tasks have not been successfully concluded yet. The Parties to the R-ARCSS have tried to address the issue of responsibility sharing at the State and Local Government levels in recent weeks, leading to the announcement on 17 June 2019 by Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial, the Minister for Presidential Affairs, that bilateral discussions between H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan and H.E. Dr. Riek Machar, the First Vice President, had resulted in agreement on the allocation of the ten states. Subsequently, on 29 June H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit through Republican Decrees No. 51/2020 and 53/2020, named eight of the ten governors and three Chief Administrators of the Administrative Areas respectively.
As I reported to the RJMEC members on 30 June in a virtual statement, this is still not in conformity with Article 1.16.1 of the R- ARCSS as the Other Political Parties (OPP) are not allocated a state as per Article Since the announcement, a representative of the OPP, in a letter addressed to me, stressed that their parties were not consulted, or included in negotiations and were waiting for a resolution as would be communicated by the Chairperson of IGAD.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wish to note that according to CTSAMVM the Permanent Ceasefire is still holding, however of major concern has been the elevated levels of intercommunal violence in the states, which in recent months have been responsible for the loss of many lives and displacement of the civilian population. A very disturbing aspect surrounding these clashes is the military tactical deployment of, in particular, the Lou Nuer-Dinka Bor youths alliance in Gumuruk, which goes contrary to the common tribal youth raid-and-leave modus operandi. These are indicators that the youth have some support from the organised military forces.
According to UNMISS, January to May 2020 has been the most violent period since the signing of the R-ARCSS, with 415 violent incidents recorded, up from 129 during the same period in 2018. UNMISS records further show that between January and March this year, at least 1,767 civilians were either killed, injured, abducted, or suffered sexual violence compared to 912 between the same period in 2019, with the majority of casualties arising from intercommunal violence. This violence has in part been due to delays in settling the responsibility sharing issue and the resulting power vacuum. I appeal to this Summit for its continued attention to the issue of responsibility sharing, as its resolution would greatly assist the implementation of the R-ARCSS, which is already much challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic.
10. Also of great concern is fighting allegedly between the SSPDF and NAS as well as between SPLM/A-IO and NAS in the Equatorias. The fighting is likewise causing deaths and displacement of civilian population at a time when communities are preoccupied with the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also resulted in sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) including rape, of which I am deeply concerned. CTSAMVM continues to investigate these clashes, including in Morobo where it has resulted in the displacement of over 1000 households, whose residents are currently encamped within church compounds in the area. Also, residents in Lasu have reported to government authorities that SSPDF soldiers have been killing, raping, looting, harassing and destroying civilian property. CTSAMVM has also confirmed that there have been multiple cases of SGBV, specifically rapes and gang rapes, committed in Rubeke. In that regard, I welcome the announcement by the Chief of Defense Forces, General Okot that he has ordered the formation of a committee to investigate crimes committed by SSPDF personnel in Yei River County. I wish to draw the attention of the Summit to the fact that such acts are serious violations of the R-ARCSS. I also appeal to the Summit to impress upon the Parties involved to stop fighting and pursue peace as per the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed in Addis Ababa in 2017, and the Rome Declaration of January 2020.
In terms of the humanitarian situation, the food security situation continues to look grim with 7 million people in South Sudan acutely food insecure. Humanitarian access is limited due to persistent intercommunal violence particularly in Jonglei, Warrap, Unity and Lakes States, as well as restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the May 2020 killing of three humanitarian workers in Uror, Jonglei during intercommunal violence has brought the total number of humanitarian workers killed to four in 2020.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Besides the issue of responsibility sharing, several important issues remain unimplemented, and in the Transitional Period, they need to be prioritised for completion. In particular, these are:
reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature, comprising the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States;
unification of forces, including their redeployment; and
DDR process for the former combatants.
The Council of Minister’s last communique urged “the RTGoNU todemonstrate its commitment to sustainable peace in South Sudan by immediately disbursing the required funding for pending Transitional Security Arrangements related tasks.” In particular, thousands of forces that remain in cantonment sites and training centres are in dire need of food, medical supplies and other logistical support. In the training centres of Lologo and Pandit, where food shortages are particularly severe, commanders have warned of things going terribly wrong, if food is not delivered soon. In that regard, I wish to highlight the recent visits to some training centres by the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Defense Forces and others. They have given assurances to the trainees that food is on its way and that graduation will take place during this month of July. My expectation is that these tasks will proceed in a safe and timely manner, while allowing for the challenges presented by COVID-19 pandemic. I would also like to draw the attention of the Summit to the need for the establishment of the Special Reconstruction Fund, as per Article 3.2 of the Agreement.
As we evaluate the Transitional Period, we can see that even while allowing for the challenges of COVID-19, the implementation of the R-ARCSS is not keeping up with the expected pace, and that there are indicators for hard times ahead. In view of this and the above said, I would like to conclude with the following respectful recommendations. The Summit to:
a. urge for continued dialogue and trust-building among the Agreement Parties on all unresolved issues, including agreeing on the responsibility sharing at the State and local government levels, and the restructuring and reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature. Also, encourage the Parties to continue to observe the 35 percent representation of women at the executive level;
appealtothesignatoriesoftheRomeDeclarationtopursuethe Sant’Egidio peace process, including adherence to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of December 2017 and the Rome Declaration of January 2020;
urge the RTGoNU to make financial resources available for the completion of the Transitional Security Arrangements, including for the graduation and redeployment of forces, currently at the training centres; and for the DDR Commission to provide for those who will not qualify to be part of the Necessary Unified Forces;
urge the RTGoNU to prioritise tasks that can be effectively accomplished within the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic; and
urge the appropriate authorities to continue to investigate all cases of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and hold perpetrators accountable.
I thank you.
This statement is submitted to the RJMEC members electronically. Its delivery at the virtual monthly meeting has not been possible due to the challenges of COVID-19 and lack of virtual quorum.
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of RJMEC.
I would like to start by offering my apologies for the delay in holding this meeting. I am sure all of you will appreciate the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic which has led to the changes in how we are meeting today. It is far from ideal, and some RJMEC members may be absent – but we have done our best to ensure that as manymembers as possible are present. Even though RJMEC’s ways of doing things may be required to change for the time being, the pursuit of our mandate has not changed.
At the outset, I would like to offer my congratulations to those members promoted to high office in the RTGoNU — in particular His Excellency Hussein Abdelbagi, Vice President, Honourable Angelina Teny, Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs, and Honourable Stephen Par Kuol, Minister for Peacebuilding. We wish them all the best in their new roles, and I am sure they will all continue to collaborate with us for the good of the whole of South Sudan. On a sad note, I would like to again convey my condolences for the loss of Honourable John Luk Jok, former Minister for East African Affairs and a member of the National Constitutional Amendment Committee. His is a loss to all of us. May his soul rest in eternal peace. Furthermore, I would like to express sympathy to all those suffering the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and extend my condolences to those who have lost loved ones.
My statement today will highlight the status of implementation since our last monthly meeting, to include the critical Pre-Transitional tasks that remain outstanding. I will also report on developments in the implementation of the Transitional period tasks. My statement will update members on some current activities of the Secretariat, highlight some recurring issues, and I will then conclude with my recommendations on the way forward.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
I would like to begin by congratulating the Agreement Parties on the formation of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU). Though it was extended twice, the Pre-Transitional period ultimately transited into the Transitional Period. This was made possible by the relocation of opposition members to Juba, where they found a conducive environment in which to work freely. This is a success on the part of all the Parties.
As you may recall, the Presidency was sworn in on 22 February 2020, and the Council of Ministers was appointed on 16 March 2020. These are significant steps towards the full establishment of the RTGoNU in structure and composition, and it represents a momentous milestone for South Sudan, and one that holds much promise. Now that we are in the Transitional Period, it is time to deliver on that promise and begin the real work of building sustainable peace.
At the time the RTGoNU was formed, I met His Excellency Salva Kiir, the President of the Republic of South Sudan to congratulate him for his political leadership, provided during the peace process, and in particular, on the issue of the number of states and their boundaries. I also urged the President to continue working with the members of the Presidency in the spirit of collegiality, cooperation and compromise during the Transitional Period.
I also met with their Excellencies, the First Vice President and other Vice Presidents, following the formation of the RTGoNU. I discussed with them the remaining Pre- Transitional tasks, as well as the expectations linked to the implementation of the Transitional activities. I was able to expound on their unique roles as heads of the respective clusters and how this is integral to the successful implementation of the R-ARCSS.
During the period since we last met, I also held meetings with some Ministers, including those of Defence, Peacebuilding, and Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Throughout, I reiterated our commitment to deliver on our mandate, as RJMEC, and to work in collaboration with the RTGoNU.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
There are many issues to discuss today. In the run up to the crucial talks held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in February 2020, the most critical issues which held up the formation of the RTGoNU included, among others, the resolution of the number of States and their boundaries; ratification of and assent to the Constitutional Amendment Bill No. 6, 2020; restructuring and reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature (that is, the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and Council of States); and selection, screening, training and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF).
My expectation was that when the RTGoNU was formed, there would be collegiality, collaboration, consensus building and compromises between the Parties to the Agreement.Following the Parties’ failure to agree on the issue of responsibility sharing at the State and local government levels, Dr Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President and Chairperson of SPLM/A-IO, sought my intervention to assist the Parties to the R-ARCSS to break the deadlock, in line with Article. 7.11. Accordingly, I convened a consultative meeting of the representatives of the Parties to the R-ARCSS on 27 March 2020, but the Parties were still unable to agree on the way forward. As my recommendation for resolution in line with article 1.16.1 of the R-ARCSS was rejected, I formally referred the matter to the IGAD Heads of State and Government on 9 May 2020 for their guidance and urgent intervention.
In the meantime, on 18 June 2020, Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial, the Minister of Presidential Affairs announced that bi-lateral discussions between President Salva Kiir Mayardit and the First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar had resulted in agreement on the allocation of the states as follows. The former I-TGoNU shall nominate governors to the states of Unity, Eastern Equatoria, Warrap, Northern Bahr El Ghazal, Central Equatoria and Lakes. The SPLM/A-IO to Upper Nile, Western Bahr El Ghazal, and Western Equatoria; and SSOA to Jonglei. This is still not in conformity with Article 1.16.1 of R-ARCSS as the OPP are not allocated a state as per Article
Since the announcement, SSOA has expressed its disappointment at the lack of consultation and restated its preference to nominate a governor to Upper Nile State. However, the Secretary of SSOA later wrote a letter indicating concurrence with the responsibility sharing proposal. At the same time, a representative of the OPP, in a letter addressed to me, stressed that their party was not consulted, or included in negotiations and were waiting for a resolution as would be communicated by the Chairperson of IGAD.
My attention was drawn to the confusion arising from the membership of the OPP as provided in the R-ARCS. I, therefore, wish to make clarification as follows:
The OPP referenced in article is the same party to the R-ARCSS as provided for in article and not in article; which refers to the OPP in the ITGoNU; and
The OPP has six parties who are signatories to the R-ARCSS and they do not have a single leader (See page.78).
While the issue of the determination of the number of states and their boundaries has now been settled, several important issues remain unimplemented, and in the Transitional Period, they must be prioritised for completion. In particular, these are:
reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature, comprising the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States;
unification of forces, including their redeployment; and
DDR process for the former combatants.
Other important issues relate to adherence to the provisions of the R-ARCSS in making political appointments, with particular regard to the Undersecretary of Ministry of Petroleum, as well as alterations detected in the Constitutional Amendment Act No. 6, 2020 that was assented to by the President. I have formally drawn His Excellency President SalvaKiir’s attention to these matters. Furthermore, when the President appointed the membersof the Council of Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the RTGoNU, it was noted that the Parties did not adhere to the 35% mandatory provision for women participation in the Executive, as appointments to these bodies stood at 26% and 10% for the cabinet ministers and deputy ministers respectively and therefore not in conformity with articles 1.12.2 and 1.12.5 of the R-ARCSS. I urge all the Agreement Parties to be seized of this gender provision in the R-ARCSS.
As we enter the Transitional Period, the Permanent Ceasefire continues to hold, and this is a laudable achievement. However, it is sad to note that since the formation of the RTGoNU in particular, loss of life through rising incidences of inter-communal violence continues in various parts of the country. I believe that the final resolution of the issue of responsibility sharing at the state and local government levels, will go a long way in addressing the power vacuum in which these inter-communal clashes are taking place.
Of great concern is the escalation of fighting allegedly between the SSPDF and NAS as well as between SPLA-IO and NAS. The fighting is causing deaths and displacement of civilians at a time when communities are preoccupied with the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, CTSAMVM has not been able to verify and investigate these clashes due to the lack of communication with and access to NAS field commanders. I appeal to the Parties involved to stop fighting and pursue peace as per the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed in Addis Ababa in December 2017, and the Rome Declaration of January 2020.
On the unification of forces, this is one of the major uncompleted tasks carried forward from the Pre-Transitional Period. As reports from CTSAMVM indicate, many training centres and cantonment sites continue to endure difficult conditions, including insufficient food, medication, poor living conditions, and lack of separate facilities for women. As a result, there are reports that some sites and centres are being abandoned as personnel leave in search of the basics of life support. Furthermore, concerns surrounding the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic and the difficulties of access during the rainy season are exacerbating what is already a dire situation in many locations.
Following the Government’s decision to complete training, graduate and deploy all within 30 days as of 8 May 2020 (announced by the Joint Defence Board on 6 May), I am concerned that there appears to be no official plans released for graduation or redeployment yet. I also want to highlight that whilst some preliminary unification training has taken place at the training centres, it appears that no NUF training in accordance with the Joint Transitional Security Committee (JTSC) curricula has been conducted. Therefore, continuation of training programmes will need to be developed and conducted following redeployment, in accordance with the provisions of the Revitalised Peace Agreement.
Restrictions on movement and a lack of adequate funds and resources are making it particularly difficult for the DDR Commission to implement its plans at training centres and regional offices, and to establish transit centres for those personnel selected for the DDR process. The DDR Commission remains a crucial and integral part of the Transitional Security Arrangements and it is imperative that sufficient government funds are allocated at both national and regional levels to enable effective implementation at the earliest opportunity to ensure that those not selected or those combatants who volunteer for the DDR process are adequately catered for.
I am deeply concerned about reports of continued sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) including rape in some areas of the country. In its report on SGBV cases in Rubeke, Central Equatoria, released in May 2020, CTSAMVM confirmed that there have been multiple cases of SGBV, specifically rapes and gang rapes, committed in Rubeke on 13 February 2020 by soldiers from the Lasu-based SSPDF mobile force. I wish to remind the Parties that such acts are serious violations of the R-ARCSS, and I call on the SSPDF commanders to take appropriate action against the perpetrators. That said, I would like to commend the RTGoNU for the recent launching of a helpline for reporting cases of gender-based violence in an effort to fight against SGBV.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
Now for a look at some current activities of the RJMEC Secretariat. One important current activity of the Secretariat is the imminent reconstitution of the Working Committees as per Article 7.3 of the R-ARCSS and clause 9 of the RJMEC Terms of Reference. These thematic RJMEC Working Committees will interface with a combination of the RTGoNU Ministerial clusters and relevant line ministries as appropriate. The Working Committees will beRJMEC’s core platform to develop monitoring and evaluation indicators for each chapter,evaluate progress of implementation, assess capacity, identify gaps and recommend remedial steps towards effective implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement. I urge all members of RJMEC to participate in the Working Committees to the fullest, I would like to remind RJMEC members to respond to us on your participation, if not already done.
A second key current activity is the development of the R-ARCSS Transitional Period implementation matrix, which has been provided to the RJMEC members, as well as to the RTGoNU. I would like to remind the RJMEC members to offer their feedback on the implementation matrix to the Secretariat for it to be updated accordingly.
Thirdly, RJMEC is required by the R-ARCSS to hold a workshop of the Parties to agree on the modalities of the Permanent Constitution making process. This workshop was due to be held this month, June 2020. However, due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we now intend to hold the workshop later in 2020, subject to the Parties agreeing with the recommended timeline. In preparation for the workshop, RJMEC commissioned a comparative study on post-conflict constitution making processes to help highlight lessons for South Sudan. A copy of the report has been shared with RJMEC members.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
Now for a word on the humanitarian situation. Humanitarian access is limited owing to restrictions put in place by the COVID-19 High-Level Task Force, as well as persistent inter- communal violence particularly in Jonglei, Warrap, Unity and Lakes States. According to UNMISS, January to May 2020 has been the most violent period since the signing of the R- ARCSS with 415 violent incidents recorded, up from 129 during the same period in 2018. Furthermore, according to the International Organisation for Migration, during the period January to April 2020, a total of 80,000 persons were displaced due to inter-communal violence, compared to 85,000 displaced during the entire year of 2019. It is important to point out that within this scenario, the rights of women and girls were also violated. UNMISS records show that between January and March this year, at least 1,767 civilians were either killed, injured, abducted, or suffered sexual violence compared to 912 between the same period in 2019 with the majority of casualties arising from inter-communal violence.
The May 2020 killing of three humanitarian workers in Uror, Jonglei during inter-communal violence has brought the total number of humanitarian workers killed to four in 2020, which is a very sad situation. In general, there is an urgent need to remove conflict driven and bureaucratic constraints to humanitarian action and service delivery to ensure the flow and access of humanitarian goods and personnel to those in need.
The food security situation continues to look grim with 7 million people in South Sudan acutely food insecure. The situation is compounded by the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and flooding on livelihoods. In Bor, flash floods have already affected 54,000 people who now need humanitarian assistance. Whereas the number of spontaneous returnees has reduced due to travel restrictions instituted to curb the spread of the COVID- 19 pandemic, a growing concern is violence and criminality. Violent incidents in the Bentiu and Juba PoCs resulted in 178 injuries and the suspension of humanitarian operations to the sites.
The economic situation. It is inevitable that measures to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic through increased social distancing, has had high costs in South Sudan just as in other countries in terms of increased prices and contraction of economic activity. Reduced purchasing power is one of the factors contributing to food insecurity. Constraints on border crossings also reduce the supply of goods and create price pressures. The strongest direct impact comes through the need for resources and medical personnel to an underdeveloped health sector.
The strong decline in oil prices after the worldwide lockdown to contain the outbreak of COVID-19, is sharply reducing oil revenues available for financing the government budget. Net revenues per barrel of oil – that is, revenues after fee transfers to Sudan per barrel – have been in the range of USD 5-20 since early March, down from around USD 40 earlier this year. The negative developments in the oil price is expected to severely constrain the government’s ability to finance service delivery at present levels through revenues, let alonefinance measures to mitigate impacts of COVID-19, and to take on financial obligations related to implementation of the R-ARCSS. Lastly on the economy, I would like to commendthe Government’s establishment of the Public Financial Management (PFM) OversightCommittee, which met for the first time earlier this month. This helps to prioritise the implementation of PFM institutional reforms as set out in Chapter 4 of the Agreement.
Now for a word on transitional justice. Following the formation of the RTGoNU, Chapter 5 on Transitional Justice, Accountability, Reconciliation and Healing is now very important. Three mechanisms are to be formed in the Transitional Period. They are the Commission on Truth, Healing and Reconciliation (CTRH), the Hybrid Court for South Sudan (HCSS) and the Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA). These three mechanisms will also clearly have their mandates, jurisdictions, memberships and funding clearly defined by legislation. These legislations should be initiated through an open and transparent process where public participation is encouraged to help improve their content and legitimacy.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
31. Experience from the Pre-Transitional Period demonstrates that lack of predictable funds impedes the pace of progress of implementation of the Agreement, and is compounded by the low prioritisation of the most critical tasks. This led to doubts on political will and the lack of trust deficit. As we evaluate the Transitional Period, we can see that despite the Covid- 19 challenges the implementation of the R-ARCSS is not keeping up with the expected pace, and that there are indicators for hard times ahead. Therefore, we must redouble our efforts to assist the RTGoNU to implement the Agreement fully in letter and spirit. I therefore make my recommendations as follows:
The Agreement Parties should have improved dialogue among themselves to ensure the R-ARCSS is implemented in letter and spirit. Even if implementation of the letter is constrained by the current unprecedented circumstances, it is nonetheless possible to demonstrate a willing spirit. In that regard, I urge for continued dialogue among the Agreement Parties on all unresolved issues, including agreeing on the allocation of the States among them.
I appeal to the signatories of the Rome Declaration to pursue the St Egidio peace process, including adherence to the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of December 2017 and the Rome Declaration of January 2020;
I urge the RTGoNU to prioritise tasks that can be effectively accomplished within the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic;
All cases of SGBV to be investigated by the appropriate authorities and perpetrators held accountable;
The JDB to share publicly graduation and redeployment plans for the NUF as per article 2.3.1;
The RTGoNU to resolve the issue of political appointments, in particular that of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Petroleum, as well as rectification of the alterations in the Constitutional Amendment Act No. 6, 2020 and full adherence to the required levels of women representation in the RTGoNU. In addition, facilitate the DDR Commission to enable it to kick-start the DDR process for former combatants;
The leadership of the Agreement Parties to resolve all outstanding issues without delay, including the reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature; and
I appeal to the RTGoNU to institute programmes for relief, protection, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration of IDPs, as well as the provision of public services like health and education to ensure sustained and dignified returns. Furthermore, the establishment of the Special Reconstruction Fund, as per Article 3.2 of the Agreement.
Thank you.
Your Excellency, Chairperson of the IGAD Council of Ministers
- Excellencies, Members of the Council
- Your Excellency, IGAD Executive Secretary
- Your Excellency, IGAD Special Envoy to South Sudan
- Honourable Ministers,
- Excellencies,
- Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is an honour to present to the Council my report on the status of implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). This report builds on the briefing I made to the members of the 70thExtraordinary Session of the IGAD Council of Ministers held on 8th February 2020 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
My report highlights the prevailing political, security, humanitarian and economic situation in South Sudan as well as the status of the implementation of the R-ARCSS and concludes with recommendations.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Council may recall that in my last briefing, I informed of the outstanding Pre- Transitional tasks critical for laying a firm foundation for the formation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU). These included, among others, the resolution of the number of States and their boundaries; allocation of ministerial and deputy ministerial portfolios to the Parties to the Agreement; ratification of and assent to the Constitutional Amendment Bill (No. 6) 2020; restructuring and reconstitution of the Transitional National Legislature (i.e. the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States); and selection, screening, training and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF).
On the issue of the number of States, this matter was resolved when President Salva Kiir Mayardit returned the country to ten (10) States and communicated this formally to the Chairperson of IGAD. While announcing this critical decision on 15th February 2020, President Salva Kiir Mayardit also named three administrative areas in the Republic of South Sudan as Abyei Administrative Area (AAA), Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) and Ruweng Administrative Area (RAA).
In addition, the President assented to the Constitutional Amendment Bill (No. 6) 2020 on 19th February 2020. The RTGoNU was established on 22nd February 2020 with the swearing in of the First Vice President and the Four Vice Presidents.
On 12th March 2020, the President appointed the members of the Council of Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the RTGoNU. However, the Parties did not adhere to the 35% mandatory provision for women participation in the Executive as these appointments stood at only 26% and 10% respectively. I have urged that the Incumbent TGoNU and SPLM/A-IO rectify this violation in line with articles 1.12.2 and 1.12.5 of the R-ARCSS, and all the Parties adhere to the 35% provision in their future nominations.
The Council will appreciate that the formation of the RTGoNU and its Council ofMinisters are significant steps towards full establishment of the RTGoNU’s structure andcomposition. It is, however, regrettable that delays have persisted in the restructuring and reconstitution of the TNLA and the Council of States, and agreement between the Parties on the responsibility sharing at the State and Local Government levels.
The Parties to the R-ARCSS have tried to address the issue of responsibility sharing at the State and Local Government levels in recent weeks, including the three Administrative Areas, through inter-party consultations. Unfortunately, they have failed to agree on the way forward. Consequently, Dr Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President and Chairperson of the SPLM/A-IO, sought my intervention to assist the Parties break the deadlock, in line with article 7.11 of the R-ARCSS.
I convened a consultative meeting of the representatives of the Parties to the R-ARCSS on 27th March 2020 in an attempt to break the deadlock on responsibility sharing at the State and Local Government levels. The Parties, however, failed to agree on the way forward. I have also continued to engage with the top leadership of the Agreement Parties in a bid to find a solution. I made a proposal to the Agreement Parties as per article 1.16.1 of the R-ARCSS, but to date, there is still no positive outcome on this matter to report to the Council.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
On the legislative reforms as provided for in the R-ARCSS, the NCAC has continued to work on the review and amendments of the economic and financial sector laws in order to strengthen fiscal responsibility, accountability and control in the management of public funds. The laws under review include the Public Financial Management and Accountability Act, 2011 and the National Audit Chamber Act, 2011. The Committee has received and reviewed submissions to both laws from the key institutions, and the process is at an advanced stage. The reviews of the Petroleum Revenue Management Act 2012 and the Petroleum Act, 2012 have also begun.
TheNCACisalsomandatedtoreceivealistofnomineesfromtheAgreementPartiesto be appointed members of the reconstituted TNLA as per articles 1.14.2 and of the Agreement. The R-ARCSS stipulates that the duration and term of the TNLA shall run concurrently with that of the RTGoNU with effect from the commencement of the Transitional Period. I wrote to the Agreement Parties about their obligation under the R-ARCSS to submit the list of their nominees to the NCAC. Yet, to date, the NCAC has only received the list of nominees from the Former Detainees (FDs). I have therefore written again to the leadership of the Parties reminding them of the urgency to submit their nominees to the NCAC.
There is concern arising from the alterations detected by the NCAC in the Constitutional Amendment Act (No. 6) 2020, which appear to have been made after the NCAC submitted the Constitutional Amendment Bill (No. 6) 2020 to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of the ITGoNU. The Act, which was assented to by H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan on 19th February 2020, is different in substance from the Bill that the NCAC submitted to the ITGoNU. Accordingly, I have brought this matter to the attention of the President for rectification.
The SPLM/A-IO leadership raised concerns with me on the procedures used for recent political appointments made by the President for the various office holders, including: the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Petroleum vide Decree No. 37/2020 dated March 13, 2020; six (06) Ambassadors vide Decree No. 28/2020 dated 26 February 2020 and Decree No. 30/2020 dated 27 February 2020; the Governor and two (02) Deputy Governors of the Bank of South Sudan vide Decree No. 09/2020 dated 22 January 2020 and Decree No. 39/2020 dated 25 March 2020, which are perceived to be inconsistent with the provisions of the R-ARCSS. I have raised these concerns with H.E. the President and also indicated the procedures required by the R-ARCSS for the various appointments and I am still awaiting further response.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Concerning the general security situation in the country, the Permanent Ceasefire has continued to hold due to the Agreement Parties adhering to the provisions of the R- ARCSS. Fighting in Maiwut between the SPLA-IO forces allied to SSPDF and the SPLA- IO forces allied to Dr Riek Machar was resolved through a Reconciliation Committee agreement on 11th February 2020. However, there are concerns that the same parties to the conflict renewed clashes in Maiwut and Jakou areas in early April. Furthermore, there are reports of new abductions in some parts of the Equatorias despite signing of the Rome Declaration.
There are also concerns of reports of intermittent violent inter-communal clashes in several States and the Abyei Administrative Area. This violence is partly attributed to the leadership vacuum as a result of delays in the appointment of Governors in the respective States.
On the status of implementation of the Transitional Security Arrangements, there are about 78,500 security personnel currently registered at the various cantonment sites, barracks and training centres. According to CTSAMVM reports, about 35,000 combatants still remain in cantonment sites and about 45,500 personnel, with 3,612 being women, are in various training centres. Screening and training of the NUF and the VIP Protection Forces are yet to be completed.
There are various challenges reported at cantonment sites and training centres. These include: insufficient food supply; lack of medicines; poor sanitary conditions; and lack of separate facilities and dignity kits for female trainees and dependents at the centres. The recent announcement by the RTGoNU of the establishment of a Transitional Committee for Coordination of the Implementation of Security Arrangements is a positive indication that the RTGoNU will focus on and complete the pending security tasks. Despite the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and its challenges, training of NUF continues albeit with restricted access to the training centres.
The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Commission is undertaking an assessment of the ex-combatants currently being screened out from the training process, and has registered about 14 000. The Commission has also conducted regional visits and discussed the establishment of 8 DDR transit sites across the country with respective local authorities. The Commission has also completed the drafting of a revised DDR Strategic Plan and Programme. However, the DDR Commission continues to face various challenges, including lack of funding and inadequate coordination with other Transitional Security Institutions and Mechanisms.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Concerning the humanitarian situation, the UNOCHA’s March 2020 Snapshot estimates that 7.5 million people in South Sudan are in need of humanitarian assistance and 6 million are reported to be severely food insecure. A decline in funding, and the continuing inter-communal violence in Abyei, Lakes, Jonglei and Warrap States have led to a reduced humanitarian footprint in the areas of need. Further, the locusts’ invasion in the Equatoria and Lakes regions coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic will affect food production.
Furthermore, about 600,000 refugees and internally displaced persons have spontaneously returned home since the signing of the R-ARCSS. Most of the displaced persons and refugees, however, are not yet confident enough to voluntarily return home despite the general improvement in the security situation in the country owing to the lack of basic services in the areas of return. The spontaneous returns have now been hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
On the economy, the recent collapse of the oil prices, reflecting the global economic downturn relating to the recent COVID-19 pandemic has led to a drastic decline in oil revenues. South Sudan’s oil revenues were budgeted at around US $ 55 per barrel forthe current budget year, but at the end of March, the price of oil fell to less than US $ 25. If the loss of oil revenues persists, then budgeting will become very challenging.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Theemergingglobalhealthchallengesnotwithstanding,theRJMECisreconstitutingthe six thematic RJMEC Working Committees in the coming days, as per Article 7.3 of the R-ARCSS and Clause 9 of the RJMEC Terms of Reference. These Working Committees will interface with a combination of the RTGoNU Ministerial clusters and relevant lineministries. The Working Committees will be RJMEC’s core platform to developmonitoring and evaluation indicators for each chapter, evaluate progress of implementation, assess capacity, identify gaps and recommend remedial steps towards effective implementation of the R-ARCSS.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before I conclude, I have the following observations to make regarding the overall implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. The pace of implementation has slowed markedly due to a number of impediments that include, among others, the following:
the low level of trust and confidence and the spirit of collegial leadership is lacking resulting in the absence of political reconciliation between the Parties to implement the R-ARCSS in letter and spirit;
unjustifiable delays to implement outstanding tasks of the R-ARCSS due to deliberate action by some Parties to the Agreement, including the failure to nominate members to the TNLA and to compromise on responsibility sharing at the State and Local Government levels;
violations of the R-ARCSS, including (i) the alterations made to Constitutional Amendment Bill (No.6) 2020 after it was submitted to the ITGoNU by the NCAC; (ii) the failure of the Parties to adhere to the 35% provision for women participation in the Executive of the RTGoNU; and (iii) the political appointments undertaken after the formation of the RTGoNU that are inconsistent with the provisions of the R-ARCSS;
defections of some members of the security forces from one group to the other at the time when the process of unification of forces is ongoing; and
impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
As a consequence, these issues are undermining the effective implementation of the R- ARCSS. The Council, therefore, needs to pay attention to them so that the challenges are rectified.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to conclude with the following recommendations.
1. The Council to:prevail on the Parties to expedite the implementation of the outstanding tasks of the R-ARCSS, which were carried over from the Pre-Transitional Period;
urge the RTGoNU to rectify the alterations made to the Constitutional Amendment Bill (No.6) 2020;
encourage the Agreement Parties to address the shortfall of the 35% provision for women participation in the Executive of the RTGoNU;
prevail on the Agreement Parties to amicably and expeditiously resolve the deadlock on responsibility sharing at the State and Local Government levels;
appeal to all Agreement Parties to adhere to the timelines of implementation of activities of the Transitional Period;
urge the Agreement Parties who have not yet submitted their lists of nominees for the TNLA to the NCAC to do so without further delay;
appeal to the Regional Guarantors, International Partners and Friends of South Sudan to provide the requisite support for the implementation of the R-ARCSS;
encourage the Presidency to enhance collegial collaboration and continuous consultations;
urge the RTGoNU to put in place progammes for the voluntary, safe and dignified return and resettlement of displaced persons and refugees; and
continue to adhere to the IGAD Declaration on the COVID-19 Pandemic in order to mitigate the threat posed to the population.
26. Finally, I wish to reassure the Council that the RJMEC remains fully committed to discharge its mandate in the face of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
I thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
1. I wish to start my statement by expressing profound sorrow at the passing on of H.E Chris Mburu the Kenyan ambassador to South Sudan, on Sunday 16thFebruary. On behalf of RJMEC, I wish to extend our condolences to his family, friends, the government and people of the Republic of Kenya. The RJMEC family has indeed lost an exemplary member, who devoted his time supporting the RJMEC in the discharge of its mandate. Wewill dearly miss him.
2. I would like to commend H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit President of the Republic of South Sudan for the compromise he made on the 15thof February to revert the number of States to 10 as outlined in his letter to IGAD dated 15thFebruary 2020. In that regard, I applaud the leadership of IGAD and the regional Special Envoys for the role they played in helping the Parties to break the deadlock on the number and boundaries of states. I urge the people of South Sudan, to welcome this decision, which will allow the formation of the RTGoNU in a timely manner and on a solid foundation.
3. I further commend the Transitional National Legislative Assembly for ratifying the Constitutional Amendments Bill No. 6 (2020) as amended, and I am pleased to report that it has already been assented to by the President of the Republic of South Sudan. The Amended Constitution now provides the legal basis for the formation of the RTGoNU.
4. The 100 days extension of the Pre-Transitional period ends on the 21stof February, and this meeting is the final opportunity to truly take stock of the status of implementation. At our last meeting, I informed you of my concern that two critical Pre-Transitional tasks were still outstanding i.e. the number of states and their boundaries as well as the training and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces. I am pleased to report that with the issue of the number of states and their boundaries resolved, we are now left with that of the unification of forces.
5. In my statement today, I will highlight the status of implementation of the pending Pre-Transitional tasks, since our last monthly meeting, relating to the security arrangements, outline some recurring issues, and I will then conclude with my recommendations on the way forward.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
6. Firstly, on the unification of forces, CTSAMVM reports that significant progress has been made in moving personnel to the designated Training Centres, where at least 40,000 troops are currently assembled. Preliminary training activities are ongoing. So too is screening, which I witnessed recently in Rajaf Training Centre. Furthermore, at the Gorom training centre, I witnessed the assembly of 3339 trainees for the VIP Protection Force. However,training in accordance with the unification module is yet to start. JTSC should release this training module with immediate effect.
7. The unification process has been impeded by challenges including insufficient food, vehicles, medicines, shelter, and storage for food and weapons, and the lack of resources to cater for the special needs of female combatants and instructors. That said, I understand conditions across all the Training Centres are changing for the better. I expect to hear shortly from the JTSC on the status of screening and training, and in particular, I would like to hear when the training will commence in conformity with the unification module.
8. It is worth pointing out that overall, I found the morale and discipline among the trainees to be commendably high, in contrast to the conditions and the challenges at the training centres, which I mentioned earlier. Provision of basic needs such as clean water, soap, dignity packs, and the digging of pit latrines would go a long way towards improving the overall health and wellbeing of the trainees. I urge the mechanisms responsible to address these challenges.
9. I am also concerned that cantonment sites may be closed or abandoned prior to the DDR transit sites being established. There must be a plan in place to deal with those personnel who fail to pass screening, those who do not complete training, or elect to go for reintegration into their communities. At this stage it is not clear how this is going to be managed. I expect to receive an update from the JDB and the DDR Commission in this regard.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
10. While I am pleased to note that the permanent ceasefire continues to hold across the country, I am concerned about the occupation of 22 civilian buildings by the government forces. In that regard, I have written to the Chief of Defense Forces of the SSPDF reminding him that this is a violation of the R-ARCSS and requested him to ensure that all the occupied civilian buildings are vacated immediately. I expect to hear from the CDF at this meeting about his efforts to comply with this requirement.
11. As many of us may know, there have been discussions in Rome under the auspices of the Sant’Egidio organisation with a view to bring the hold-out groups into the peace process. It was agreed at the most recent Rome meeting to allow the South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) to become a member of CTSAMVM and to continue political dialogue under the auspices of Sant’Egidio and IGAD.We should welcome this development.
12. I am pleased to say that the issue of Maiwut clashes has now been resolved, with the Parties to the conflict agreeing to a permanent ceasefire and committing to a peaceful resolution. CTSAMVM is however verifying details of violations during the conflict and will submit a report to IGAD and to RJMEC in due course.
13. In my address to the Council of Ministers on the 8thof February, I appealed that the region, the international community, Partners and Friends of South Sudan speak with one voice in support of the peace process in South Sudan. I am pleased to see that this call was heeded in the IGAD Heads of State and Government communiqué of 9thFebruary, and I urge all of us to take this appeal seriously.
14. Finally, it is clear that all must prepare for the formation of R-TGoNU. Accordingly, I would like to highlight the fact that in addition to the unification of forces mentioned previously, the following important Pre-Transitional tasks, have not yet been completed.
a) enactment by the TNLA of the security laws;
b) submission of the Parties nominees for the Transitional National Legislative Assembly to the NCAC; and
c) allocation of ministerial portfolios to the various Parties.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
15. On the 18thof February, I and the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan, Amb Wais, were invited to Khartoum by IGAD Chairperson for consultations. We had the opportunity to discuss recent developments in the implementation of the R-ARCSS, and the current situation and necessary preparatory steps towards the formation of the RTGoNU.
16. I can report that:
a. Sudan as the IGAD Chair is fully seized of the situation in South Sudan and is discussing with other IGAD leaders on necessary steps to support the immediate formation of RTGoNU;
b. The President of Sudan has promised to continue supporting the implementation of the Peace Agreement; and
c. The Chairman and the other IGAD leaders are in the process of preparing a roadmap towards the formation of the RTGoNU. The proposed roadmap will highlight key tasks, and necessary steps towards the formation of the RTGoNU as provided for in the Agreement. We hope to receive this roadmap as soon as it is ready.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
17. I would like to close with my recommendations for the way forward.
a) that the unification of forces continues, with particular emphasis on expediting screening, training and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces;
b) ensure that the administration for trainees and logistics support to the training centres is improved;
c) that the DDR Commission is empowered and funded so as to effectively deliver on its mandate;
d) that the Government of the Republic of South Sudanprovide the necessary funding to the Security Mechanisms, to enable continued progress in the unification of forces, subject to the principles of transparency and accountability;
e) that the international community, Partners and Friends of South Sudan continue to support the full implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement; and
f) that the region, the international community, Partners and Friends of South Sudan speak with one voice in support of the peace process.
18. In closing, and as we are approaching the date for the establishment of the RTGoNU, I call on the Parties to capitalise on the gains made since the signing of the R-ARCSS on the 12thSeptember 2018, and continue to build towards a lasting and sustainable peace in South Sudan.
19. I wish you fruitful deliberations.
Thank you.
Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council; Commissioner of Peace and Security;
Your Excellencies Permanent Representatives; Excellencies;
Ladies and Gentlemen. Your Excellency,
Let me start by wishing this Council a happy New Year.
It is my honour, as the Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC), to address this Council today.
My briefing to this Council today builds on the one I delivered on the 14th of November 2019 and will focus on the status of implementation of the Pre-Transitional tasks of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, highlighting challenges, my observations, and then I will conclude with recommendations.
Your Excellency, you will recall that during my last briefing to this Council, I stated that while some progress had been made in the implementation of the pre-transitional tasks of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, a lot of work still remained to be done in order to achieve its full implementation. Indeed, that had been my message when I addressed this Council in October 2019, and unfortunately, this is
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still my message today despite mobilization of troops to cantonment sites and training centres.
Your Excellency,
There are two critical pending tasks whose implementation is necessary for the formation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) on a solid foundation. They are the unification of forces and the resolution of the outstanding issue of the number of states and their boundaries. I would like to take this opportunity to update you on these two issues.
Firstly, the unification of forces. I am encouraged that thousands of troops have reported to designated training centres, having been transported from cantonment sites. The joint training necessary to harmonise the combatants with the other organized troops as per the curriculum agreed on, is yet to begin. There are however preliminary training activities ongoing in some training centres while awaiting screening of all the forces, to enable the formal joint training of unified forces.
Secondly, the issue of the number of states and their boundaries remains outstanding despite several efforts to resolve it. As per the directive of the IGAD Council of Ministers, the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan convened two rounds of meetings in December 2019 and January this year. H.E. David Mabuza, the Deputy PresidenT of the Republic of South Africa, and the Regional Special Envoys facilitated these meetings. The second meeting adjourned on the 16thof January this year with a proposal to the Parties to consider the establishment of an Arbitration Committee to settle the matter. All the Parties were given a week to deliberate on the proposal.
Your Excellency,
There are some other concerns worthy of mention. Firstly, although it is encouraging to note that the Permanent Ceasefire continues to hold, there have been violations of this Ceasefire in the area of Maiwut, in the Upper Nile area of South Sudan, caused by defection and change of loyalty by a commander of the SPLM/A-IO forces. The acceptance of this defection by the Government caused troops loyal to the defecting commander to clash with SPLM/A-IO forces loyal to Dr. Riek Machar. These clashes resulted in the loss of lives and displacement of civilian population, hence a violation of the Permanent Ceasefire. I understand that the SSPDF and SPLM/A-IO leadership have taken steps to address the situation in Maiwut.
The second area of concern is the slow pace of implementation of the pre-transitional tasks due to delayed funding and the lack of effective coordination between the Agreement implementing Mechanisms.
Funds were not availed to the implementing mechanisms until the 17th of December 2019, 35 days into the 100 days extension.
Furthermore, despite being jointly facilitated with an implementation workshop by the IGAD, AU and RJMEC, the implementing Agreement Mechanisms have not performed as expected.
Your Excellency,
11. In closing, and in view of the above, I would like to offer the following recommendations:
a) that the Council appeals to the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to continue providing the funds necessary for the implementation of the outstanding Pre-Transitional tasks;
b) that the Council urges the leaders of the Parties to the Agreement to ensure that implementation of the outstanding Pre-Transitional tasks is expedited to enable the RTGoNU to be formed in a timely manner;
c) that the Council appeals to the Government and the Parties to the Agreement to compromise in order to resolve the outstanding issue of the number of states and their boundaries to enable the formation of the RTGoNU on a solid foundation;
d) that the Council further appeals to the international community, Partners and Friends of South Sudan to continue supporting the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement; and
e) lastly, the Council remains seized with the matter.
I thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
1. Let me start by wishing all of you a Happy New Year, and I am sure you will join me in hoping that this will be the year that will herald lasting peace for the people of South Sudan. Before proceeding, I would like to make a few points. Firstly, I would like to inform you that the latest RJMEC Quarterly Report for the fourth quarter of 2019, is now ready, and a copy will be provided to you today. Next, I would like to welcome the new CTSAMVM Chairperson, Major General Teshome Gemechu Aderie, and in the same vein, I would like to appreciate the contribution of his predecessor, Major General Desta, as well as congratulate him on his recent promotion to Lt. General. I wish him all the best in his future endeavours. On a sad note, I wish on the behalf of the RJMEC members, to offer our condolences to the family and friends of the Honourable Steward Sorobo Budia, a signatory to the Agreement for the United Democratic Party, who passed on recently.
2. As all of us are aware, we have passed the 50 days mark of the 100 days extension, and in fact, today we are only 30 days away from the expiry of the 100 days extension. As you may recall in the last RJMEC updated status of implementation of agreed Pre-Transitional tasks, we highlighted the ten critical Pre-Transitional tasks that were outstanding, in addition to the issue of the number of states and their boundaries. I am concerned that with only 30 days left, these same Pre-Transitional tasks are still outstanding.
3. In my statement today, I will highlight the status of implementation of the critical Pre-Transitional tasks since our last monthly meeting, highlight some recurring issues, and I will then conclude with my recommendations on the way forward.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
4. As has been clear throughout the statements I have made to this and other meetings, there are two critical pending tasks necessary for the formation of the R-TGoNU on a solid foundation. They are the unification of forces, and the issue of the number of states and their boundaries.
5. Firstly, the unification of forces. There have been thousands of troops reporting to training centres, having been transported from cantonment sites. The JTSC will provide a clearer picture in its report shortly. However, I am concerned that the screening of forces has not started yet, even though the screening teams are reported to be ready to begin. Of course, no training can take place before screening, and the more it is delayed, the more the time that will be lost in beginning the training of the Necessary Unified Forces (NUF). I therefore urge the Joint Defence Board (JDB) to ensure that the screening, selection and training of forces starts immediately in consultation with the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission.
6. With regard to observation of the Permanent Ceasefire, I would like to express my concern regarding the developments in Maiwut. The reported loss of life and displacement of the civilian population are unacceptable. I understand that the SSPDF and SPLM/A-IO have taken steps to address the situation. CTSAMVM will give further details in its report. In addition, I call on the concerned parties to cease all hostilities, and to fully observe the Permanent Ceasefire. I also urge the authorities to take steps to ensure the protection of the civilian population.
7. Furthermore, I remain concerned by the continued occupation of civilian centres contrary to Article of the R-ARCSS. This is an issue that should be straightforward to resolve, but it continues to come up. CTSAMVM’s recent report shows that in the last month, buildings in two schools have been occupied by the SSPDF. This makes a total of 25 occupied buildings, of which 24 are by the SSPDF and 1 by SPLM/A-IO. I would like to ask the JDB to explain why this continues to be an issue.
8. Secondly, the issue of the number of states and their boundaries remains outstanding despite several efforts to resolve it. Following the directive of the IGAD Council of Ministers at its 69thExtra-Ordinary session[1], the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan convened two rounds of meetings facilitated by H.E. David Mabuza, the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, and the Regional Special Envoys. The meetings adjourned last week with a proposal for the establishment of an Arbitration Committee to settle the matter, and the Parties were given a week to deliberate on the proposal. I wish to commend H.E. David Mabuza and the Special Envoys for their efforts thus far, and I encourage them to continue engaging the Parties. As RJMEC Chair, I appeal to the leadership of the Parties to compromise and take all necessary steps to arrive at a consensual and pragmatic political solution.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
9. Overall, my observation is that the optimism that the Security Mechanisms expressed at the last monthly meeting has not been matched by their performance in implementation since then. All of them have fallen behind the timelines of their action plans. Despite the commitment by the Security Mechanisms to coordinate their activities more closely, this still has not happened. I urge the JDB to remedy the situation as soon as possible. I also expect that the implementation will be fast-tracked in the remaining 30 days. It is also essential that additional funds be provided, and that the requirements of accountability and transparency are observed.
10. I am encouraged by reports of continuing in-kind support being extended by some partners. In this regard, I would like to thank the governments of Japan and China for their most recent donations. That said, I remain concerned with the very slow distribution of these donations from Juba to the designated cantonment sites and training centres. I urge the NPTC to ensure the immediate distribution of all the in-kind donations to the designated sites, and to clear up any confusion about roles and responsibilities in this regard. I once again appeal for more support for the implementation of the Agreement.
11. On the engagement with the hold-out groups in the peace process, I was pleased to learn of the Sant’Egidio-facilitated meeting in Rome and the resulting declaration on the cessation of hostilities and commitment to dialogue. I welcome this development, and appeal to IGAD and the Parties to embrace this process.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
12. In view of the above, my recommendations are as follows.
a) The mid-term review of the 100 days extension to be immediately conducted by the Guarantors to assess the status of implementation of the security-related critical Pre-Transitional tasks, to determine the way forward;
b) The Security Mechanisms to enhance their cooperation and take steps to expedite and concurrently implement the pending tasks of screening, selection and training of the NUF;
c) The leadership of the Parties to demonstrate the spirit of compromise and press for a timely political resolution of the issue of the number of states and their boundaries;
d) More funding be availed to the Security Mechanisms to enable progress of the unification of forces, while observing the requirements of accountability and transparency;
e) In-kind support stored in Juba to be transported to the cantonment sites and training centres according to the needs, and to that end, I recommend that the JDB be tasked with delivering these resources; and
f) All occupied civilian buildings to be vacated without exception.
13. Finally, I had written to the Mechanisms directing them to focus their reports specifically on the progress of the implementation of the activities planned to be executed during the 100 days extension, challenges faced, and the way forward in addressing the remaining tasks. I therefore expect this meeting to carefully consider the reports of the Mechanisms, review the progress made, and provide guidance on the way forward.
14. I wish you fruitful deliberations.
Thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
1. I welcome all of you to the 12th RJMEC meeting. As you are all aware, there has been a change in the Chairmanship of IGAD, and I would like to take this early opportunity to congratulate the Republic of Sudan on the assumption of the Chairmanship. I wish the people and the government every success in the discharge of this responsibility. I would also like to join the IGAD Heads of State and Government in appreciating and thanking the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the pivotal role it played in steering and spearheading the work of IGAD as the Chair for over a decade.
2. I also congratulate H.E. Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu on his appointment as the new Executive Secretary of IGAD, and sincerely thank H.E. Ambassador Mahboub Maalim, the former Executive Secretary of IGAD, for his services to the region.
3. Now to the business at hand. It is only three weeks ago since we last met, but such is the importance of this current period in the implementation of the R-ARCSS that it is imperative for us to meet and take stock sooner rather than later. This is also the last time we will meet before the mid-term review, a point that represents the half-way mark of the 100 days extension period that began on 12thNovember 2019. This is going to be our last meeting of the year 2019. It is deeply regrettable that implementation of the activities of the Pre-Transitional period have failed to live up to expectation.
4. My statement will highlight the situation regarding implementation since our last monthly meeting. I will then conclude with my recommendations on the way forward.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
5. As I made it clear in my previous public statements, including to this meeting, to the IGAD Council of Ministers and to the African Union Peace and Security Council, that there are two key pending issues critical to the successful implementation of the Pre-Transitional activities and the establishment of the RTGoNU on a solid foundation. These are the unification of necessary forces and the resolution of the number of States and their boundaries. I continue to say that their timely implementation requires political will, leadership and predictable release of the necessary funding.
6. Firstly, on funding; I am informed that the mechanisms received some funds on Friday 13thDecember, and this is welcome. I request the NPTC to explain the criteria of the allocations to the mechanisms. I note, however, that as a consequence of this late release of funds, a lot of time has already been lost and there is no significant progress as yet in the implementation of the critical pending Pre-Transitional tasks that I can mention today. This, of course, is very disappointing. However, as RJMEC Chair, I am still confident that the mechanisms will make significant progress within the remaining 65 days.
7. I am aware that the NPTC has allocated some funds to support the representatives of the Agreement Parties within the RJMEC, which is welcome. It is my expectation that the government will continue to release funds in a timely manner to the NPTC throughout the extension period. Furthermore, I also expect that the issues of accountability and transparency will be addressed.
8. Secondly, the unification of forces. As a result of the delay in the disbursement of funds, I must state that there has not been any meaningful progress to report on. To be specific, no screening, no selection and no training has taken place. In my last statement, I recommended that food and supplies, including the in-kind support stored in Juba, be sent to cantonment sites, and I would like the JMCC to report on whether this has been done.
9. Following on from last month’s security workshop, some planning has been taking place, and I understand that the refined plans of action that each mechanism developed were submitted to the NPTC. These were to be reviewed and consolidated, and I would request the NPTC to present the integrated plan.
10. The weekly coordination meetings of the mechanisms and the NPTC, that were agreed on at the security workshop have not been taking place, and I would like to know why? Despite my repeated appeal, 25 civilian centres continue to be occupied by the forces, 24 by the SSPDF, and 1 by the SPLM/A-IO. I expect CTSAMVM to give further details in its report.
11. Thirdly, the issue of the number of states and their boundaries. I was pleased that the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan convened a meeting of the Parties to resolve the issue of the number of states and their boundaries. This meeting was held over a three-day period in Juba from 2nd – 4th December 2019. I wish to commend H.E. David Mabuza, the Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, for demonstrating leadership as he chaired the meeting. I also appreciate the input of H.E. Stephen Kolonzo Musyoka of Kenya. The meeting narrowed the gaps between the positions of the Parties, and paved the way for possible compromise. I look forward to its reconvening in the near future. I urge the leadership of the Parties to expedite their deliberations on this matter and reach a compromise.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
12. As you may recall, the Tripartite summit in Entebbe, Uganda, agreed on a mechanism to help expedite the implementation of the security arrangements of the Pre-Transitional period. This mechanism is now referred to as the Security Supervision Mechanism (SSM). Its Terms of Reference are ready, and have been submitted for approval by the Guarantors. I would kindly ask the IGAD Special Envoy’s Representative to this meeting to update us on the mechanism’s progress to date, including the modalities of how it will function and its plans for conducting the mid-term review.
13. I welcome the visit of Dr Riek Machar to Juba which began last week, and the meetings he held with H.E. Salva Kiir, President of the Republic of South Sudan, and other stakeholders. Dr Machar’s presence in Juba contributes in progressing the implementation of the Agreement, especially in resolving outstanding issues and on building further confidence amongst the Parties. I call upon the key principals to the Agreement to continue their engagement to ensure that progress is made.
14. On the humanitarian situation, as you are aware there has been flooding in many parts of the country, leading to the loss of life and property. I therefore want to offer my sympathies to those affected by the flooding, and I appeal for urgent humanitarian assistance.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
15. We now have only 65 days left of the 100 days extension. Time has been lost for various reasons, including delay in funding. Much work remains to be done. In view of this, my recommendations are as follows:
a) Despite having received the funds as late as last Friday, 13thDecember, I expect the mechanisms to immediately embark on their action plans and fast-track implementation;
b) I urge the mechanisms to coordinate effectively amongst themselves, and to prioritise the screening and selection of forces for training, and to ensure the delivery of food and supplies to cantonment sites and training centres;
c) The Security Supervision Mechanism to commence its work and closely coordinate with the NPTC, the Office of the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan, RJMEC and CTSAMVM;
d) All security mechanisms, including the DDR Commission, should adhere to their refined action plans, and the NPTC should coordinate the mechanisms for effective implementation;
e) The mechanisms should implement their activities giving due consideration to accountability and transparency;
f) The IGAD Special Envoy to pursue the issue of the number of States and boundaries as a priority, and to remain seized of all the other outstanding issues, including urgently engaging the hold-out groups; and
g) I urge the Parties to compromise in resolving the number of States and their boundaries, and to cooperate fully in the unification of forces, so that the RTGoNU is established on a solid foundation and in a timely manner.
16. In closing, I would like to underline that with the funds now availed to the mechanisms, they must immediately embark on their priority tasks and accomplish as much as possible within the remaining 65 days.
17. I wish you fruitful deliberations on the way forward.
Thank you.